Chintz Quilt Panels

The panels were printed in England and used by British quiltmakers as early as 1810, but American quiltmakers did not use them until about 1830. For American quiltmakers, the panels served as a ready source of designs to cut out for broderie perse (or chintz appliqué). The British quiltmakers kept the panels intact and usually placed them square in the center of a quilt top, creating the traditional frame format of British quilts. American quilters preferred by far the center medallion format using a large panel in the center surrounded by smaller side panels. The Quilt Index includes both American and British quilts that incorporate one or more panels. Enjoy! If you find others in the Quilt Index records, let us know. Read more about the history and use of chintz panels in quilts in "Nine Related Quilts of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 1800-1840," by  Ellen F. Eanes in Uncoverings 1982 and in "Printed Panels for Chintz Quilts: Their Origins and Use" in Uncoverings 2013 issue.

Merikay Waldvogel, September 2013.

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