The Romance of the Village Quilts
Waldvogel Ephemera Collection; Waldvogel Archival Collection
Walworth, Wisconsin, United States
Romance of the Village Quilts, 36 page booklet, published in 1936 by Mary McElwain Quilt Shop in Walworth, Wisconsin. Photographs of quilt kits, interior views of quilt shop, quilting designs, index and price sheet.
Copyrighted 1936
A successful business venture is merely the outcome of a hobby, a natural
ability used in serious life. Each of us needs a hobby, wherein we may labor,
and find relaxation in what we like to do. We hear so much about the
nervous American woman, living in an age which moves too fast for nerves.
This woman could meet life's problems much better if she would only do
something with her hands. Ruth E. Finley in her wonderful quilt book,
"Quilts, Their Story, and the Women Who Made Them," tells us that no
artificial exercise can equal that of really creating something with the hands.
Quilt making has particularly deep roots of interest which strike back into
the history of America as no other craft. Follow the development of only
one pattern and you will be as thrilled as you would from any story you read.
The great value of creating beauty with the hands is the ideal prescription
for nerves. We sincerely hope you may be inspired to make a quilt, which
later may be handed down as an heirloom.
American women are a nation of homemakers and home means more to them
each year. These women have made quilts that are distinctly American,
and there is nothing like them in the whole world. Other quilts may be
more beautiful, but with us, the first requirement is service. In our early
homes the love of the quilt fastened itself upon the hearts of the people, and
as the pioneers came West, the quilt made its way also. With the quilt came
the quilting frames, looms, and knitting needles. Our great grandmothers
did not have the opportunities that we enjoy, but they were most happy with
their home arts and quilting parties. In fancy, we, too, can journey back to
the parties when a dear Grandmother tells of those wonderful days.
My clientele sometimes drive many miles to visit my shop, and they tell me
it is like wandering through an old fashioned garden whose fragrance is
reminiscent of yesteryear. Quilt making is an antique art and a hobby
whose tradition never wholly died out.
The early Americans were really exiles, seeking new homes and freedom.
These women stitched hour by hour in the creative art of harmony to ease
their memories. They viewed each day with the glorious sunrise and
adjusted their working hours to the sun. We have recaptured the spirit of
early America and caught the glamor and romance of the old days, for the
quilts do cast an irresistible spell upon the rooms they adorn.
The standard of the decorator today calls for the patchwork and the applique
quilt. The accessories of the room establish the atmosphere. There was an
era when a white marseilles bed spread did duty in almost every bedroom.
Now the charm of the modern room is expressed in colorful and restful
furnishings. When in doubt about a color scheme, try adding green which is
God's harmony of color.
The most faithful record we have of bygone days is the patchwork quilt.
No one knows its history, for it is centuries old. The chapters have been
stitched by the women of many nations. It is indeed wonderful when you
know that one of the most beautiful and interesting forms of domestic
ï Page 3
industry has never been allowed to die Although one hundred years of the
machinery in competition has practically wiped out all other fireside crafts,
our quilt making still thrives. Even though hand piecing and quilting are
not necessary, the fascination of the creative art has a strong hold in the
hearts of American women. In New England, the houses were poorly
heated, but the pioneers with happy hearts and willing hands enjoyed
spinning, weaving, dyeing, and quilt making, as everyday routine work in
the first homes of their beloved land.
We love to think of some Dutch or English housewife spreading the first
Irish Chain or Log Cabin on beds in the frontier cabin homes. What a
wholesome thought it is that our American women have so saved, planned,
and pieced the quilts. To have wrought beauty from beautiful surroundings
has not always been achieved, but these early pioneer women salvaged
beauty and usefulness from waste materials. This was one of their everyday
In some way, we are apt to think of the quilt maker of those days, as mature
and old, but, on second thought, we are assured they were merely girls, for
pioneer movements were not sponsored by women who had passed life's
meridian. It takes youth with its inspiration and unspoiled imagination to
blaze new trails and leave the family hearth for the open road. Most of the
families who surged their way West were as young as the civilization they
were formulating. A girl wife drivng an oxen team, with her first born
held close in her strong young arms, or perhaps under her stronger young
heart, was the heroine of the day. They did not call her a heroine in those
days, and perhaps her timid sister who stayed home with "pa and ma" back
in York state spent the rest of her spinster days in envying wilful Emmie,
who rode away with John The story of their wanderings, their few
possessions, the friendships they formed, and their abiding faith, is the story
of the patchwork quilt.
The story of my work is expressed in the book, "Aunt Jane of Kentucky," by
Eliza Calvert Hall, who says, "You see you start out with jest so much
caliker, you don't go to the store and pick it out and buy it, but the neighbors
will give you a piece here and a piece there, and you'll have a piece left every
time you cut out a dress, and you take just what happens to come and that's
predestination. But when it comes to the cuttin' out why you're free to
choose your own patterns. You can give the same kind 'o pieces to two
persons, and one will make a Nine Patch and one'll make a Wild Goose
Chase, and there'll be two quilts made out 'o the same kind of pieces, and
jest as different as they can be. And that is jest the way with livin'. The
Lord sends us the pieces, but we can cut 'em out and put 'em together pretty
much to suit ourselves, and there's a heap more in the cuttin' out and sewin'!
than there is in the caliker."
Business is not merely a machine. It depends upon human beings who have
the urge to serve others. By working and giving work to others in this
beautiful and useful artcraft, we create a higher standard of living for health,
comfort, and happiness.
Life is enriched because handiwork presents a privilege and an opportunity
to express our highest individuality in creative art.
These pages are dedicated in admiration to my group of co-workers, whose
courage, skill, and patience has made possible these quilts. May God bless
their dear hands.
