Quilt Shown at Corner Meeting
February 26, 1938
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner Column including a member list and a birthday list.
Quilt Shown at Corner Meeting
Here is Mrs. Bertha Gerkin, of 15473 Manor avenue, with the Double Wedding Ring quilt which she made and brought to the Quilt Club Corner meeting Friday. It is of many colored prints with orchid and yellow corner pieces and a yellow binding.
Two members celebrate birthday at meeting
By Edith B. Crumb
The Quilt Club Editor, The Detroit News
The sunshiny days are bringing out gay quilts and every Friday afternoon there is a little quilt show at the corner meeting of the Quilt Club members. In the illustration is shown Mrs. Bertha Gerkin, 15473 Manor avenue, with a Double Wedding ring quilt which she brought down to sho to us.
The rings are made of all colors and designs of prints and the squares at the interlacings are yellow and orchid, the yellow being repeated as the binding.
Mrs. Gerkin is usually with us on Friday afternoons and we were delighted when she brought this quilt down for one of our weekly displays.
When I arrived at the meeting yesterday, I found Mrs. Ynez Grenkowitz and Mrs. Willis Smith all ready for a celebration. It was their birthdays and each had brought a box of candy to pass around.
May Mancuse has 12 of the 80 face cloths finished which she started for the Carillon bazar and many were working on blocks for the Carillon quilt, the material cutting and basting of which were donated by the Quilt Club Sisters. Mrs. F. X. Bonem finished her block first, with Mrs. Leontine Hardy finishing a close second. Mrs. Ynez Grenkowitz wants to donate the material for the back of the quilt and it will be made entirely at the Corner meetings.
Those who signed as new members yesterday were Mrs. P. J. Fuller, 15363 Stansbury avenue; Mrs. J. A. Grant, 3190 Clairmount avenue; Mrs. Hulda Braysher, 4340 Coplin avenue; Mrs. O. J. Grode, 4096 Vicksburg (Mrs. Braysher and Mrs. Grode being aunts of one of our long-time members Mrs. Mabel Brookman); Mrs. Emma Oberle, 9623 Appoline avenue; Marguerite Moershell, 7516 Nuerenberg; Mrs. E. Rapin, 13031 Peoria avenue and Mrs. Jane Harbin, 101 Logan avenue, London, Ont.
Mrs. Beatrice Rapin, 1301 E. Grand blvd., came as a visitor with Mrs. F. Rapin.
Marjorie Quandt, 4710 Allen Road, Allen Park, Michigan, would like to have the pattern for the Sunbonnet Babies quilt. Will someone who has this be kind enough to loan it to her? I am sure she would be very grateful.
Mrs. Beth Treuter, 12527 Strasburg avenue, wishes to make a correction in the announcement which was made last week to the effect that she would exchange old stockings, etc., for patches. She is the one who wants them instead of offering them for exchange. She not only wants old stockings, but also house dresses and five-pound sugar bags.
Mrs. G. C. Inch, 3761 Walnut street, Route 1, Rochester, has written to say that she thanks all of the members of the Quilt Club Corner for the kind messages and for the pices of material they sent Ruth Mary. Ruth Mary has not been able to go to school more than two days this year, so her quilt making is a big help in keeping her happy.
Cornerites Birthdays
March 3, Mrs. James Donovan, Lenox, Mich.
March 3, Mrs. Nella Bullard, 4028 South St., Meridian, Miss.
March 3, Mrs. Wm. Christie, 744 Withington St., Ferndale, Mich.
March 4, Mrs. Frank Beighley, RD 2, Kensington, Pa.
March 4, Mrs. Chas. Lewis, 254 W. Buena Vista Ave., Highland Park, Mich.
March 4, Mrs. Y. H. Bishop, 4215 Larchmont Ave., Detroit.
March 4, Mrs. Ed Venderworp, 34 Virginia Ave., Pontiac, Mich.
March 4, Mrs. Bertha Packer, Doe River, British Columbia, Can.
March 5, Mrs. Elmer Empson, Colon, Mich.
March 6, Mrs. Celia Panke, 12162 Whithorn Ave., Detroit.
March 7, Mrs. P.A. Hoover, Wakeman, Ohio.
March 7, Mrs. Harry Hill, 13792 Ardmore Ave., Detroit.
March 8, Miss Betty A. Ferguson, 8225 Bryden Ave., Detroit.
March 9, Mrs. Marian Ridler, 7055 Senator Ave., Detroit.
March 9, Mrs. Anna Le Duc, 37 Pine St., River Rouge, Mich.
These Members Belong to Quilt Club Corner
Mrs. Monte Beach,
660 Fairview Ave.
Mrs. Charles Brown,
1620 Ferdinand Ave.
Miss May Frabotta,
1429 Rowena St.
Mrs. Lannie Harris,
8093 Navy Ave.
Mrs. Samuel Hurst,
3733 Canton Ave.
Mrs. Charles Kemp,
4761 Holcomb Ave.
Mrs. Peter Selmis,
604 W. Grand Blvd.
Mrs. J. W. Whipple,
2818 Burns Ave.,
Dearborn, Mich.
Mrs. Charles C. Whitcomb,
40 W. Burdick St.,
Oxford, Mich.
