California Guest Makes Quilt While Visiting
July 26, 1934
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including a coupon for Quilt Club membership, an advertisement for two Nosegay pattern leaflets, and letters from Quilt Club Corner members.
California Gues Makes Quilts While Visiting
Inset shows Mrs. Shoup, who has made this Friendship Knot quilt, which is very appropriately named with the bow-knots at each quarter of the circle. The knots are yellow print and the circular pieces of many colors.
Has Frames on Her Porch Throughout Entire Year
By Edith B. Crumb.
When Mrs. William H. Shoup, 1944 Seventh Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif., arrived in Detroit to visit her mother, Mrs. O. E Esemore, 12561 Third Avenue, Highland park, she never dreamed that she would be so busy making quilts while here. But inasmuch as she was an industrious quilt maker at home, in California she simply couldn’t leave it alone, so she has entered right into the spirit of the Quilt club Corner has already finished the top of a quilt from Mrs. Roosevelt's favorite pattern.
Mrs. Shoup brought in a Snowball to show me and I had it photographed but the colors were so delicate it did not come out as distinctly as the quilt shown in the illustration, which is called the “Friendship Knot”. Doesn’t it make you think of the Double Wedding Ring?
The knots are in yellow and white print while the circular bands are in yellow, red blue, and brown prints.
Since last winter, Mrs. Shoup has quilted several tops, but she is saving the rest of her quilting until she gets back to California, for she says she has her frames out on a porch all the time, where she is coll on hot days and has warm sun on cool days. It is too bad we can’t all take our quilting out to California and use Mrs. Shoup’s frame.
Isn’t it nice to know that we have another member from the Pacific Coast? And that isn’t all- she has not only joined the Corner, but she is sending several entries for the Contest.
For a few weeks the Quilt Club Corner will be in the paper on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday instead of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; and be sure to look at the Corner tomorrow for I am going to tell you the story of a retired policeman who makes quilts.
Please Write a Letter to Her.
Mrs. Earl Luderick, 14541 Welland avenue, Detroit, has a mother who lives on a farm in Illinois and is grief stricken and very lonely. She makes quilts, has become a member of the Quilt Club Corner, and Mrs. Luderick (and I) both hope that some of the members will write some of their cheery letters for her. They will do worlds of good for I know they will be appreciated. Mrs. Ludericks mothers name is Mrs. J.L Oakley and she lives in Nokomis, Illinois.
Address at Last!
We have been looking for a letter from Mrs. Agnes McPortland because we did not know her address and here it is- 2645 Sixth Street, Detroit. Mrs. McPortland writes: “I heard you had been asked for my new address so am sending it along. I supposed my friends in the Corner would like to know how I am getting along. Quite well, thank you! I am working for my room and board and in the meantime my quilts go along merrily. I am making an eight-point star and appliqueing the star on a block of white. It is more than pretty. I have five Dresden Plates, five fans, and One Flat Iron all ready to set together, and started a Double Wedding Ring. Not so bad- is it? Thanks to those in the Corner for their kindness to me."
I know that everyone hopes that Mrs. McPortland will have several quilts in the Contest and that she will be able to attend for she would enjoy it so.
To Make State Quilt.
Mrs. James Queen, 3406 Harrison street, Detroit, wants to make a state quilt and I know would appreciate knowing how those who made them went about getting blocks from the different states. She wants to send blocks in return and would like to have her blocks 12 inches square.
She also has some patches about six inches that she would be glad to exchange for other approximately the same size.
About Gran's Quilt.
I always read the letters and enjoy them very much.
I am going to start the Nosegay very soon now. I have been very busy doing other things, but want to get back to my quilting very soon.
I would just love to quilt a block for Gran if I knew the size, block and what pattern.
I am going to write to the invalid girl in Muskegon, Mich. and going to send her a few pieces.
Mrs. Susie Spaulding,
Durand, Mich.
I think that everyone is using the Album quilt pattern for Gran’s friendship quilt and I will see that you receive a leaflet with this pattern on it.
The girl in Muskegon will be delighted to receive some patches from you and think you are very kind to send her some.
Rose Pattern First
I read the Quilt Club Corner every night and enjoy it very much. I would like to become a member as quilt making certainly must be fascinating.
I have never made a quilt, but have determined to learn how and plan to start with the new Rose Medallion pattern.
Miss M. C. Campbell
4607 Oregon, Detroit, Mich.
That Rose Medallion is an easy and interesting quilt pattern to make and I am glad that you selected it for your first quilt.
I hope that you are planning on entering this in the Contest. Even if yo cannot get it quilted, remember that there will be a section for tops only.
Her First Letter.
This is my first letter to the Quilt Club and am also sending the coupon to become a member as I am going to try awfully hard to have the Fox and Geese quilt finished in time for The News Contest.
I have three other quilts almost pieced. The Dresden Plates I have finished but haven't put them on squares yet. I hope to have at least two quilts for the contest.
Mrs. Mary Naulainen.
13811 Lesure avenue, Detroit.
Happy to have your letter and coupon and now you keep right at work on those quilts, please, so that they will be ready in plenty of time for the contest.
To soften paint brushes on which paint has been allowed to dry, heat some vinegar to the boiling point and allow the brush to simmer in it a few minutes. Remove the brush and wash well in strong soap suds.
Nosegay Quilt Series Is Now Completed
Leaflets number 29 and 30 of the Nosegay Quilt series are now ready for Detroit News quilters. Leaflet number 29 brings you the design for the last flower in the border and 30 of the quilting instructions.
This completes the patterns for one of the most effective quilt designs ever published.
To get these patterns send a stamped addressed envelope to the Quilt Club editor. Not more than three patterns may be sent in one stamped envelope. Leaflets are also available at the Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building and the General Motors Building.
