Detroit’s Day at Home Show Window Space

March 06, 1931
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
An article discussing the judges at the Better Home show.
Detroit's Day at Home Show
City Officials, Including Mayor, To Be Guests of Exposition Management
Detroit Day in the past years of the Better Homes and Better Food shows always the gala days of these annual events, is expected to bring today to Convention Hall where now the combined exhibitions are in progress, a select body of visitors from Metropolitan Detroit.

Froth the third time since its opening, the exposition is to be visited by Mayor Murphy at the head of the group of City officials which is to includes the members of the Council.
Groups of public officials from the communities of the Metropolitan are to join The Detroit group in its tour of the 300 exhibits of the show, according to Charles J Prost, manager of the builder's exposition Inc. sponsors of the Better Homes Show together with William J Cusisk, manager of the food show will make up the reception committee.

There are only three days left before the close of the exhibition at 11 p.m. next Sunday. Its closing will also mark the closing to the public of the 1931 Ideal Home 9357 Piedmont avenue, which up to today has been visited by more than 130,000 persons.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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