Mrs. C.F. White,
Box 165, Goodrich, Mich.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Here is Mrs. Bertha Gerkin, of 15473 Manor avenue, with the Double Wedding Ring quilt which she made and brought to the Quilt Club Corner meeting Friday. It is of many colored prints with orchid and yellow corner pieces and a yellow binding.
Two members celebrate birthday at meeting
By Edith B. Crumb
The Quilt Club Editor, The Detroit News
The sunshiny days are bringing out gay quilts and every Friday afternoon there is a little quilt show at the corner meeting of the Quilt Club members. In the illustration is shown Mrs. Bertha Gerkin, 15473 Manor avenue, with a Double Wedding ring quilt which she brought down to sho to us.
The rings are made of all colors and designs of prints and the squares at the interlacings are yellow and orchid, the yellow being repeated as the binding.
Mrs. Gerkin is usually with us on Friday afternoons and we were delighted when she brought this quilt down for one of our weekly displays.
When I arrived at the meeting yesterday, I found Mrs. Ynez Grenkowitz and Mrs. Willis Smith all ready for a celebration. It was their birthdays and each had brought a box of candy to pass around.
May Mancuse has 12 of the 80 face cloths finished which she started for the Carillon bazar and many were working on blocks for the Carillon quilt, the material cutting and basting of which were donated by the Quilt Club Sisters. Mrs. F. X. Bonem finished her block first, with Mrs. Leontine Hardy finishing a close second. Mrs. Ynez Grenkowitz wants to donate the material for the back of the quilt and it will be made entirely at the Corner meetings.
Those who signed as new members yesterday were Mrs. P. J. Fuller, 15363 Stansbury avenue; Mrs. J. A. Grant, 3190 Clairmount avenue; Mrs. Hulda Braysher, 4340 Coplin avenue; Mrs. O. J. Grode, 4096 Vicksburg (Mrs. Braysher and Mrs. Grode being aunts of one of our long-time members Mrs. Mabel Brookman); Mrs. Emma Oberle, 9623 Appoline avenue; Marguerite Moershell, 7516 Nuerenberg; Mrs. E. Rapin, 13031 Peoria avenue and Mrs. Jane Harbin, 101 Logan avenue, London, Ont.
Mrs. Beatrice Rapin, 1301 E. Grand blvd., came as a visitor with Mrs. F. Rapin.
Marjorie Quandt, 4710 Allen Road, Allen Park, Michigan, would like to have the pattern for the Sunbonnet Babies quilt. Will someone who has this be kind enough to loan it to her? I am sure she would be very grateful.
Mrs. Beth Treuter, 12527 Strasburg avenue, wishes to make a correction in the announcement which was made last week to the effect that she would exchange old stockings, etc., for patches. She is the one who wants them instead of offering them for exchange. She not only wants old stockings, but also house dresses and five-pound sugar bags.
Mrs. G. C. Inch, 3761 Walnut street, Route 1, Rochester, has written to say that she thanks all of the members of the Quilt Club Corner for the kind messages and for the pices of material they sent Ruth Mary. Ruth Mary has not been able to go to school more than two days this year, so her quilt making is a big help in keeping her happy.
Cornerites Birthdays
March 3, Mrs. James Donovan, Lenox, Mich.
March 3, Mrs. Nella Bullard, 4028 South St., Meridian, Miss.
March 3, Mrs. Wm. Christie, 744 Withington St., Ferndale, Mich.
March 4, Mrs. Frank Beighley, RD 2, Kensington, Pa.
March 4, Mrs. Chas. Lewis, 254 W. Buena Vista Ave., Highland Park, Mich.
March 4, Mrs. Y. H. Bishop, 4215 Larchmont Ave., Detroit.
March 4, Mrs. Ed Venderworp, 34 Virginia Ave., Pontiac, Mich.
March 4, Mrs. Bertha Packer, Doe River, British Columbia, Can.
March 5, Mrs. Elmer Empson, Colon, Mich.
March 6, Mrs. Celia Panke, 12162 Whithorn Ave., Detroit.
March 7, Mrs. P.A. Hoover, Wakeman, Ohio.
March 7, Mrs. Harry Hill, 13792 Ardmore Ave., Detroit.
March 8, Miss Betty A. Ferguson, 8225 Bryden Ave., Detroit.
March 9, Mrs. Marian Ridler, 7055 Senator Ave., Detroit.
March 9, Mrs. Anna Le Duc, 37 Pine St., River Rouge, Mich.
These Members Belong to Quilt Club Corner
Mrs. Monte Beach,
660 Fairview Ave.
Mrs. Charles Brown,
1620 Ferdinand Ave.
Miss May Frabotta,
1429 Rowena St.
Mrs. Lannie Harris,
8093 Navy Ave.
Mrs. Samuel Hurst,
3733 Canton Ave.
Mrs. Charles Kemp,
4761 Holcomb Ave.
Mrs. Peter Selmis,
604 W. Grand Blvd.
Mrs. J. W. Whipple,
2818 Burns Ave.,
Dearborn, Mich.
Mrs. Charles C. Whitcomb,
40 W. Burdick St.,
Oxford, Mich.
Mrs. C.F. White,
Box 165, Goodrich, Mich.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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