Needles Coming in Before Long

December 24, 1942
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An article about sewing needle shortages.
Needles Coming in Before Long​
By Ann France Wilson

Washington - Have you noticed how difficult it is to by plain, ordinary sewing needles? Here's the background on the temporary shortage - and don't worry, it IS only temporary.

There's no domestic manufacture of sewing needles. In pre-war days the United States imported needles from Britain, Japan and Germany. Now, of course, they come solely from Britain.

However, the British changed the packaging of needles, included fewer needles and lowered their prices. The Office of Price Administration felt that the price had not been reduced in accordance with the new packages and set a lower price ceiling on the needles than importers are willing to sell them for.

Well - the importers finally have to give in and have released $600,000 worth of needles under the new OPA ceiling prices. So you won't have to go looking for needles in haystacks - they'll be released to retail stores soon.

White Sales
Don't expect large January white sales this year. There may be a few isolated sales, but large stores won't try to induce housewives to stock up on sheets and towels. Reason is that the Army will need all sheets 63, 72 and 81 inches wide and all towels 22x24 now in the hands of manufacturers until spring.

However, department store stocks would keep America well furnished with sheets for a long time to come. So don't ruch out and buy sheets - there'll be plenty of them. Sales just won't be promoted.

Holiday Fowls
There's been a great hullabaloo - plus numerous articles - about saving the grease from your holiday turkeys, geese and bacon. All that's very fine, but patriotic zeal and the prospect of 4 cents a pound from the ... (clipping cut-off)

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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