Laurel Wreath Quilt - Leaflet No. 22

July 15, 1935
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
The twenty-second leaflet in the Laurel Wreath Quilt Pattern series.
The Detroit News
Public Service Bureau
Radio Station WWJ The Home Newspaper Interior Decoration
Laurel Wreath Quilt - Leaflet No. 22


Here you have the profile of a gorgeous Tea Rose which may be developed in tints of pink or of yellow.

Before you decide select your colors to see whether you can get the range you want. You ought to have three or four tints of the same color. Use one, the lightest, for the upper outer large petal or petals. There are really two there, although the material is cut in one piece. Then use a deeper shade for that pointed center petal and also for the base of the rose. The turn-back parts, shown in the design in the darker coloring may be one or two tints. The small pieces at the base of the rose should be in light green.

This is to be appliqued to a block measuring 12 1/2 by 12 1/2 inches.

Here you have the last block in the fourth row and you have only five more flowers to applique and then the center part of the quilt will be finished. Remaining then will be the five blocks that go along the top and cover the pillows and the sprays that make the border. There are no extra flowers shown for the pillow part. Select five that you like best for this selection of the quilt.

For Beauty Suggestions Read Lois Leed's Articles Every Day In The Detroit News.


Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
2016:5.67; 6119.85.45.24

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