Laurel Wreath Quilt - Leaflet No. 20

July 8, 1935
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
The twentieth leaflet in the Laurel Wreath Quilt Pattern series.
The Detroit News
Public Service Bureau
Radio Station WWJ The Home Newspaper Interior Decoration
Laurel Wreath Quilt - Leaflet No. 20

Now, here is an easy flower to make and it is so effective with its three points peeking around the edge of the larger three petaled piece. This is somewhat simplified for by rights there should be three seperate petals in the large part of the flower. If any of you are anxious to do a specially nice piece of work you can subdivide it .

This will be appliqued to a 12 1/2 inch by 12 1/2 inch square.

A light lavender is a good choice of color for this flower, and the center may be a light green.

Now you have three finished blocks for the fourth row which means that you have only seven more to be done.

Read "The Colonel's Lady And Others," By Judy O'Grady, Every Day In The Detroit News.


Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
2016:5.65; 6119.85.45.22

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