Page 4 ï
Shown also on Cover
Ready Stamped Quilt Top
Box contains:
Stamped background.
Stamped applique
Two flowers basted
for sample.
Size about 84x102.
Suggested colors: light
green background,
white daisies with yel-
low centers, medium
green leaves. The quilt
is available in any de-
sired color combina-
Pillow material, in-
cluding stamped top,
back and binding $1.25
Plume stencil, used in
repetition, with com-
plete quilting instruc-
tions ......................35c
Refer to index for prices.
Ready Cut Quilt Top
Box contains:
All pieces die cut for blocks.
Border and border pieces cut.
One block set together for sample.
Quilt can be had with a plain border.
Size about 86x104.
Suggested colors: any color print with
plain shade to match. Set together
with white or eggshell. Pillow ma-
terial cut to include top, back and
binding .........................................75c
Colors: Plain shade of green, yellow,
blue, rose or brown with matching
print. Quilt is pictured on page 25.
Refer to index for prices.
prices subject to change without notice.
ïPage 5
Used by permission of the "Home
Arts Needlecraft Magazine."
This quilt is a very striking design
and most suitable for a colonial room.
The background is white with beauti-
ful applique designs in strong colors,
midnight blue, red, brown, orange,
and peach.
Full size about 84x100.
Stencils for quilting designs ..........75c
All material for top of quilt with one
block basted ...........................$10.50
Refer to index for additional prices.
Ready Cut Quilt Top
Planned with five shades of each
color print with plain color on
outer row of each group. The cen-
ter of the quilt has a panel effect
centering flowered chintz effec-
tively. Beginning at the panel
with soft yellows blending into
peach, pink, lavender, blue and
green with half row of black,
the quilt is bordered with band
of green. The lining may be chos-
en to match any plain color used
in the quilt. The quilting must
necessarity be tailored. This one
is quilted each side of each seam,
which shows double checking on
the lining.
The box contains the die cut pieces
for quilt top, complete instructions,
and the center started.
Full size about 86x108.
Pillow material cut to do:
12"x12"-50c; 14"x14"-75c;
Refer to index for quilt prices
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
Page 6 ï
Material For Cut Quilt
Box contains:
All die cut pieces for
top of quilt.
One block pieced for
This design is replacing
Grandmother's Flower
Garden in popularity.
Full size about 84x100.
Suggested colors: any
print material with
plain matching color
for blocks, set together
with eggshell.
Brown print with plain
brown set together
with eggshell is very
effective. Price ..... ..$10.
Cut in assorted pastel
shades, set together
with white or eggshell
Pillow material ......60c
including top, back and
Refer to index for
additional prices.
Turn to page 28 show-
ing pillow and quilting
A very decorative design.
simple to make, copied from
a quilt made in Milwaukee
about one hundred years
ago, the original being made
with red and green leaves on
white background. The red
leaves formed an interesting
design which is shown by
the dark shading in the pic-
We suggest a soft corn color
background, using five shades
of yellow for the leaves, with
brown or green stems.
Other color suggestions: ó
shades from yellow to rust
and brown, or several shades
of green.
Material For Stamped Quilt Top.
Box contains:
All background material
and applique pieces stamp-
Folded bias stemming bor-
der, and binding.
One block basted.
Full size about 86x104.
Stamped material for 18 inch
pillow including top, back
and binding .................$1.00
Refer to index for additional
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
ï Page 7
The charm of this quilt is expressed
in simplicity of design and beautiful
Can be obtained in plain colors. White
in a Twilled Sateen; colors in Peter
Full size about 84x100.
Stencils and instructions for quilt-
ing ...............................................$2.00
Material with Stencils and instruc-
tions ..........................................$11.50
Refer to index for additional prices.
Ready Cat Quilt Top
Box contains:
Eggshell background material
cut and stamped.
Green bias stemming made.
Leaves cut of assorted color
Green bias for binding.
One block basted.
Full size about 84x100.
Three quilting designs with com-
plete quilting directions for this
quilt ...........................................75c
Pillow material including stamped
top, cut applique pieces, folded
bias, back and binding ..............60c
Refer to index for additional prices.
(Prices subject to change without notice.) Page 8 ï
Ready Cut Quilt Top
Box contains:
Enough die cut pieces for entire
Block set together for sample.
Full size about 84x100.
Well contrasted colors to give the
effect of sunshine and shadow.
Refer to index for prices.
ROSE OF 1840
The Rose of 1840 was
copied from an old
quilt that was made for
a bride's trousseau, but
it was never used. The
name "Lib Smith" is
quilted in at one end
of the original quilt,
owned by Mary A.
McElwain. The red
roses and rich green
leaves on a white back-
ground make a beauti-
ful quilt.
Full size about 84x100.
Refer to index for prices.
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
ï Page 9
Ready Stamped Quilt Top
Box contains:
Blocks cut to size and
Applique pieces die
Bias stemming fold-
Borders cut to size
and stamped.
Block basted for
Full size about 81x99.
Bias for binding in-
Suggested colors: blue
blocks, white daisies
with yellow centers
and green leaves, and
stems set together with
plain eggshell blocks,
or eggshell blocks with
pastel color daisies
having yellow centers,
green leaves and stems,
set together with Nile
green blocks.
Quilting stencils num-
bers 24 and 87 ......50c
Refer to index for
additional prices.
See page 28 for detail
of blocks.
Box contains:
All blocks and border strips cut
to size and stamped.
All applique material stamped.
Bias for binding.
One block basted for sample.
Full size about 81x106.
Suggested colors: two shades rose,
or yellow with green leaves on
white, or eggshell background.
Pillow material including stamped
top, back, and binding ..............75c
Refer to index for additional prices.
