Quilt Has 120 Autographs

April 12, 1938
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A portion of a Quilt Club Corner Column. This column includes information and an image about a quilt made by a church with 120 signatures on it.
Quilt Has 120 Autographs
This quilt which is in cream, rose and green has on it the autographs of 720 members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Wayne. It will be on exhibit at the Quilt Antique and Hoby Show to be held at the Church April 10.

There are 20 blocks in the quilt 36 names being written on each and so arranged as to be well balanced throughout.

On Tuesday, April 19, the members of the Bona Fide Society are planning to have an exhibit of quilts, antiques and hobbies at the church and without a doubt this quilt will be one of the highlights of the occasion. Even before it was finished, women of other churches had heard about its success and were asking for the pattern.

The exhibit will be held in the gymnasium of the church during the afternoon and evening.

These Members Belong to Quilt Club Corner
Mrs. Mary Williams
1564 Calvary Ave

Merle Williams
17311 Santa Barbara Ave

Mrs. R Williams
1945 Buena Vista Ave

Mrs. Ralph Williams
9354 Carlin Ave

Aimee W Willing
5059 Maybury Grand

Mrs. R.E. Willing
11719 Meyers Road

Emily Willmes
1338 Cedar St
Hancock, Mich

Mrs. Mervin Willmes
1228 Cedar St
Hancock, Mich.

Mrs. A.C. Wills
13947 Sorrento Ave

Mrs. A.E. Wilson
175 Summit St E
Chelsea, Mich.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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