The Women of the Future-What Will She be Like?

December 30, 1928
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A description of what the woman of the future will look and act like by 1928 standards.
Women of the Future
By Lillian G Genn
Woman has accomplished so much during recent years that if she continues to progress in the same ratio it will be dazzling to contemplate the changes she will effect a century hence. Many even believe that in numerous ways the woman of today already has changed the world. As for the rolls in life that he now plays it would have been a fantastic dream to the woman of a few generations ago. What role then, will she occupy in the future? And just where will the main come in- if at all? Will she ruel the world politically? Will she apply herself to business and professional fields and regulate her domestic tasks to man?
These and other questions concerning the woman of the future were put to Miss E.M. Delanfield, the distinguished English novelist. Although she disclaimed any special powers to prognosticate the future, she graciously consented to give this provocative question some thought. Despite her assertion, she is nevertheless quilt well qualified to make this speculation as to the women of the future.

First because her novels show illuminating understanding and insight into the life of the human being and particular familiarity with the psychology of woman-very necessary attributes for any one who would attempt to tell what a woman will do! As editor of Time and Tide an English publication and as a magistrate in the County of Cullompton, Devon is fully aware of the various progressive and political currents of the day. Furthermore, since she was brought up in France, and lived for several years in Italy and Belgium and has also visited many other countries she has a comprehensive knowledge of what women are doing in different parts of the world. She is, therefor more than ordinarily well equipped to prophets the role woman will play in the future.
Miss Delafield is a dainty, slender blue eyed and a lovely English voice. She speaks slowly , as if accustomed to deliberating before expressing herself.

Contrary to the opinion of many students and observers of the times this author does not think that the pendulum in so far as woman is concerned will ever swing back- that she will relapse into the butterfly existence of former generations.

They'll Be Stronger
Woman will be stronger than before- more the Amazon type she said she will be a leading figure in industry, in the profession, and in politics. Whether she will ever rule the world politically will depend on whether she will depend on whether she will be numerically superior to men. England today for instance has many more women than men and if then powers and privilege should increase the country will in actually be ruled by women in the future.

However, if the proportion of women is not greater I have every reason to believe that the world will be ruled by them...
As for a woman prime minister of a woman president while I think it will take more than a century for women to have the confidence of men, yet inevitably and undeniably she will hold such office. When woman begin to show themselves capable of holding executive positions and the obstacles of sentiment and prejudice have been overcome it will not be so novel an idea to the populace to have a woman ruler. After all, there have been great women rulers.

Put Vote to Use
Since women have had the vote and it is an incredibly short time when you really come to consider it-they have contributed noticeably to the welfare of humanity.

As for spiritual growth, I can't agree with those who claim that women will add to it as they become more influential. To me that it merely sentimentalizing women influence and it is exactly what the intellectual progressive woman does no want. If there is to be all spiritual development man must contribute to it as much as woman.
Since woman will be taking a more active part in various affairs, will her interest in the home or her desire to create a home, be less? The interviewer questioned.

I do not believe so Miss Delfield replied. While she will not consider marriage the alpha and omega of her life, She will nevertheless want it. But whereas today it is only the exceptional woman who can successfully combine motherhood and a career the woman of the future will have her home life so well organized that she will be well able to devote part of her energy to outside work.

The Neuter Sex
Another thing that I imagine will happen in this: there will develop a new class of women- a sort of neuter sex who will not be interested in marriage or reproduction at all. Why should it be taken for granted that all women were meant to be wives and mothers. That they should have a natural inclination for home life? Until now no other doors have been open to them, so they had to cultivate that interest regardless of whether they were fitted for such a role in life or not. But now that women have been freed from their shackles and all professions are open to them, now too, that they have fullest opportunity to develop themselves, there will be mainly many who will wholly to intellectual pursuits. These women will become our great political leaders and will occupy important executive positions in the business world. They will also be the ones who will contribute to science, to progress and to thought.