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
Page 10 ï
This quilt was copied from a very old quilt
which was made in the hills of southeast-
ern Iowa, over 100 years ago. In the
pioneer days, patterns and blending of
colors were a problem. Every girl, when
preparing for her wedding day, desired at
least one quilt that was different in design
from those of her friends. Polly's dream
of a happy future was filled with all the
beauties of nature. She spent months pon-
dering how to weave birds and flowers
into a quilt pattern-drawing, cutting, and
shaping flowers and birds. Finally, a pleas-
ing design was chosen. The exchange of
pieces so common in those days, failed to
give the colors desired, so the dye pot was
called into action, and at last this lovely
quilt was developed. Some way, in the
passing of this quilt through the gener-
ations, the name was lost, so has been re-
christened "The Grandmother's Fancy."
Colors of the quilt are: lavender, rose,
blue, and yellow, old fashioned print
flowers; canaries, cardinals and pur-
ple martins appliqued in plain colors.
Eggshell background. Green binding
and stemming.
Full size about 84x108.
Available basted or finished only.
No paper pattern.
Refer to index for prices.
An interesting combination of
patch and applique-an ideal
pattern to use up prints, as the
petals of each flower are made
with prints of different colors.
The Blossoms with yellow cen-
ters, green stems and leaves are
appliqued on eggshell blocks,
which, when set together with
green or contrasting shade,
forms a star.
Full size about 88x102.
Paper pattern .......................35c
Refer to index for additional
(Prices subject to change mahout notice.)
ï Page I I
Ready Cut QuiIt Top
Box contains:
All pieces cut for the top.
One block pieced.
Full size about 80x94.
Available in any desired color
Suggested colors: plain brown,
peach or brown print set to-
gether with eggshell.
Stencil for quilting design
shown or border ...................50c
Refer to index for additional
Full size about 84x100.
Not .Available Cut
Refer to index for pattern price.
Both the Baby Basket and Baby
Star are copies of very old quilts.
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
Page 12 ï
Ready Cut Quilt Top
Box contains:
Die cut pieces to make up blocks
as illustrated.
Alternate blocks cut to size, and
borders cut to width.
Bias for binding.
One block pieced.
Full size about 81x99.
Suggested colors: plain blue, rose,
lavender, and yellow with green
baskets, set together with white or
eggshell. Borders to match. The
Rainbow Cactus is a copy of a
quilt brought from England over
100 years ago.
Refer to index for prices.
Copy of quilt originally made in
Janesville, Wisconsin about one
hundred years ago.
Suggested coloring: stars, green
print and plain yellow set together
with white or eggshell.
Full size about 86x100.
Refer to index for pattern price.
Quilting stencil No. 24 .............25c
(Price. subject to change without notice.)
ï Page 13
Ready Stamped Quilt Tot
Box contains:
Blocks and borders cut.
All applique pieces stamped.
Bias for stemming and binding.
One block basted for sample.
Full size about 86x100.
Suggested colors: yellow, gold, and
brown with green stemming, on corn
Stencil for quilting design shown on
border ...........................................50c
Stencil for quilting design used where
four blocks join ...........................25c
Pillow material stamped ...........$1.25
Refer to index for additional prices.
An interesting design
to make, combining
print with a row of
matching plain color
each side. Groups are
separated by rows of
eggshell. Complete di-
rections and yardage
necessary are given in
paper pattern. Full size
about 86x102.
Refer to index for prices.
(Prices subject to change without notice. )
Page 14 ï
Ready Stamped Quilt Top.
The box contains:
Torn blocks, border
strips, stamped med-
allions, and one bast-
ed block.
Full size about 86x108.
Suggested colors: blue
background, white me-
dallions, or light green
background with egg-
shell medallions.
Stencil for quilting de-
sign ........................25c
Refer to index for prices.
One of the most gorge-
ous of the Star pat-
terns, starting in the
center with red, and
working out in the fol-
lowing order: orange,
yellow, green, dark
blue, light blue, laven-
der and ending in green
on star tips. Border:
blue and white.
Available in pastel
shades also, or any
other desired combina-
tion of colors.
Ready Cut Quilt Top
Box contains:
Die cut pieces, back-
ground and binding.
Full size about 84x100.
Stencil design for
quilting .................35c
Refer to index for
additional prices.
(Prices subject to change
without notice.)
ï Page 15
Not Available Cut
This pattern originated
in Waukegan, Illinois,
and it is one of the most
decorative of patch ar-
Full size about 90x100.
Stencil for quilting de-
sign ........................35c
Refer to index for
additional prices.
Not Available Cut
Paper pattern give
complete color ar
Full size about 84x100
Size of block: Abou
seven inches square.
Refer to index for
pattern prices.
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
Page 16 ï
Ready Cut (Milt Top
Box contains:
All pieoes cut for top.
One block pieced for
Full size about 84x100.
Suggested colors: any
colors well contrasted.
Small black and white
print or blue and white
print, set together with
white or eggshell.
Refer to index for prices.
Ruth E. Finley in herbook, "Old Patchwork Quilts and the Women Who Made Them",
tells us the following story: The "Bear's Paw" is a product of Ohio and Western Penn-
sylvania, a culmination of love and romance of pioneers of 1836. Ruth E. Finley tells
us this was taken from a diary and the diarist left Connecticut in 1826, settling in the
Connecticut Reserve on a quarter section near what is now the city of Cleveland, Ohio.
The diary states he was only twenty-four years old. Not many farms had been cleared
and the land was in virgin forest. The task of this young man was to turn, with his
own hands, one hundred sixty acres of dense timber into open fields, and it was hard
work, but from his own diary he found pleasure in so doing. His sweetheart was Mary
Anne, and a daguerreotype shows Mary Ann as pretty, slender and dainty, as the lover
was husky and tall. It was very plain that he adored her, but he was not the only lad who
came West. Mary Anne had the pick of two whole counties and she kept them guessing.
