Building for A Greater Detroit

February 23, 1930
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An article discusses the number of home owners in Detroit and their new Better Home Service Department.
Building for A Greater Detroit
Recognizing the importance of home ownership, the Detroit News was first in presenting to its reader's comprehensive home building plans in its Real Estate Section. Additional impetus was given to home ownership in Detroit when The News established its better home service. This service enables you to select a plan for hundred designed by the best architects. These plans come completed with blue prints and specification and cost but a fraction of the usual amount.
The value of the News home department may be judged from the fact that during the last five years, more than $7,000,000 worth of new homes have been built directly from its building plans.

Advertisers who wish to entrench themselves firmly in Detroit Market who do well to consider the tremendous reader interest and following a paper must build up to warrant such response. Add to this the fact that News coverage of the local trading territory is unequalled by any medium in any city of Detroit's size or larger and you can appreciate the logic and economy of concentrating your advertising in the Detroit News.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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