When once we rid ourselves of the idea that all women are meant for marriage and regard as unsuccessful the woman who does not marry, we will likewise gain another advantage. We will have a very much smaller number of ineffective wives and mothers. Those who are not fitted for that role in life will keep out of it and not feel forced to marry because of the opinion of society. We need not fear that this will in any way undermine the situation of marriage for there will always be a large number of women who want to be wives and mothers and who will not be content unless their material desires are satisfied.
What of the marriage institution itself? The interview inquired Will it be totally unlike traditional marriage.

If any change affecting the marriage institution does come about she answered. It will be the last to be wrought. Of course many experiments will continue to be made with marriage and progress may dictate minor changes, but my opinion is that fundamentally it will exist unchanged. We must remember that with the exception of Russia and America the marriage relationship in other countries is just what it has always been. Divorce are still rare. This is due in a large measure to the laws which make it almost impossible to obtain a divorce. Therefore if there is any change in the marriage institution it will only affect the divorce laws. I think that some of the woman of the future will strive to obtain divorce laws that will not throw the burden of marriage on her as they do today. Perhaps mutual consent will be all that will be needed to dissolve the relationship. As for the monogamist ideal that will endure.

Where mention was made that a famous statement recently declared he believed woman would eventually relegate her domestic duties to man.

Less Interest in Home
I can't say that the sex roles will ever be reversed. Woman is taking less interest in the home, but we must realize too, that it is less necessary for her to do so. I believe though that there will be more equality in the home than exists today. Husband and wife will be equal partners in the business of running the home and bringing up the children. In other worse, the woman of the future will receive more help from her husband in the home than she gets now.

One distinct change that she will bring about is the single standard of chastity. Woman's new freedom thus far has done to her head and her first impulse was to grab mans standard- to imitate his liberties and licensee. But when she has since passed through the experimental stage, being an intelligent and discovering person, she will come to the conclusion that she has nothing to gain from a man's standard.

Former Moral Code
Since woman is more idealistic than man, she will not tolerate moral laxity very long and gradual she will establish the moral codes on a firmer, finer basis. As she will inculcate this ideal on her children, the man of the future will naturally come to accept this standard as his own. This should certainly be for the benefit and improvement of the race.
Miss Delafield was asked whether she thought that the woman of the future would be less of a slave to fashion that she is today.

I do not she laughed, Woman in that respect will not change. Her willingness to obey that tyrannical master, Fashion seems to be fundamentally rooted in her. I don't believe that woman will ever gain this particular master. But then we must not forget, twinkled the author that this master has an uncanny knowledge of women. Fashion may decree certain styles and while woman will submit she will insist, though, that they be healthful, hygienic and sensible. She will never return to those ridiculous bustles and trailing skirts, nor will she ever again fetter her body with steel whalebone.

Because of the sensible clothes that woman has no adapted and her greatest opportunities to engage in sorts, her health has improved tremendously. This, plus the fact that science of constantly adding to our knowledge of how we can best live, will make woman a stronger healthier individual than she has been before.

Active at 100
Intellectually and physically, she will not stagnate so quickly. Where as yesterday the woman of 30 considered her activity in life finished today the woman of 30 and even 60 is active and as mentally alert as a young woman. No doubt the woman of the future will at the age of 100 have as much vigor and vitality as the middle aged woman of today.
And as woman becomes hardier and more fit we will find her doing more and more of the physical tasks that are today only in the hands of the men.

There has been considerable speculation as to whether the dawn of a new era for women will see a larger number of them contributing to research and discovery. Whether, too, there will be more great women scientist, artists, and philosophers.
I do not believe ventures Miss Delafield when this point was raise that suffrage and increased opportune will have anything to do with it. There will always be more geniuses, inventors, scientists and the like among men than women. It seems to be a biological fact.

Nerveless, woman will accomplish much more for humanity. Perhaps her greatest contribution will be world peace. Then she concluded, who knows but she may at last be able to make this work a paradise.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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