Finally her lover planted a few acres to crops and pronounced an ultimatum. After
work, that day a week, he would call for his answer, when Mary Ann must take him
or leave him. In the late afternoon of the appointed day, he started out on his three
mile journey through the forest with his gun, dreaming of the "yes" he hoped to get
at the end of his journey. And he was dreaming for he leaned his gun against a tree
when he stooped to pick mandrake blossoms for his lady love and then . . . a ferocious
mother bear entered the scene. He could not reach his gun, but he realized the mother
bear, heavy with milk, could not climb a tree, so he "shinnied" up in a hurry and sat
there from five o'clock that day until almost noon the next day, when mother bear fi-
nally ambled away. Meanwhile, Mary Ann had waited all night tearfully to conclude
she had coquetted once too often. Then, many hours late, the lover appeared with
this bear story and Mary Ann accepted him and his yarn. So ends the story of "The
Bear's Paw" quilt pattern.
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
ï Page 17
I was wandering idly through a village
On a glorious autumn day,
Musing of Life's sun and shadow,
Dreaming of lands so far away,
When suddenly I was attracted,
Something drew me to a door,
Bid me enter, with gracious welcome,
Ne'er such a place had I found before.
Quaint old samplersórare and dainty,
Dolls that breathed of days gone by,
But the best of all I found there
Was a bed with quilts heaped high.
Graciously, the quilts were shown me
And as one by one they were turned o'er,
'Twas like a memory book unfolding
Tales of beauty, travel and days of yore.
The AMERICAN TAPESTRY was quite intriguing,
Five thousand pieces sewed one by one,
And one never could realize all of its beauty
Until the last stitch was done.
"Just as in weaving the web of life
Each for himself his fate,
We may not know how the right side looks,
We can only weave and wait."1
Then the ROSE comes, in all of its beauty,
And June with its brides and its WEDDING RING,
The MUSCATEL GRAPE suggests fall with its harvest,
The SNOW-FLAKEóit is such a dainty thing,
So there we have the four seasons,
And each a story might bring.
Here is Nature's most beautiful symphony,
WhyóIt's "Nothing but LEAVES," you say,
Did you ever think how bare the flowers would look,
If you took the leaves away?
"Oh, a poem every flower is,
And every leaf a line,
And with what wonderful memories
They fill this heart of mine."'
The IRISH CHAIN takes me to Erin,
With the SPANISH FAN I am right in Spain,
The TULIPS transport me to Holland
With the HUMMING BIRD I fly back again
A garden that all sweetest sweetness holds,
With its quaint little paths, its old fashioned flowers,
Pinks, zinnias, Sweet Williams and marigolds.
"The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the bird for mirth,
But you are nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth."3
Page 18 ï
Written and Compiled
As a Tribute to Mary A. M<
and Her Beautiful Quilt
France may be proud of her LILY,
England is welcome to her ROSE,
But the DAISY white, with the heart of gold,
Is the daintiest flower that grows.
A bit of blue and a pink and white cloud
Taken right from the sky, goes the story,
All anchored to earth with a vine of green,
So God fashioned the MORNING GLORY.
And now the gorgeous one of POPPIES,
With hues so brilliantly red,
They used to suggest sleep and the Orient
But now we think of our dead.
"In Flanders fields the poppies grow
Between the crosses, row on row,
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high!
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields."4
"We know joys come with sadness
And pleasure will follow pain,"5
And we never see a RAINBOW
Without both sunshine and rain.
"Did Grandma ever tell you about the PATCHWORK QUILT
That lays across the sofa in her room?
It is made from scraps of dresses
That she were when she was young,
And some of them were woven on a loom.
It isn't just the dresses that Grandma tells about
It's things that happened when she had them on,
And almost every piece that's in that dear old patchwork quilt
Holds the memory of a sorrow or a song.
There are red ones for the roses, and blues for 'don't forgets,'
And yellow ones for sun-flowers of pure gold.
There's one she calls sweet lavender that smells like baby clothes,
And one of purple like the sun-set skies,
We never ask about these or the gray one like the rain,
For when we do dear Grandma always cries.
My Grandma told me once that life is just a patch-work quilt,
Of births, and deaths and marriages and things,
And that sometimes when you're looking for a lovely piece of red,
You only find a knot of faded strings.
But she says the red is redder when it's by a piece of brown,
And gray is not so gray by sunny gold,"6
Oh, I hope you have enjoyed the story of the quilts
That they told me in that quilt shop, quaint and old.
1 Chester, Anton G., "The Tapestry Weavers."
2 Author unknown.
3 Gurney, Dorothy Frances, "God's Garden."
4 McCrae. Lieut. Col. John, "In Flanders Field."
5 Author unknown.
6 Price, Natalie Whitted, "The Patchwork Quilt."
ï Page 19
Ready Stamped Quilt Top
Box contains:
Stamped blocks. sash, and bor-
der cut to size.
Bias for stems and wreath.
Leaves stamped to cut out.
Grapes and crinoline die cut.
One block basted for sample.
Full size about 88x100.
Suggested color combination: black
grapes, green leaves, stemming and
bands on white or eggshell back-
Variation: lavender or blue grapes.
Pillow material: Includes stamp-
ed top, back, and binding ......$1.00
Refer to index for additional prices.
Ready Cut Quilt Top
Box contains:
49 sets of Turkey
Tracks (die cut).
Alternate white
blocks, border and
bias to bind quilt.
One pieced block for
Full size about 83x99.
Suggested colors: red
and yellow old fash-
ioned prints set to-
gether with white.
Pictured in views of
the shop on page 24.
