Quilt Index Copyright Statement

Unless otherwise noted the copyright in all art works, images, text, audio, or video depicted in this web site remain with their individual artists, authors, or creators. Contributing partners retain copyright to their contributions, and agree to permanently license contributions to the Quilt Index, for educational purposes within the context of the Quilt Index. Reproduction, duplication, transmission, or commercial exploitation of such copyrighted materials are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaties. Materials licensed to the Quilt Index may only be reused in the context of the Quilt Index, by attribution and only for non-commercial, educational purposes. (To assist in project evaluation, please inform Quilt Index staff of such uses by email.) Those wishing to use images or information found in the Quilt Index in any other way should contact the Quilt Index or the contributing institution, (see Contacts).

Correction and Take-Down Policy

The Quilt Index is a digital project that preserves and provides free online access to a wide range of resources on quilts and quiltmaking, for public and educational uses. Digital content is contributed by organizations and individuals ("Contributors") for access via the Quilt Index website in accordance with the Quilt Index Copyright Statement (above). Contributors retain the rights to their original contributions. In the case of a concern regarding content accuracy or rights for a digital resource available via the Quilt Index, please submit a request via the Quilt Index contact form. Please include a description of the concern, the submitter's relation to the resource, and a link to the item on the website. The concern will be reviewed by Quilt Index staff and forwarded to the Contributor. Staff will make every effort to address the concern in a timely way. If necessary, any record (including both image and metadata) can be removed from public viewing by a project administrator or by the content contributor until such concern is addressed.