Laurel Wreath Quilt - Leaflet No. 05

May 23, 1935
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
The fifth leaflet in the Laurel Wreath Quilt Pattern series.
The Detroit News
Public Service Bureau
Radio Station WWJ The Home Newspaper Interior Decoration
Laurel Wreath Quilt - Leaflet No. 5
False Jasmine

Now try to find some small figured prints in lavenders and pinks, for this leaflet illustrates how to make the false jasmine flower in the center of the third Laurel Wreath.

In joining your third block to your second be careful to see that the leaves of this block (which should be 12 1/2 inch by 10 1/2 inch sized one) are partially covered by the leaves of the second or 10 1/2 inch square block. This makes a woven network of leaves that will remind you of the dappled effect of sunshine playing upon the leaves of a tree, throwing the patter onto the ground below.

Cut this design and transfer as shown in leaflets Nos. 3 and 4, using green for the stem and leaves, pink for the lighter portion of the flowers and lavender for the darker.

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Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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