Horoscope Quilt - Pattern No. 15

January 31, 1933
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A pattern leaflet for the Leo quilt block. This is the fifteenth in a series of pattern leaflets for The Horoscope Quilt.
Reprint From
The Detroit News
Horoscope Quilt - Leaflet No, 15
Sept. 24 to Oct. 23

By Edith B. Crumb

The seventh block in the almanac quilt deals with the month of Sept. 24 to Oct. 23, and with the folks born within that time. It is called Libra and is represented by a pair of scales. That means justice rules during this time and points the way to people born under this sign to being lawyers, judges, adjudicators.

That might well mean that nearly every mother should have been born under this sign, for each mother is consistently having to adjust matters between the children.

If ever a judge with the wisdom of Solomon is needed just such a judge is most in demand when matters come to a crisis between children.

If you have been making the zodiac signs of fast color small figured print you will use that in preference to white. Choose a small figured print with rose or blue or both for this design. These two colors are the favorites of the Libra people.

Everyone is so "well into the swing" of this Horoscope quilt that little is required in the way of directions, and now there is no better time to write to the Quilt Club Corner and tell the other members some of your ideas, for they are looking for more and more letters. Don't disappoint them.

The Daily Horoscope is a fascinating feature which appears every day on the Women's Page of The Detroit News - The Home Newspaper


Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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