Quilters' Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, pages cover, 1-3, 15.
Biography of an award winning quiltmaker.
December 1980
By: Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Winedale Quilt Collection University of Texas at Austin, Briscoe Center for American History
Quilters' Journal, No. 14, Volume 3, I...
Gross, Joyce
Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, ...
McCrady, Kathleen
Chrysanthemum Eisfeller, Pine;
Lilia O Ke Awawa ... ; ; Eisfeller, Pine...
The Garden ; Eisfeller, Pine L...
Tree of Life Eisfeller, Pine Lor...
White Magic ; Eisfeller, Pine L...