Spectators Crown Naval Armory to View Prize Needlework at The News Quilt Show
October 19, 1935
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Garnet Warfel article describing the quilt show.
Spectators Crown Naval Armory to View Prize Needlework at The News Quilt Show
Eager to inspect the year's handicraft of the quilt makers, a thought spectators crowded the aisles at The Naval Armory when the third annual quilt show of The Detroit News opened Friday afternoon. Miss Frick, although only 14 years old entered two quilt tops. The one she is showing Mrs. Hoganson won first prize in its class.
(clipping cut-off)...fastened back, people poured into the place at such a rate the entire room was filled in 15 minutes. It can't be said there is a lessening of interest in quilts in Detroit homes, or in many another far beyond the reaches of the City, for the crowd of inspectors (very visitor new her quilts) began comparing this one with that and so on, and interest in needlework reached a new high. It was a grand party.
The Prize Quilt
And of course, everyone rushed to the end of the armory where hang the prize winning quilts and tops, and there was a good deal of friendly talk about the grand prize winner, a handsome quilt in double Irish chain design, made by Mrs. R. E. Lauer, 210 Tuxedo avenue, Highland Park. The grand prize is $100 cash.
Mrs. Lauer's quilt was adjudged the best because of the exquisite needlework, the balanced colors and niceness of design. The first prize of $30 for applique quilts went to Mrs. George McIntyre, 127 Woodland avenue, while Mrs. Elizabeth Aldig [sic Aellig], 11754 Washburn avenue, took first prize of $50 for piecework quilts.
Mrs. McIntyre's prize-winning entry kept her busy from six to 15 hours a day for four months. It contains 1,010 pieces. Mrs. McIntyre is used to winning prizes, having taken five in one year, all for quilts displayed at The News shows and at the State Fair. She has three other ribbons at the present show.
Historic Quilts
There are quilts of rare beauty and quilts that hold the interest not so much for their exquisite needlwork, but for the history they represent. Such a one is that entered by a Detroiter. It was made by a slave in the South before the Civil War and is perfectly preserved. It depicts little people and some are gaudily dressed and show wearing beads.
The quilt that is attracting a great deal of attention because of its 46,800 pieces, is that of a minature log cabin design. It was loaned by Mrs. A. L. Moses, of Lake City, Mich.
Three is a merry exchange of gossip and patches, this feature of the show already being firmly established due to its success in preceding years. Women bring bags of patches and are only too glad to exchange them for a wider assortment, and friends are having gay parties over certain quilts that claim their fancy.
Quilts of every design aren't the only things being exhibited. There are hand-woven coverlets, crocheted and knitted spreads, afghans and samplers, and they came from all over Detroit and Michigan and from far away places.
It is like visiting the quilt wing of a big museum, and don't let anyone think it isn't interesting or profitable. Admission is free and hours today and Sunday are from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. It will close Sunday night.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Eager to inspect the year's handicraft of the quilt makers, a thought spectators crowded the aisles at The Naval Armory when the third annual quilt show of The Detroit News opened Friday afternoon. Miss Frick, although only 14 years old entered two quilt tops. The one she is showing Mrs. Hoganson won first prize in its class.
(clipping cut-off)...fastened back, people poured into the place at such a rate the entire room was filled in 15 minutes. It can't be said there is a lessening of interest in quilts in Detroit homes, or in many another far beyond the reaches of the City, for the crowd of inspectors (very visitor new her quilts) began comparing this one with that and so on, and interest in needlework reached a new high. It was a grand party.
The Prize Quilt
And of course, everyone rushed to the end of the armory where hang the prize winning quilts and tops, and there was a good deal of friendly talk about the grand prize winner, a handsome quilt in double Irish chain design, made by Mrs. R. E. Lauer, 210 Tuxedo avenue, Highland Park. The grand prize is $100 cash.
Mrs. Lauer's quilt was adjudged the best because of the exquisite needlework, the balanced colors and niceness of design. The first prize of $30 for applique quilts went to Mrs. George McIntyre, 127 Woodland avenue, while Mrs. Elizabeth Aldig [sic Aellig], 11754 Washburn avenue, took first prize of $50 for piecework quilts.
Mrs. McIntyre's prize-winning entry kept her busy from six to 15 hours a day for four months. It contains 1,010 pieces. Mrs. McIntyre is used to winning prizes, having taken five in one year, all for quilts displayed at The News shows and at the State Fair. She has three other ribbons at the present show.
Historic Quilts
There are quilts of rare beauty and quilts that hold the interest not so much for their exquisite needlwork, but for the history they represent. Such a one is that entered by a Detroiter. It was made by a slave in the South before the Civil War and is perfectly preserved. It depicts little people and some are gaudily dressed and show wearing beads.
The quilt that is attracting a great deal of attention because of its 46,800 pieces, is that of a minature log cabin design. It was loaned by Mrs. A. L. Moses, of Lake City, Mich.
Three is a merry exchange of gossip and patches, this feature of the show already being firmly established due to its success in preceding years. Women bring bags of patches and are only too glad to exchange them for a wider assortment, and friends are having gay parties over certain quilts that claim their fancy.
Quilts of every design aren't the only things being exhibited. There are hand-woven coverlets, crocheted and knitted spreads, afghans and samplers, and they came from all over Detroit and Michigan and from far away places.
It is like visiting the quilt wing of a big museum, and don't let anyone think it isn't interesting or profitable. Admission is free and hours today and Sunday are from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. It will close Sunday night.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Gasperik Legacy Project, Mary -
Gasperik, Mary Mary Gasperik Legacy Project
Michigan State University Museum Michigan Quilt Project
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
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