Refer to index for prices.
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
Page 20 ï
This design was copied with per-
mission from the frontispiece in
the Marie D. Webster quilt book,
"Quilts, Their Story and How to
Make Them."
Makes up into a very colorful quilt.
Full size about 84x100.
Made from paper pattern.
Refer to index for prices.
This patchwork design
is a decided favorite
for one who is willing
to put considerable
piecing into the mak-
ing. A block is made
of four six sided units
of twenty - four tri-
angles, all made alike
but set together so that
the groupings of dark
and light triangles al-
Full size about 84x100.
Refer to index for prices.
Page 22 ï (Prices subject to change without notice.)
This quilt can be had as pictured, or
on individual blocks with a ship on
each block.
Size about 72x100.
Suggested colors: Medium blue back-
ground, dark blue ships, sand or white
sails. Border suggests sand with
waves of dark blue. Quilting designs;
anchors, ship's wheel and light house
Refer to index for additional prices.
A design suitable for a modern room,
or for any rather informal room of
no definite period. This quilt will
give a tailored appearance to your
room, the 'look' that decorators wish
to achieve in today's bedrooms.
Ready Stamped Quilt Top
The box contains: background ma-
terial, applique material, and final
Finished size about 74x100.
Suggested colors: red and black flow-
ers on white, or brown print and
peach flowers on eggshell background,
with brown stems and panel binding.
Pillow below shows one block in de-
tail. Pillow material stamped ....75c
Refer to index for prices.
This quilt can be set together block to
block or sashed in color if desired.
Made of assorted prints and plain
Stencils for heart and plume quilting
design ..............................................50c
Full size about 43x66.
Refer to index for prices.
Crib size about 30x36.
Stamped on blue or pink background
with white daisies and yellow centers,
green leaves and stemming.
Refer to index for prices.
Crib size 40x60.
Stamped to do for ........................$2.25
Suggested colors: light blue back-
ground with medium shade for ships
with white sails. Medium blue bor-
der. Eggshell or sand background,
blue ships with blue print sails, blue
Refer to index for prices.
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
ï Page 23
The stitches of a quilt are love,
not just cloth and thread, for
dreams, aspirations, and richest
thoughts are symbolized in this
great field of needlework.
When it is cold outside
and warm within, then it
is that the home maker's
thoughts turn to quilts,
spurring the needlework-
er on in her zeal for this
creative and absorbing
Everyone has a grandmother, and
at some time almost every grand-
mother has made a quilt. sampler
or an afghan. The family history
is written into the quaint prints
and what a wealth of memory
clings to the patchwork, which is
a symbol of the American home.
Page 24 ï
The lovely old quilts, which are now
among the cherished treasures teach
lessons in harmony of color. What
our pioneers lacked in tapestry and
pictures they tried to make up by
combining bright colors into patch-
work and applique.
The modern decorator reproduces the
old designs trying to recapture their
Quilts have a quaint and appealing
call in piecing and patching fabrics
for decoration. The idea is not how
many quilts can be produced, but
how well they can be made, and into
each quilt putting the best of ma-
terials, making them masterpieces
and heirlooms of tomorrow.
By Edgar A. Guest
An afghan is a thing of wool
That's made in pretty strips,
But all that makes it beautiful
Comes not from finger tips.
I watch the needle as it plies
So swiftly out and in
And something from her lovely eyes
The stitches seem to win.
And though they could not find it there
Who'd tear the thing apart,
In every stitch she makes I'll swear,
Goes something of her heart.
A pretty thing at last 'twill be
To toss upon a chair;
But I, alone, shall know and see
The beauty that is there.
Yes, I alone, have watched it grow
In lovely rosy folds,
And only I shall truly know
How much of her it holds.
Copyright 1936 by Edgar A. Guest.
Page 26 ï
The Blackberry Rose Paneled Cable
Sections of two outstanding designs is afghans are shown above. Both are copies of robes made about sixty
years ago. They were graciously loaned me by friends who are needle artists and have expressed them-
selves in this way.
The Blackberry is made of a soft green yarn in
afghan stitch with the blackberries (not a popcorn
stitch) forming diamonds. A rose is cross-stitched
in the alternate plain diamonds with beautiful
shades of rose using darker shades of green for
stem and leaves. Robe is bordered with two rows
of shell stitch. Other color suggestions: wood
brown with the rose cross-stitched in shades of
yellow using green stem and leaves.
The Rose Paneled Cable is made in strips with rich
coloring of all shades in the cross-stitched rose
panels. The many rows of cable stitch (also a
variation of the afghan stitch) set off the panel of
roses in a way that is hard for the needle-worker
to resist.
There are many other possibilities with this type
of afghan as various cross-stitched designs may
be used in the plain panels. For a modern setting,
we suggest a calla lily cross-stitched in the plain
panels. The background is effective in any two
shades of one color. The model is made in two
shades of green, using the lighter green background
for cross-stitch work.
If interested in making either of these afghans, write to the Quilt Shop, Walworth, Wisconsin, for prices and
ï Page 27
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Important Style Changes
In the last few years, women have become conscious of the ensemble or matching idea, as applied to their
beds. In other words, you can safely assume that beds and bedding are now regarded by most housewives
from the decorative aspect as well as from the strict utilitarian angle of being just a place to sleep.
For your information we wish to advise you that there is nothing finer than Wamsutta Supercale sheets
and cases. The material is woven from the finest of cotton and has a very high construction. The tex-
ture of the material is very soft and silky and remains the same after repeated laundering. Greater smooth-
ness and strength in the fabric has been perfected by Wamsutta's exclusive Equi-Tension process which insures
longer life to sheets and cases. Wamsutta styling leads the industry.
