She is Making Heirlooms
March 7, 1936
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including letters from Quilt Club members, a coupon for Quilt Club membership, and a list of Quilt Club members.
She is Making Heirlooms
Inset shows Mrs. Wasileweski, who has just finished this crocheted spread just ot make it a little different and more attractive she designed this special fringed edge.
It's First of Three Spreads for Gifts to her Daughters
By Edith B. Crumb
When Virginia Rite and Delores 9aged 14,11, and 6 years respectively, daughters of Mrs. Josephine Wasileweski i, 14413 Park Grove avenue, Detroit, are grown up and have homes of their own they will each have a very precious possess. Their mother is seeing to that.
She has spent four months making the quilt as shown in the illustration for Virginia. And when I tell you that Mrs. Wasileweski is employed in a store and does more of her own housework you will marvel at her ability to make this in four months time.
Each of the three spreads will have its individual design and the girls may even select the colors they wish. This one of Virginia's is creamy yellow and it required 84 balls of cotton to accompany it. Mrs. Wasileweski i plans on using a pink Stateen spread beneath this one.
This spread is long enough to all it to be drawn up over the pillows.
The design of this spread is a six-point star in popcorn stitch and Mrs. Wasileweski has made scarfs for the chest and table. These are, however, without the popcorn practical as a flat surface on which to place lamps and other accessories.
Now her other two daughters are anxious for her to start their spreads but she intends to wait a little while before doing this for after working so steadily on one pattern she feels that she should have a little rest.
But we know that once she gets started it won't take her long to finish the other two, especially if Rita and Delores encourage her to work steadily on them.
Boys Select Colors
Dear Miss Crumb: Yes, it has been a long time since I knocked on the Corner. This is one time I must lay my usual penny postal card to one side as I have another one to enclose to you. This baby is the fourth boy.
Now I plan to get patterns for boy's quilts and think I will use airplane quilts as the boys are all air minded as most boys are today. I will let them pick out their colors and think it will be fun for them but just what the color schemes will be remain to be seen. When I get tired of mending socks or patching pants I pick up a block or two.
I surely would enjoy lunch on Mrs. Reuter's lovely crocheted cloth with the pattern of the Century of Progress on it, but I am afraid that there would be more sailing, flying, and visiting of buildings, etc. than eating of lunch I marvel at Mrs. Reuters patience.
I know what a job I had to embroider the characteristics under the little covers of my Horoscope quilt. Here's hoping that Mrs. Reuter has many a grand dinner on her lovely cloth. Success to all quilters new and old and continued success to our fast growing Corner.
Mrs. Ellen Leonard
5854 Hamilton Ave, Detroit, Much.
Well, Ellen Leonard, you certainly have a large contract ahead of you if you intend to make airplane quilts for all and keep their clothes mended too. It was so nice of you to take time off from your many duties and drop us that long interesting letter. It will be a long time before Frederick can pick out the colors for his quilt but as long as they are very bright he will be satisfied, I am sure.
Is Making a Bird Quilt
Dear Miss Crumb: Today I received a card from Mrs. Chilton and last week I heard from some Quilt Club Corner members. I have been drawing pictures of birds ever since last fall and now that I have the picture of Mrs. Chilton's bird quilt I will start making it. Two quilt makers sent me the picture and as soon as I finish my quilt I will return them with a thousand thanks.
I just finished making a Vase quilt. I put zinnias, daisies, and morning glories in the vase and it is very pretty. The border is also beautiful with different kinds of flowers.
I am sending in a coupon with my name and new address and want to become a member. I saw Mrs. Finches letter in tonight's paper and will write to her friends when I get settled in my other home. I am acquainted with Mrs. Finche. She is one of those good, true, dependable friends.
Mrs. Marie Ransom
2951 Montclair Ave
I can see that for she is working so hard to have letters sent to her friend in Montana and I do hope they receive lots of letters and cards. It would make me as happy as it does, Mrs. Finche to know that something was being done toward making life happier for these shut in friends of hers.
You were fortunate to receive the picture of the bird quilt. It was in the paper such a long time ago that I was not sure anyone would have one left for you. SO many of the quilt makers keep scrap books and after a picture is pasted in, it's there for keeps.
I am happy to know that you heard from Mrs. Chilton for now I know that she keeps in touch with us even though we do not hear from her. The last we heard she was planning a trip to California and that was before the quilt show in October.These members Belong to Quilt Club Corner
Mrs. Gladys Broaddu
417 S Troy Ave
Royal Oak, Mich.
Mrs. Jessie Kilgore
115 Pheonix Ave
Plymouth, Mich.
Mrs. Henrietta Le Blanc
263 Vinewood Ave
Wyandotte, Mich.
Mrs. Grace Norris
Route No. 1
Junction City, Ore.
Mrs. Rose Glentz
12037 Glenfield Ave
Mrs. T.R. Glover
Route No. 2
Newport, Mich.
Mrs. Zelma Glunta
4267 Seventeenth St
Mrs. J.A. Fluson
2059 Hazelwood Ave
Mrs. Louis Godar
169 Winans Ave
Benton Harbor, Mich.
Mrs. J Herman octz
839 Brookwood Ave
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Beauty in the Home Editor:
Please enter my name as a member of the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club.
