Laurel Wreath Quilt - Leaflet No. 14

June 21, 1935
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
The fourteenth leaflet in the Laurel Wreath Quilt Pattern series.
The Detroit News
Public Service Bureau
Radio Station WWJ The Home Newspaper Interior Decoration
Laurel Wreath Quilt - Leaflet No. 14

Even though the tulip pattern is shown in plain pieces of material, it is advisable you will find some brilliant striped material that you can use.

Pretend the tulip is parrot type and has the variegated colors even though it does not have the ragged edges. If you do not want to use plain colors it is suggested you use two tints of yellow, pink or lavender. And if you have the stripes make the top petal of plain in predominating colors of the striped one.

This tulip is appliqued onto a block that is cut 10 1/2x12 1/2 inches. It becomes the second block in the third row. The second and fourth blocks in each of the five rows are narrower by two inches than the first, third and fifth. The reason for that is this - the leaves on the wreath overlap and give the effect of continuous scrolls. If the blocks were all of the same width then the leaves would have to be larger on some of the blocks. That would have destroyed the feeling of symmetry, so the device of narrow blocks was used.

This flower calls for two petals, one stem and two leaves, just five pieces in all. The leaves go on first, then the stem, then the upper petals and lastly the lower petal. Then the stamens are embroidered in fast color embroidery cotton.

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Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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