You Have Until Nov. 10 to Enter Your Quilt
October 16, 1933
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A portion of a Beauty in the Home column including an announcement about the Quilt Club Contest and letters from Quilt Club Corner members.
Beauty in the Home
You Have Until Nov. 10 to Enter Your Quilt
by Edith B. Crumb
This department seeks to give assistance to all who are interested in beautifying their homes and will be glad to answer questions pertaining to interior decoration. In order to serve all who, seek advice promptly no more than three problems will be discussed in any one reply. Readers are invited to write to this department as often as they wish, but to limit each letter to three questions. State your question clearly write on only one side of the paper, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and address Beauty in the Home department, Detroit News. Letters with their answers will be published for the benefit of all homemakers but names and addresses will not be made public.
EVERY time you see this little patchwork-quilt lady in the Beauty in the Home column just say to yourself “Oh, there’s some more news until November 10 to get in your applications for entry and that is positively the latest date.
If you sew fast you would have time to make an entire top between now and November 10—that is, if you select an easy pattern and the Dresden Plate is the easiest one to put together. It is also one of the most attractive and one that you would like to include in your household furnishings.
The quilt which you enter must be made from a Detroit News pattern if it is a new one and it may be either a competed quilt or just a top. So many have been unable to quilt or have their tops quilted that it has been decided upon to allow tops.
And if you have a quilt over 50 years old be sure to enter it in the antique section of the Contest. There are many, many interesting letters coming in telling of the antique quilts and their histories and I am sure this is going to be a very fascinating display.
Perhaps you have started a quilt and given up the idea of entering it in the Contest because you thought you did not have time to finish it. Now all you have to do is get right down to work on that quilt and if you feel certain that the top will be finished in time to enter, just fill in the coupon and send it in to the Beauty in the Home Department, or the Quilt Club Corner, The Detroit News.
This Quilt Contest is turning into a larger affair than has been anticipated and there is always room for more quilts, so hurry along with your application.
Aren’t you glad that the Contest falls on Friday, Saturday and Sunday so that you can plan a nice week-end to meet your friends with whom you have corresponded through the Corner?
Don’t forget to write a little note to the Corner so that it may be read over the radio on Tuesday at 10:15 or printed in the paper.
Quilt Club Corner.
HERE is another silent member just about ready with two quilts for the Contest. I also have some sore fingers, but they will soon be forgotten, and I will be busy with some new quilts.
I have found a new thread that I like as well as the waxed thread. I have a lot of lovely news patterns.
MRS. E. DeSMYTER, Algonac, Mich.
It’s funny how those sore fingers do not last long and they do not discourage one a bit. As soon as the fingers begin to feel better it is time to begin another quilt, and no matter how annoying they become it makes no difference. Maybe you can get another top finished before the Contest and have three to enter. Try it!
I AM sending in my entry blank for enrollment in the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club. I have hesitated about sending it in, as this is the first quilt I ever made and there will be so many other nicer quilts than mine on exhibit.
I have made and quilted the Flower Garden Quilt and like it very much, also a Goose-tracks quilt top out of The Detroit News Wonder Package. Would this quilt top be eligible to enter in the Contest?
At present I am working on the Dresden Plate quilt. It is very pleasant to work on. I think it is the easiest pattern.
1044 Emmons, Lincoln Park, Mich.
Any quilt made from a pattern in the Wonder Package may be entered in the Contest. I don’t think that you ought to hesitate about entering a quilt just because it is the first one you have made. I am sure you did it very carefully and that it is very attractive.
Don’t you think you can finish the top of the Dresden Plate for the Contest? Even if you have not mentioned it on your application blank, bring it along anyway. There will be lots of last minute entries that were not expected, but they will be welcome.
ALTHOUGH I joined the Corner quite a long time ago, I have never written a letter to the members. I would like to enter mother’s name now, as she is one of these veteran quilters, having made many in her girlhood. She had 22 quilts when she was married and had made many for her brothers.
Since I have been working on my Double Wedding Ring quilt mother has started one for which she has made her own pattern.
Quilt making is so fascinating that I have difficulty in leaving off long enough to do my regular work.
307 Second, Wyandotte, Mich.
The first thing you know, Mrs. Snyder, you will catch up with your mother. Now that you have started to make quilts, I just know that you won’t be able to stop and I realize just how fascinating you find the occupation.
Important Notice of Quilt Contest
DUE to the fact that so many have written in for an extension of time on their quilts, it has become necessary to postpone the Quilt Contest until November 17, 18 and 19.
Now—will everyone who has ever made a quilt from a News pattern consider exhibiting it? More than one may be entered and all that one has to do is to fill out the coupon which will be found on this page Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and send it to the Beauty in the Home Department, The Detroit News. This notice must be in before November 10 and your cooperation in sending it in as quickly as possible will be appreciated.
If you have never made a quilt from a News pattern, but have an old quilt, 50 years of age or more you may enter that. There is a great interest in old quilts and you will be aiding in the revival of this early American occupation if you will allow others to see some heirloom which you may have.