Street and number……………
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Inset shows Mrs. Wasileweski, who has just finished this crocheted spread just ot make it a little different and more attractive she designed this special fringed edge.
It's First of Three Spreads for Gifts to her Daughters
By Edith B. Crumb
When Virginia Rite and Delores 9aged 14,11, and 6 years respectively, daughters of Mrs. Josephine Wasileweski i, 14413 Park Grove avenue, Detroit, are grown up and have homes of their own they will each have a very precious possess. Their mother is seeing to that.
She has spent four months making the quilt as shown in the illustration for Virginia. And when I tell you that Mrs. Wasileweski is employed in a store and does more of her own housework you will marvel at her ability to make this in four months time.
Each of the three spreads will have its individual design and the girls may even select the colors they wish. This one of Virginia's is creamy yellow and it required 84 balls of cotton to accompany it. Mrs. Wasileweski i plans on using a pink Stateen spread beneath this one.
This spread is long enough to all it to be drawn up over the pillows.
The design of this spread is a six-point star in popcorn stitch and Mrs. Wasileweski has made scarfs for the chest and table. These are, however, without the popcorn practical as a flat surface on which to place lamps and other accessories.
Now her other two daughters are anxious for her to start their spreads but she intends to wait a little while before doing this for after working so steadily on one pattern she feels that she should have a little rest.
But we know that once she gets started it won't take her long to finish the other two, especially if Rita and Delores encourage her to work steadily on them.
Boys Select Colors
Dear Miss Crumb: Yes, it has been a long time since I knocked on the Corner. This is one time I must lay my usual penny postal card to one side as I have another one to enclose to you. This baby is the fourth boy.
Now I plan to get patterns for boy's quilts and think I will use airplane quilts as the boys are all air minded as most boys are today. I will let them pick out their colors and think it will be fun for them but just what the color schemes will be remain to be seen. When I get tired of mending socks or patching pants I pick up a block or two.
I surely would enjoy lunch on Mrs. Reuter's lovely crocheted cloth with the pattern of the Century of Progress on it, but I am afraid that there would be more sailing, flying, and visiting of buildings, etc. than eating of lunch I marvel at Mrs. Reuters patience.
I know what a job I had to embroider the characteristics under the little covers of my Horoscope quilt. Here's hoping that Mrs. Reuter has many a grand dinner on her lovely cloth. Success to all quilters new and old and continued success to our fast growing Corner.
Mrs. Ellen Leonard
5854 Hamilton Ave, Detroit, Much.
Well, Ellen Leonard, you certainly have a large contract ahead of you if you intend to make airplane quilts for all and keep their clothes mended too. It was so nice of you to take time off from your many duties and drop us that long interesting letter. It will be a long time before Frederick can pick out the colors for his quilt but as long as they are very bright he will be satisfied, I am sure.
Is Making a Bird Quilt
Dear Miss Crumb: Today I received a card from Mrs. Chilton and last week I heard from some Quilt Club Corner members. I have been drawing pictures of birds ever since last fall and now that I have the picture of Mrs. Chilton's bird quilt I will start making it. Two quilt makers sent me the picture and as soon as I finish my quilt I will return them with a thousand thanks.
I just finished making a Vase quilt. I put zinnias, daisies, and morning glories in the vase and it is very pretty. The border is also beautiful with different kinds of flowers.
I am sending in a coupon with my name and new address and want to become a member. I saw Mrs. Finches letter in tonight's paper and will write to her friends when I get settled in my other home. I am acquainted with Mrs. Finche. She is one of those good, true, dependable friends.
Mrs. Marie Ransom
2951 Montclair Ave
I can see that for she is working so hard to have letters sent to her friend in Montana and I do hope they receive lots of letters and cards. It would make me as happy as it does, Mrs. Finche to know that something was being done toward making life happier for these shut in friends of hers.
You were fortunate to receive the picture of the bird quilt. It was in the paper such a long time ago that I was not sure anyone would have one left for you. SO many of the quilt makers keep scrap books and after a picture is pasted in, it's there for keeps.
I am happy to know that you heard from Mrs. Chilton for now I know that she keeps in touch with us even though we do not hear from her. The last we heard she was planning a trip to California and that was before the quilt show in October.These members Belong to Quilt Club Corner
Mrs. Gladys Broaddu
417 S Troy Ave
Royal Oak, Mich.
Mrs. Jessie Kilgore
115 Pheonix Ave
Plymouth, Mich.
Mrs. Henrietta Le Blanc
263 Vinewood Ave
Wyandotte, Mich.
Mrs. Grace Norris
Route No. 1
Junction City, Ore.
Mrs. Rose Glentz
12037 Glenfield Ave
Mrs. T.R. Glover
Route No. 2
Newport, Mich.
Mrs. Zelma Glunta
4267 Seventeenth St
Mrs. J.A. Fluson
2059 Hazelwood Ave
Mrs. Louis Godar
169 Winans Ave
Benton Harbor, Mich.
Mrs. J Herman octz
839 Brookwood Ave
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Beauty in the Home Editor:
Please enter my name as a member of the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club.
Street and number……………
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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Gasperik, Mary Mary Gasperik Legacy Project
Michigan State University Museum Michigan Quilt Project
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
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