A "Supercale" Sheet made of superfine percale is the aristocrat of sheets. Very fine, light weight, strong,
smooth, luxurious, definitely a sheet for those who want the finest quality.
Wamsutta Supercale Sheets
Plain Hemstitched
Twin Size 72x108 .........................................$3.50 Each $3.80 Each
Full Size 81x108 ...........................................$3.95 Each $4.25 Each
Wamsutta Supercale Cases
42x381/2 .........................................$ .95 Each $1.10 Each
Perfect Percale Sheets and Pillow Cases
Perfect Percale has been manufactured with the idea in mind of giving the trade a medium priced percale
superior to muslin and having a firm, even texture, w hick adds greatly to the durability and general appear-
ance of the sheeting. Enjoy the rich luxury of Percale sheets, the smooth, satiny texture, fine body, and flaw-
less finish. We offer the following
Plain Hemstitched
Twin Size 72x108 - - - - - - - -$2.10 Each $2.25 Each
I Full Size 81x108 .......................$2.30 Each $2.50 Each
Crib Size 381/2x45 .....................$ .60 Each $ .75 Each
Crib Size 42x36 ......................$ .65 Each
Pillow Cases 42x381/2 ...............$ .65 Each $ .80 Each
Pillow Cases 45x381/2 ............$ .80 Each
To match quilt design shown on page 7. Pillow
material cut to doópieces for top, back, and bind-
ing .....................................................................$0.60
Wreath stamped on Peter Pan in any desired color
or white. Back and binding included.
18-inch ...............................................................$1.00
Hand Quilted Pillow .......................................... 6.00
Kapok Filler ...................................................... .50
Detail of Shasta Daisy shown on page 10óa pleasing
color harmony-yellow daisies, deeper yellow cent-
ers, reseda green leaves and stems appliqued on nile
green blocks 6 inches square, set together with egg-
(Prices subject to change without notice.)
Page 28 ï
A Beautifully Proportioned Design A Modern Well Tailored Design
These quilts are made of Clairanese Taffeta, entirely free from artificial weighting, guaranteed not t
fray, split or crack, with corded or beaded edge, fine hand guided stitching in smart designs that ad(
richness to the beauty of the fabric, filled with 21/2 pounds of guaranteed 100% carded Virgin wool
Colors: Heliotrope, Sea Green, Rose, Copen Blue, Old Gold, Peach, Champagne, Castor or Sahara Brown
Rust, Wine and Black. Available also in any desired reversible combination of colors. Suggestion
Peach and Blue, Green and Rose, Old Gold and Castor Brown, Champagne and Helitrope. Size: 72x89
$15.00. Chaise Lounge Throw $10.00. Special orders can be shipped within a week. Samples sent
upon request.
Insures Complete Comfort, Warmth and Beauty
These Down Comforts are suberbly luxurious in the fineness of their construction, are beautifully
sewn and handsomely finished. The Downy pattern is attractively effective because of its simplicity
of design. Due to the rich color quality of Clairanese Taffeta and its silvery sheen, it is unequaled for
luxurious appearance. For single or double beds. With bead edges.
Material: Guaranteed Clairanese Taffeta. Size: 72x84, $17.50.
FillingóGuaranteed 100% Pure White Goose Down. Colors: Lilac, Sea Green, Rose, Copen Blue,
Royal Blue, Rust, Wine, Black, Old Gold, Peach, Champagne, Sahara and Georgian Rust. Self or Re-
versible Colors. Available also in any desired reversible combination of colors. Can be made up also
with one side of Satin and the other side Taffeta in the same shade at an additional cost of $7.50. Pil-
lows can be made to match quilts with matching cord bindings. 18 inch, $1.50; 16 inch, $1.25.
THE BEAUTY. Most charmingly decorative, combining the new printed Clairanese Tafetta, in stun-
ning designs with the soft, rich plain colors. Adaptable coloring is available in the Taffeta prints to
harmonize with any decorative plan. Filled with 100% Pure White Goose Down. In choosing these
one feels gratified at the beauty they loan to a bedroom, a place that invites relaxation. Size 72x84.
Price: $20.00.
(Prices subject to change without notice.) ï Page 29
Made from the finest handpicked selected staple
cotton, air cleaned, without the use of chemicals,
acids or bleaches. 100% pure, clean and sanitary,
retaining all the life and elasticity of the natural
cotton. This is carded and made into a batting,
(not sheet wadding) especially adapted for quilt in-
terlining, fluffy and very easily quilted, uniform in
thickness. There is a strip of paper folded with the
cotton batt, running full length, upon which is
printed at least two full and complete choice Quilt
Patterns entirely gratis-with the compliments of
Janesville, Wis.
To show up the fine Needlework on fine handmade
patch or applique quilts, select one of the following
brands of cotton batting, according to size of Quiltó
Size of Sheet-72x100 Inches .............................$0.75
Size of Sheet-84x108 Inches. $1.00
"My many years of quilt experience have proven
the superiority of the brands above listed. The user
will find that its higher price is economy in the end."
White Cloud Bed Pillows
Imported Down Proof Linen Ticking
Best White Goose Down. 2 pounds per pair. Size
21x27. Peach, blue, green, lavender and the regu-
lation blue and white and tan and white stripe or
plain white ...............................................$6.25 each
Wrapped in Cellophane
Double Box Stitching Single Box Stitching
Double Box Stitching as Illustrated
39x76 ............................................................................$2.10
42x76 ......................................................................... 2.25
43x76 ............................................................................ 2.35
54x76 ............................................................................ 2.75
60x76 ............................................................................ 3.25
68x76 ............................................................................ 3.50
18x34 ............................................................................$ .75
27x40 ............................................................................ 1.00
34x36 ......1.25
34x52 ............................................................................ 1.50
CRIB PADSóSingle Box Stitching
18x34 ............................................................................$ .60
27x40 ............................................................................ .85
34x36 ............................................................................ 1.00
34x52 ............................................................................ 1.25
The Name ROCK RIVER assures you of
excellent quality and longer service.
