Who Will Be First Quilter to Make Entries for Show?

March 30, 1937
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner Column with a Quilt Show Entry Coupon
Who Will Be First Quilter to Make Entries for Show?
By Edith B. Crumb

This is just to remind you that Thursday is April 1. No, we don't mean that you've got to be careful not to pick up phony purses or bite into soapy candy. This year April 1 means just one thing to quilters - the first day for receiving quilts for the Detroit News Quilt Show. The show is April 16, 17, and 18 as you all know.

Who is going to be the first one at the door early on Thursday morning with her package of quilts tucked under her arm? The photographer is shining up his camera to take a picture of this quilt-maker. Maybe there will be a whole group as there was last year.

Quilts are to be taken to 827 West Lafayette boulevard, in the building just half a block west of the main building of The Detroit News.

There you will receive an identification stub for your quilt. Be sure to take care of this so that when you call for your quilt after the show it may be easily found.

Those of you who live out of town may mail your quilts to us and they will be taken care of. After that your only duty is to rest up to attend the show.

Many of you, I know, are putting the finishing touches on your quilts or tops, but you must not fail to have them reach us by April 10.

We have already received some quilts from Gloversvill, N.Y. and many others are coming from out of town. One has already been received from Alaska.

Quilts from any pattern may be entered and are eligible for cash prizes and you are allowed to offer any of your quilts or tops for sale. You must set the price on them, of course, but we will see to it there is a neatly printed sign on it with your name and the amount you will sell it for.

So many have written to find out where they might sell their quilts it was decided this would be the very best method of offering them for sale. This must make many of you very happy.

Be sure to come to the Quilt Club meeting Friday. Just think what a lot of chatting will be going on then.

Are you or you or you going to be the first one down here to make your entry on Thursday?

These Quilt Show Entry Coupon
(to be used by those who are not Quilt Club Members)
Dear Quilt Club Corner Editor
I am planning to make the following entries as follows in The Detroit news Quilt Show to be held April 16,17, and 18.

Completed appliqued quilts from News pattern
Completed piecework quilts from News patterns
Appliqued tops only from News patters
Piecework tops only from News patterns
Completed quilts or tops from other than News patterns
Quilts or tops from any pattern made by children
Antique quilts or tops
Crocheted or knitted bedspreads
Street and No.
City State

​Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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