Handy Andy' Quilt Pattern

August 20, 1931
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A pattern leaflet for the 'Handy Andy' quilt.
The Detroit News
'Handy Andy' Pattern For Quilt

Sketch No. shows one block as it should look when completed, and it should be 10 inches square.

To make one of these blocks you will require nine squares like No. 2 of colored material, eight of white material and four rectangles like No. 4 of white material.

Leave one of the colored squares whole and cut the other eight in half diagonally, making 16 triangles like No. 3

Cut the eight white squares in half diagonally also, making 16 white triangles.

Easily Made.

The quilt block should go together very easily if the four square blocks, each consisting of four white and four colored triangles, are first made, then the middle row consisting of two rectangles and one square made, the top and bottom squares put together with a rectangle each, and then the three rows attached.

These "Handy Andy" blocks may be put together alternately with plain white blocks or every one may be like the pattern.

When all of the squares have been completed, sew them together, finish all around the edge with a two-inch band of each the colored and the white material, the light one being on the edge and this bound with a narrow edge of the colored.

The quilt should consist of the top, a layer of cotton batting and the back of plain material to match the light or the colored and the binding should be applied after the three thicknesses have been quilted together.Other Patterns.

Those of you who are interested in making piecework and patchwork quilts might like to have the other patterns which this department has distributed if you have not already sent for them. There are three of recent date and they will be sent to any one on receipt of her request accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

The names of these quilt patterns are the "Peek-a-Boo," Four-Leaf Clover" lucky pattern and the "Jacob's Ladder" design.


Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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