Beauty in the Home Editor:
Please enter my name as a member of the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club.
Street and number……………
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Inset shows Mrs. Shoup, who has made this Friendship Knot quilt, which is very appropriately named with the bow-knots at each quarter of the circle. The knots are yellow print and the circular pieces of many colors.
Has Frames on Her Porch Throughout Entire Year
By Edith B. Crumb.
When Mrs. William H. Shoup, 1944 Seventh Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif., arrived in Detroit to visit her mother, Mrs. O. E Esemore, 12561 Third Avenue, Highland park, she never dreamed that she would be so busy making quilts while here. But inasmuch as she was an industrious quilt maker at home, in California she simply couldn’t leave it alone, so she has entered right into the spirit of the Quilt club Corner has already finished the top of a quilt from Mrs. Roosevelt's favorite pattern.
Mrs. Shoup brought in a Snowball to show me and I had it photographed but the colors were so delicate it did not come out as distinctly as the quilt shown in the illustration, which is called the “Friendship Knot”. Doesn’t it make you think of the Double Wedding Ring?
The knots are in yellow and white print while the circular bands are in yellow, red blue, and brown prints.
Since last winter, Mrs. Shoup has quilted several tops, but she is saving the rest of her quilting until she gets back to California, for she says she has her frames out on a porch all the time, where she is coll on hot days and has warm sun on cool days. It is too bad we can’t all take our quilting out to California and use Mrs. Shoup’s frame.
Isn’t it nice to know that we have another member from the Pacific Coast? And that isn’t all- she has not only joined the Corner, but she is sending several entries for the Contest.
For a few weeks the Quilt Club Corner will be in the paper on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday instead of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; and be sure to look at the Corner tomorrow for I am going to tell you the story of a retired policeman who makes quilts.
Please Write a Letter to Her.
Mrs. Earl Luderick, 14541 Welland avenue, Detroit, has a mother who lives on a farm in Illinois and is grief stricken and very lonely. She makes quilts, has become a member of the Quilt Club Corner, and Mrs. Luderick (and I) both hope that some of the members will write some of their cheery letters for her. They will do worlds of good for I know they will be appreciated. Mrs. Ludericks mothers name is Mrs. J.L Oakley and she lives in Nokomis, Illinois.
Address at Last!
We have been looking for a letter from Mrs. Agnes McPortland because we did not know her address and here it is- 2645 Sixth Street, Detroit. Mrs. McPortland writes: “I heard you had been asked for my new address so am sending it along. I supposed my friends in the Corner would like to know how I am getting along. Quite well, thank you! I am working for my room and board and in the meantime my quilts go along merrily. I am making an eight-point star and appliqueing the star on a block of white. It is more than pretty. I have five Dresden Plates, five fans, and One Flat Iron all ready to set together, and started a Double Wedding Ring. Not so bad- is it? Thanks to those in the Corner for their kindness to me."
I know that everyone hopes that Mrs. McPortland will have several quilts in the Contest and that she will be able to attend for she would enjoy it so.
To Make State Quilt.
Mrs. James Queen, 3406 Harrison street, Detroit, wants to make a state quilt and I know would appreciate knowing how those who made them went about getting blocks from the different states. She wants to send blocks in return and would like to have her blocks 12 inches square.
She also has some patches about six inches that she would be glad to exchange for other approximately the same size.
About Gran's Quilt.
I always read the letters and enjoy them very much.
I am going to start the Nosegay very soon now. I have been very busy doing other things, but want to get back to my quilting very soon.
I would just love to quilt a block for Gran if I knew the size, block and what pattern.
I am going to write to the invalid girl in Muskegon, Mich. and going to send her a few pieces.
Mrs. Susie Spaulding,
Durand, Mich.
I think that everyone is using the Album quilt pattern for Gran’s friendship quilt and I will see that you receive a leaflet with this pattern on it.
The girl in Muskegon will be delighted to receive some patches from you and think you are very kind to send her some.
Rose Pattern First
I read the Quilt Club Corner every night and enjoy it very much. I would like to become a member as quilt making certainly must be fascinating.
I have never made a quilt, but have determined to learn how and plan to start with the new Rose Medallion pattern.
Miss M. C. Campbell
4607 Oregon, Detroit, Mich.
That Rose Medallion is an easy and interesting quilt pattern to make and I am glad that you selected it for your first quilt.
I hope that you are planning on entering this in the Contest. Even if yo cannot get it quilted, remember that there will be a section for tops only.
Her First Letter.
This is my first letter to the Quilt Club and am also sending the coupon to become a member as I am going to try awfully hard to have the Fox and Geese quilt finished in time for The News Contest.
I have three other quilts almost pieced. The Dresden Plates I have finished but haven't put them on squares yet. I hope to have at least two quilts for the contest.
Mrs. Mary Naulainen.
13811 Lesure avenue, Detroit.
Happy to have your letter and coupon and now you keep right at work on those quilts, please, so that they will be ready in plenty of time for the contest.
To soften paint brushes on which paint has been allowed to dry, heat some vinegar to the boiling point and allow the brush to simmer in it a few minutes. Remove the brush and wash well in strong soap suds.
Nosegay Quilt Series Is Now Completed
Leaflets number 29 and 30 of the Nosegay Quilt series are now ready for Detroit News quilters. Leaflet number 29 brings you the design for the last flower in the border and 30 of the quilting instructions.
This completes the patterns for one of the most effective quilt designs ever published.
To get these patterns send a stamped addressed envelope to the Quilt Club editor. Not more than three patterns may be sent in one stamped envelope. Leaflets are also available at the Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building and the General Motors Building.
Beauty in the Home Editor:
Please enter my name as a member of the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club.
Street and number……………
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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