Bits and Pieces, Textile Traditions: Symposium Papers
Editor(s): Lasansky, Jeannette, Union County Historical Society
Front Matter, Acknowledgements, Contents; Jeannette Lasansky
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Dress Fabrics of the Late 19th Century - Their Relationship to Period Quilts by Virginia Gunn
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Fabrics Used by Pennsylvania-German Farm Families in Southeastern Pennsylvania by Nancy Roan
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Iwwerich Un Ender: Those Small Pieced, Appliqued, and Quilted Objects in the Pennsylvania-German Household by Patricia T. Herr
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The Evolution of the Pennsylvania-German Pillowcase by Tandy Hersh
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Quilts in the Dowry by Jeannette Lasansky
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To Go to Housekeeping - Quilts Made for Marriage in Lancaster County by Patricia J. Keller
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The Legacy of German Quiltmaking in North Carolina by Kathy Sullivan
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Textile Traditions in South Carolina's Dutch Fork by Laurel Horton
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The Nationalization of Pennsylvania-Dutch Patterns in the 1940s-1960s by Cuesta Benberry
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Fairs and Expositions - Their Influence on American Quilts by Barbara Brackman
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Reflections on an Oregon Quilt Contest by Mary Cross
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The Tools of the Workbasket - Needlework Technology in the Industrial Era by Rachel Maines
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Index by Jeannette Lasansky
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Back Cover:
Bits and Pieces, Textile Traditions covers a broad spectrum of topics by twelve authorities including quilt historians, folklorists, and social historians Virginia Gunn, Nancy Roan, Patricia Herr, Tandy Hersh, Jeannette Lasansky, Patricia Keller, Kathy Sullivan, Laurel Horton, Cuesta Benberry, Barbara Brackman, Mary Cross, and Rachel Maines. They delve into the connection between late 19th-century dress fabrics and period quilts; examine different fabric sources for over 100 years - peddlers, country stores, and mail order catalogs; detail the development of tools of the workbasket like pins, needles, shears and scissors, seamknives, thimbles, transfer materials and the sewing machine as well as the needleworker's attitude toward new technologies. Two of the authors explore the role of quilts in men's and women's dowries or marriage portions while others set forth the influence that fairs and contests had on what people made for themselves and for others. Interesting, although infrequently discussed, aspects of Pennsylvania's pieced and appliqued quiltmaking traditions are illustrated and discussed in depth: pillowcase covers and a wide variety of smalls: hanging outhouse bags, articles of clothing such as pockets and petticoats, doll quilts and sculptural objects. Finally, related textile traditions are traced in areas of Germanic settlemetn in South Carolina and down the "great wagon road" from Philadelphia to North Caroline.

Union County Historical Society - Oral Traditions Project
Papers from In the Heart of Pennsylvania, 1986; Pieced By Mother, 1988; Bits and Pieces - Textile Traditions, 1991; and On the Cutting Edge - Textile Collectors, Collections, and Traditions, 1994.

Lasansky, Jeannette, Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where papers were presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where papers were presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where this paper was presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.

Union County Historical Society
The Union County Historical Society's Oral Traditions Project organized a three day symposium in mid-June 1990 where papers were presented in conjunction with a quilt exhibit at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was published in Bits and Pieces Mother: Symposium Papers, 1991.