Old-Time Nosegay - Leaflet No. 02
December 28, 1933
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A pattern leaflet for the Old-Time Nosegay series quilt. This pattern was also published as the French Bouquet under the Nancy Page Quilt Club byline in papers around the United States, see 12-91-884.
Reprint From
The Detroit News
Old-Time Nosegay Quilt - Leaflet No. 2
By Edith B. Crumb.
Here we have the bottom of the old-time nosegay which was on leaflet No. 1. It used two shades of green and polka dotted or a small checked material for the bow-knot.
It is very important that you keep this leaf and bow-knot pattern, for you are to use it 12 times on the quilt. Each of the floral portions of the bouquet will be of different formations, but all you will have to do to this portion is to vary the bow-knot material.
Make Lines Heavy.Clip the square with the design on it, place a piece of fairly heavy plain white paper over it and hold it flat against the window. This will allow you to see the design clearly enough to trace it. Makt the outline heavy as you will need to have it distinct enough to show through your white squares of cloth which are used as the background for the nosegays.
Lay the block which you have already marked or appliqued so that the stems appliqued at the base of the bouquet last week meet the dotted lines indicating stems in today's patterns. Then make a light tracing on the cloth.
For Cutting Patterns.
Now, by using carbon paper, trace the design onto light weight cardboard, making a separate pattern for each leaf, stem and each piece of bow-knot. Then cut these out of the cardboard and use them as cutting patterns. No seams are allowed, so you should add one-eighth of an inch all around for turning under raw edges when cutting the material.
The three dark leaves are cut from the same pattern. The two light ones are alike. The two loops are alike and so are the two ends.
Place the light leaves so that their tips come in the place shown on leaflet No. 1. The dotted line shows their placement. Pin these in place. Now place the dark leaves. The center one was shown on leaflet No. 1.
Place Center Last.
Place the two ends of bow, then the loop effects. Place the stems and lastly the center of bow-knot. Applique with invisible stitch. Use white thret, No. 80.
Press when finished. Then sit back and admire your handiwork. Aren't you glas that you have started this quaint little calico nose-gay quilt? Write a few lines to the Corner and tell the other quilt-makers what you think about this pattern which has been selected just because it was so beautiful and in keeping with the type of quilt that so many of you have asked about.
Women who like to make things will gain a wealth of valuable information and suggestions through reading the Women's Pages every day in The Detroit News - The Home Newspaper
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
The Detroit News
Old-Time Nosegay Quilt - Leaflet No. 2
By Edith B. Crumb.
Here we have the bottom of the old-time nosegay which was on leaflet No. 1. It used two shades of green and polka dotted or a small checked material for the bow-knot.
It is very important that you keep this leaf and bow-knot pattern, for you are to use it 12 times on the quilt. Each of the floral portions of the bouquet will be of different formations, but all you will have to do to this portion is to vary the bow-knot material.
Make Lines Heavy.Clip the square with the design on it, place a piece of fairly heavy plain white paper over it and hold it flat against the window. This will allow you to see the design clearly enough to trace it. Makt the outline heavy as you will need to have it distinct enough to show through your white squares of cloth which are used as the background for the nosegays.
Lay the block which you have already marked or appliqued so that the stems appliqued at the base of the bouquet last week meet the dotted lines indicating stems in today's patterns. Then make a light tracing on the cloth.
For Cutting Patterns.
Now, by using carbon paper, trace the design onto light weight cardboard, making a separate pattern for each leaf, stem and each piece of bow-knot. Then cut these out of the cardboard and use them as cutting patterns. No seams are allowed, so you should add one-eighth of an inch all around for turning under raw edges when cutting the material.
The three dark leaves are cut from the same pattern. The two light ones are alike. The two loops are alike and so are the two ends.
Place the light leaves so that their tips come in the place shown on leaflet No. 1. The dotted line shows their placement. Pin these in place. Now place the dark leaves. The center one was shown on leaflet No. 1.
Place Center Last.
Place the two ends of bow, then the loop effects. Place the stems and lastly the center of bow-knot. Applique with invisible stitch. Use white thret, No. 80.
Press when finished. Then sit back and admire your handiwork. Aren't you glas that you have started this quaint little calico nose-gay quilt? Write a few lines to the Corner and tell the other quilt-makers what you think about this pattern which has been selected just because it was so beautiful and in keeping with the type of quilt that so many of you have asked about.
Women who like to make things will gain a wealth of valuable information and suggestions through reading the Women's Pages every day in The Detroit News - The Home Newspaper
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
2016:5.32; 6119.81.49
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