From Uncoverings 2007, Volume 28 of the Research Papers of the American Quilt Study Group
By: Evans, Joanna E.
Joanna Evans holds a BA in Biology and Education and an MEd, both from Smith College. She is the Director of Admission and Financial Aid at The White Mountain School. Previously she directed the Advance College Project at Indiana University and before that worked as a writer and editor of educational materials for seventeen years. She has written how-to quilt books, patterns for Quilting Today and Traditional Quiltworks, and articles for Blanket Statements. Evans has been a member of the American Quilt Study Group since 1995 and is a member of the Midwest Fabric Study Group and the Bloomington Quilters Guild.
Documentation Project
American Quilt Study Group -
Uncoverings 2007, Volume 28 of the Res...
Evans, Joanna E.
Contents and Preface
Evans, Joanna E.
The Gingham Dog or the Calico Cat: Gra...
Gunn, Virginia
Rachel's Tat
Dugan, Eleanor Knowles
The Joy of Beauty: The Creative Life a...
Gregory, Jonathan
Analysis of a Late Nineteenth-Century ...
Shultis, Lynne
The Princess Feather: Exploring a Quil...
Gebel, Carol Williams
Cheerful and Loving Persistence: Two H...
Robare, Mary Horton
The Underground Railroad Quilt Code: T...
Horton, Laurel