Most Mattress Protectors look pretty much alike, yet they
aren't alike, either in the way they are made or in the
results they give.
1.ROCK RIVER PROTECTORS are made of cambrics
strictly first quality inspected for uniformity, wear and
2.SEWINGóThese pads are sewed with small locked
rip-proof stitching (at least eight stitches per inch) thus
insuring additional strength for more launderings. They
are sewed in the latest box stitch design, which is the cor-
rect stitching to prevent shifting or lumping of the cotton
3.FILLINGóThey are filled with extra pure, clean, sani-
tary, uniform CARDED cotton batting made of 75% or
more bleached cotton (75%) used for its highly absorbent
qualities which are necessary in a pad, and a long staple
cotton linter used for its lofty, soft and resilient properties.
ROCK RIVER'S exclusive CARDED batting filler can-
not be excelled because of its many fine veil-like layers
and a special center layer in the heart of the pad which is
designed to absorb moisture. This special center gives
body, but not bulk. CARDED cotton only retains the cotton
WEIGHT OF FILLERóThe weight of the filler is an im-
portant measure of the amount of cotton you are buying.
This batting weighs fourteen to fifteen ounces per square
yard. Extra cotton means extra wear.
bound with strong bias binding giving reinforcement to
the pad. CROWN JEWEL pad binding is extra-reinforced
with cross stitching which prevents raveling and stretching.
cut full measurements. Allowance of approximately three
inches should be made for shrinking after laundering and
6.The manufacture of ROCK RIVER PROTECTORS is
carefully and correctly done, and the workmanship used in
making them is of the best. No better value in a PROTEC-
TOR can be found.
Prices subject to change without notice.
Page 30 ï (Prices subject to change without notice.)
Mary A. McElwain Quilt Shop uses STILES WAXT THREAD
exclusively in all its handiwork.
Made for Fine Hand Work
It Is Fully Worth Its Price
A waxed spool cotton especially adapted for hand sewing.
The process by which this thread is
treated is the unique invention of a
woman, who realized the trials of
sewing with ordinary spool cotton.
What woman who sews has not ex-
perienced the exasperation of having
a "knot" come in her thread in the
middle of the process of making a
buttonhole? Stiles Waxt Thread
DOES NOT KNOT, snarl or tangle
in use.
It is a six-cord cotton, especially de-
signed for fine hand sewing, and par-
ticularly adapted for hemming table
linen, sewing on lace and trimmings,
making buttonholes, quilting, hem-
stitching, etc. Being thoroughly waxed,
it is easy to put through the eye of the
needle. Stiles Waxt Thread is smooth
and fine yet with increased strength,
so that finer sizes may be used, pro-
ducing daintier work.
The user will find that its higher
price is economy in the end. No kinks,
snarls, knots or breaks annoy the user,
with resultant saving of time, thread
and patience. Stiles Waxt Thread
make hand work a pleasure, for it
absolutely "DOES NOT KNOT."
For patching and quilting use #70 STILES WAXT THREAD and Boye #9 between
gold eye needles.
For applique work use #100 STILES WAXT THREAD and Boye #10 crewel needles.
For extra-fine applique work use T150 STILES WAXT THREAD and Boye #11 crewel
Thread is 15c per spool. Needles are 10c per package.
Sold In All Leading Stores.
Sizes available
in squares
Sizes available
in hexagons
Humming Bird pattern
You will find these new metal patterns a wonderful aid in cutting your
small quilt patches. They have sandpaper on the bottom, so they will not
slip on your material. Each one has a handle, which makes it easy to hold.
The center of each pattern is cut out, so that a flower print may be easily
centered. Many quiltmakers center flowers in each patch. The drawings
above are actual sizes.
For stem applique work:
1/4 inch wide .................................................................................................$0.25
3/s inch wide ................................................................................................. .35
Colors: Peter Pan Gingham # 12 Reseda green, #20 Emerald green
Folded Peter Pan bias for binding quilts in 12 yard bolts ..........................35c
Colors: #12 Reseda Green, 7420 Emerald Green.
Transparent Ruler
The transparent ruler is the modern ruler which makes work easier when-
ever lines must be drawn or spaces measured. It speeds up every ruling
task making it simple to have every finished line accurate by letting you
see what you are drawing while you are drawing it. We find it indispen-
sable in our quilting labor.
1 x 12 inch .............................................$ .50
2 x 12 inch ............................................. .75
2 x 18 inch ............................................. 1.50
The Quilt Makers Ideal Material
Ginghams ï Percales ï Plain Colors ï Prints;
The woman who buys Peter Pan for her quilts should know some of its
general characteristics. She should be able to recognize its general quali-
ties by feel, appearance, weight, and firmness. She should know prices and
widths and what to expect from a material of standard grade. Her judg-
ment of this fabric should be based on this general knowledge.
Peter Pan is a closely woven, light weight fabric with a soft dull finish.
Its soft texture makes it a joy with which to work, and it takes the needle
readily. Its color harmony, thread count, width, durability, and moderate-
ness in price help to make it an unusual material.
The superior threads resist wear as a result of being manufactured ex-
clusively of selected yarn. The ginghams are one hundred threads to the
inch, and percales are eighty threads to the inch.
The colors being absolutely tub fast eliminate the danger of running or
Peter Pan manufacturers can always be depended upon to supply the
newest color shades each season and the dependable staple colors.
We have found Peter Pan material in both plain color and print to be
the very best obtainable for quilt making.
