Beauty in the Home

January 13, 1931
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Beauty in the Home column describing a modern kitchen.
How to Make Smart Accessories
Now is the time of the year when every industrious home maker is making inspection of her household with a view to setting it in the very best order , but for this is very necessary to have the proper equipment, and this week's leaflet has on it directions for some of the most important things.

First, there is some shoe bag for the closest door. Of course, you have made these before- but this is different, the pockets being shirred, and the effect is very neat.

Then there are unusually attractive toe pads for shoes, very necessary if shoes are to keep their shape.
So much for the clothes closet. Next there is a cretonne case for the table linens in the linen closet or the buffet drawer, and last are the directions for the making of an envelope case organdie for handkerchiefs.

Any one or all of these articles would certainly be a delightful addition to a well kept household and in case you do not have need of them, they are sure to make appreciated prizes.

The four articles are illustrated and the directions for their making are very carefully described.
Any one wishing this helpful leaflet may have it by sending her request to the Beauty in the Home Department, the Detroit News enclosing with it a self addressed, stamped envelope.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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