Will you not send in your coupon at once?
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
You Have Until Nov. 10 to Enter Your Quilt
by Edith B. Crumb
This department seeks to give assistance to all who are interested in beautifying their homes and will be glad to answer questions pertaining to interior decoration. In order to serve all who, seek advice promptly no more than three problems will be discussed in any one reply. Readers are invited to write to this department as often as they wish, but to limit each letter to three questions. State your question clearly write on only one side of the paper, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and address Beauty in the Home department, Detroit News. Letters with their answers will be published for the benefit of all homemakers but names and addresses will not be made public.
EVERY time you see this little patchwork-quilt lady in the Beauty in the Home column just say to yourself “Oh, there’s some more news until November 10 to get in your applications for entry and that is positively the latest date.
If you sew fast you would have time to make an entire top between now and November 10—that is, if you select an easy pattern and the Dresden Plate is the easiest one to put together. It is also one of the most attractive and one that you would like to include in your household furnishings.
The quilt which you enter must be made from a Detroit News pattern if it is a new one and it may be either a competed quilt or just a top. So many have been unable to quilt or have their tops quilted that it has been decided upon to allow tops.
And if you have a quilt over 50 years old be sure to enter it in the antique section of the Contest. There are many, many interesting letters coming in telling of the antique quilts and their histories and I am sure this is going to be a very fascinating display.
Perhaps you have started a quilt and given up the idea of entering it in the Contest because you thought you did not have time to finish it. Now all you have to do is get right down to work on that quilt and if you feel certain that the top will be finished in time to enter, just fill in the coupon and send it in to the Beauty in the Home Department, or the Quilt Club Corner, The Detroit News.
This Quilt Contest is turning into a larger affair than has been anticipated and there is always room for more quilts, so hurry along with your application.
Aren’t you glad that the Contest falls on Friday, Saturday and Sunday so that you can plan a nice week-end to meet your friends with whom you have corresponded through the Corner?
Don’t forget to write a little note to the Corner so that it may be read over the radio on Tuesday at 10:15 or printed in the paper.
Quilt Club Corner.
HERE is another silent member just about ready with two quilts for the Contest. I also have some sore fingers, but they will soon be forgotten, and I will be busy with some new quilts.
I have found a new thread that I like as well as the waxed thread. I have a lot of lovely news patterns.
MRS. E. DeSMYTER, Algonac, Mich.
It’s funny how those sore fingers do not last long and they do not discourage one a bit. As soon as the fingers begin to feel better it is time to begin another quilt, and no matter how annoying they become it makes no difference. Maybe you can get another top finished before the Contest and have three to enter. Try it!
I AM sending in my entry blank for enrollment in the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club. I have hesitated about sending it in, as this is the first quilt I ever made and there will be so many other nicer quilts than mine on exhibit.
I have made and quilted the Flower Garden Quilt and like it very much, also a Goose-tracks quilt top out of The Detroit News Wonder Package. Would this quilt top be eligible to enter in the Contest?
At present I am working on the Dresden Plate quilt. It is very pleasant to work on. I think it is the easiest pattern.
1044 Emmons, Lincoln Park, Mich.
Any quilt made from a pattern in the Wonder Package may be entered in the Contest. I don’t think that you ought to hesitate about entering a quilt just because it is the first one you have made. I am sure you did it very carefully and that it is very attractive.
Don’t you think you can finish the top of the Dresden Plate for the Contest? Even if you have not mentioned it on your application blank, bring it along anyway. There will be lots of last minute entries that were not expected, but they will be welcome.
ALTHOUGH I joined the Corner quite a long time ago, I have never written a letter to the members. I would like to enter mother’s name now, as she is one of these veteran quilters, having made many in her girlhood. She had 22 quilts when she was married and had made many for her brothers.
Since I have been working on my Double Wedding Ring quilt mother has started one for which she has made her own pattern.
Quilt making is so fascinating that I have difficulty in leaving off long enough to do my regular work.
307 Second, Wyandotte, Mich.
The first thing you know, Mrs. Snyder, you will catch up with your mother. Now that you have started to make quilts, I just know that you won’t be able to stop and I realize just how fascinating you find the occupation.
Important Notice of Quilt Contest
DUE to the fact that so many have written in for an extension of time on their quilts, it has become necessary to postpone the Quilt Contest until November 17, 18 and 19.
Now—will everyone who has ever made a quilt from a News pattern consider exhibiting it? More than one may be entered and all that one has to do is to fill out the coupon which will be found on this page Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and send it to the Beauty in the Home Department, The Detroit News. This notice must be in before November 10 and your cooperation in sending it in as quickly as possible will be appreciated.
If you have never made a quilt from a News pattern, but have an old quilt, 50 years of age or more you may enter that. There is a great interest in old quilts and you will be aiding in the revival of this early American occupation if you will allow others to see some heirloom which you may have.
Will you not send in your coupon at once?
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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