The quilting stencil is an outstanding innovation
in patterns for marking the quilting design of
fine quilts. It is an idea which has been enthus-
iastically accepted by quilters, both professional
and amateur, the country over. Send stamp for
sheet showing stencil designs of plumes and
Page 34 ï
As every quilter knows, it is quite essential to fill in the background of quilts where
there is space between the pattern and the quilting designs. In order to aid those who
do not yet have a favorite style of work, we have listed the types which we have found
to be very good. The majority of our work is done in square checking diamond style,
as you will see illustrated below. The quarter inch checking gives a fine contrast, when
used along with the five eighths or inch checking. The half inch and broken diagonal
lines make very effective borders with designs running through them.
Index and Price List
For any information regarding our quilting, prices, or quilt problems. shall write to the Mary A. McElwain Quilt
Shop, Walworth, Wisconsin. We shall be pleased to receive your inquiries and shall appreciate the opportunity of serving
you. Please do not send stamps.
Page Patterns Stamped Cut Finished Basted
1 Coyer Page Daisy Chain ..
2 Copyright Map Showing
Vicinity of Walworth .......
3 Quilts-Editorial ..............
4 Quilts ...............................
5 Daisy Chain ...........................$12.50 $12.50 $85.00 $25.00
Double Itish Chain ..........$ 35 ................12.50 65.00
6 Horn of Plenty ................ 50 ............................85.00 45.00
American Tapestry .........................11.50 60.00
7 Humming Bird ................ .35 ................11.50 65.00
The Laurel .....35 11.50 ................50.00 20.00
8 Romance .......................... 2.00 ............................85 . (X)
Wreath of Leayes ............ 35 ................12.50 60.00
9 Log Cabin ........................ .35 ................11.50 50.00
1840 Rose ........................ .50 ............................65.00 20.00
10 Shasta Daisy ................... .33 ................11.00 65.00 20.00
Ohio Rose ........................ .35 ............................50.00 15.00
Ohio Rose Stamped on
Peter Pan ....................................11.00 19.00
Ohio Rose Stamped on
Percale .....................................6.75 15.00
11 Grandmothers Fancy .....................................50.00 20.00
Desert Flower ......35 ............................60.00 35.00
12 Shoo Fly ...........................8.30 40.00
Baby Basket .................... .35 ............................65.00
13 Rainbow Cactus .............. .35 ................11.50 50.00
Baby Star ........................ 35 ............................75.00
14 Oakleaf and Acorn ........... .35 12.50 60.00 20.00
Postage Stamp ................. 35 ............................50.00
15 Conventional Medallion ... .35 11.00 60.00 20.00
Rainbow Star ................... .35 ................12.50 50.00
16 Quilt of 1000 Prints ......... .35 ............................75.00
Jewel Box ......................... .35 ............................60.00
17 Bear's Paw Story ............. .35 ................11.50 60.00
18 Poem-Romance of the
Village Quilts, by Jennie
H. Friend
Page Patterns Stamped Cut Finished Basted
20 Muscatel Grape .........................11.50 60.00 20.00
Turkey Track ...........................8.25 40.00
21 Indiana Wreath 1.00 ............................85.00 45.00
Ocean Wave ..................... .25 ............................50.00
22 Ship Quilt ........................ .35 9.00 50.00 20.00
Modern Rose ..................... . .......11.50 60.00 20.00
23 A. B. C. Crib ................... 1.00 12.00
Painty Daisy ...............1.75 .................7.50
Dream Ship ..................... .35 2.25 ................10.00 4.25
24 Views of the Shop ............
25 Views of the Shop ............
26 The Afghan-Poem by
Edgar A. Guest ................
27 Afghan-The Blackberry
Rose Paneled Cable .........
28 Wamsutta--Supercale
Sheets and Pillow Cases ...
Perfect Percale Sheets and
Pillow Cases .....................
Humming Bird Pillow ......
Plume Wreath Pillow ...............1.00 ..................6.00
Shasta Daisy detail ..........
29 Silk Quilts-Wool ............
Down Quilts ....................
30 Rock River Mattress Pro-
tectors ..............................
Cotton Batting ................
Down Pillows ...................
31 Stiles Waxt Thread ......
Needles ............................
32 Metal Cutting Patterns ...
Transparent Ruler ...........
Folded Quilt Makers Bias
33 Peter Pan Ginghams and
Percales ...........................
34 Types of Quilting for Back-
ground Work ...................
35 Index and Bibliography ..
Prjces in thjs book subject to change without notjce.
"Old Patchwork Quilts and the Women Who Made Them," by Ruth E. Finley. J. B. Lippincott Co.
Price $2.95
"One Hundred and One Patch Work Quilts," by Ruby Short McKim. Price $1.50
"Aunt Jane of Kentucky," by Eliza Calvert Hall. Price $2.00
"Quilts-Their Story and How to Make Them," by Marie D. Webster. Price $3.00
"A Book on Hand Woven Coverlets," by Eliza Calver Hall. Price $4.50
"The Lady of Godays-Sarah Josepha Hale," by Ruth E. Finley. J. P. Lippincott Co., Price $3.50
The above books make ideal gifts.
Printed at The Daily News Pub. Co., Beloit, Wis. Printed in the U.S.A
Applique; Piecing
Waldvogel Legacy Project, Merikay -
Documentation Project
Quilts and Health Michigan State University
Waldvogel Ephemera Collection
Waldvogel, Merikay
Womenfolk 33. The History of 20th Cent...
Breneman, Judy Anne
Womenfolk 55. Is it a Ducks Foot in th...
Breneman, Judy Anne
Daisies Won't Tel... Gasperik, Mary
Peach Posy Gasperik, Mary
Peach Posy Gasperik, Mary
Load More