Quilt to Be Finished for Show
November 7, 1936
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including a list of Quilt Club members and a coupon for Quilt Club membership.
Quilt to Be Finished for Show
This is the center block of a quilt which Mrs. Jane Howie has designed and is planning to finish for the next Detroit News Quilt Show which is to be held April 16, 17 and 18.
Many Cornerites Attended Our Sewing Circle Friday
By Edith B. Crumb
With Friday just about the most important day in the whole week to Quilt Club Cornerites, we had another interesting and happy afternoon yesterday.
Some came with quilt tops, some with quilt blocks, some with knitting (for the Detroit News Goodfellows' Contest, of course), others were tatting or crocheting; but there was plenty of chatting going on.
It was Mrs. Mae Stanley's birthday and of course we had to sing a song for her, so she could stand up and take a bow.
Mrs. Fred Culper, 1164 White street, Lincoln Park, brought five quilt tops to show us. There was a Star Flower, as well as a Baby Trip Around the World, two Double Wedding Rings and a Postage stamp quilt. Mrs. Culper likes yellow for it predominates in these quilts.
Mrs. Jane Howie, 12151 Grandview, is making a quilt from an original design, and just to show you how beautiful it is I had a picture of the large center square taken and here it is.
The roses are in two shades of red, the small flowers blue and pink and Mrs. Howie does such fine sewing that you would almost think that the design was painted on the cloth instead of appliqued.
There are eight more blocks to make before the top will be finished and I am sure that Mrs. Howie is planning to enter it in our next quilt show.
And the date for this is April 16, 17 and 18. The place will be the Naval Armory right where we have always had our shows and we are planning to have our Quilt Club Corner over there too.
Every one thinks that April is the best time ever for the quilt show for now you can work hard all winter on quilts and be more ready for it than you would in the fall after a hot summer when it it so hard to get down to quilt-making.
We don't know what Mrs. Bessie Bruce thought of us when she read the Quilt Club Corner last Saturday. All the time we were talking about her we really meant Mrs. M. H. Rhoads who has moved to 7033 Mead avenue, Dearborn.
If you are having trouble with your ball of yarn running all over the room, try the method which Gabrielle Baecheroot's daughter uses. She has a pound coffee can (tall metal one) with a hole in the cover. She puts the ball in it, pulls the yarn through the hole and there she is! Her husband says he has seen lots of things come out of coffee cans but he never saw sweaters, scarves and mittens emerge from them before.
Begin right now to get ready to come next Friday. Really, we have just a good old-fashioned afternoon with our red checkered tablecloth and big glass dish of peppermints and wintergreens. So don't miss next week.
Mrs. Arthur Miller had a letter from Mrs. Mary Gasperick [Gasperik], one of our Chicago members, and Mrs. Gasperick is planning in sending four quilts to the next show. When she finds out that it won't be held until April, perhaps she will be able to send six or seven. We hope so, don't we?
These Members Belong to Quilt Club Corner
Mrs. John Balberier,
12129 Findlay ave.,
Charlotte Fleming,
310 E. Lafayette Ave.,
Romeo, Mich.
Mrs. V. Kauffmann,
P. O. Box 12,
Roseville, Mich.
Mrs. Therese MacKenzie,
19189 Hanna Ave.,
Mrs. F. C. Battrill,
3249 Harvard Rd.,
Royal Oak, Mich.
Mrs. Lena Lynch,
17804 St. Louis Ave.,
Mrs. Wm. Lynch,
6189 Townsend Ave.
Mrs. C. E. Lyons,
18064 Biltmore Ave.
Ethel Lyons,
White Cloud, Mich.
Mrs. Fern Lyons,
18034 Biltmore Ave.
Ethel Lyons,
White Cloud, Mich.
Mrs. G. Lyzinger,
97 S. Jessie St.,
Pontiac, Mich.
Please enter my name as a member of The Detroit News Quilt Club.
City............. State........
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
This is the center block of a quilt which Mrs. Jane Howie has designed and is planning to finish for the next Detroit News Quilt Show which is to be held April 16, 17 and 18.
Many Cornerites Attended Our Sewing Circle Friday
By Edith B. Crumb
With Friday just about the most important day in the whole week to Quilt Club Cornerites, we had another interesting and happy afternoon yesterday.
Some came with quilt tops, some with quilt blocks, some with knitting (for the Detroit News Goodfellows' Contest, of course), others were tatting or crocheting; but there was plenty of chatting going on.
It was Mrs. Mae Stanley's birthday and of course we had to sing a song for her, so she could stand up and take a bow.
Mrs. Fred Culper, 1164 White street, Lincoln Park, brought five quilt tops to show us. There was a Star Flower, as well as a Baby Trip Around the World, two Double Wedding Rings and a Postage stamp quilt. Mrs. Culper likes yellow for it predominates in these quilts.
Mrs. Jane Howie, 12151 Grandview, is making a quilt from an original design, and just to show you how beautiful it is I had a picture of the large center square taken and here it is.
The roses are in two shades of red, the small flowers blue and pink and Mrs. Howie does such fine sewing that you would almost think that the design was painted on the cloth instead of appliqued.
There are eight more blocks to make before the top will be finished and I am sure that Mrs. Howie is planning to enter it in our next quilt show.
And the date for this is April 16, 17 and 18. The place will be the Naval Armory right where we have always had our shows and we are planning to have our Quilt Club Corner over there too.
Every one thinks that April is the best time ever for the quilt show for now you can work hard all winter on quilts and be more ready for it than you would in the fall after a hot summer when it it so hard to get down to quilt-making.
We don't know what Mrs. Bessie Bruce thought of us when she read the Quilt Club Corner last Saturday. All the time we were talking about her we really meant Mrs. M. H. Rhoads who has moved to 7033 Mead avenue, Dearborn.
If you are having trouble with your ball of yarn running all over the room, try the method which Gabrielle Baecheroot's daughter uses. She has a pound coffee can (tall metal one) with a hole in the cover. She puts the ball in it, pulls the yarn through the hole and there she is! Her husband says he has seen lots of things come out of coffee cans but he never saw sweaters, scarves and mittens emerge from them before.
Begin right now to get ready to come next Friday. Really, we have just a good old-fashioned afternoon with our red checkered tablecloth and big glass dish of peppermints and wintergreens. So don't miss next week.
Mrs. Arthur Miller had a letter from Mrs. Mary Gasperick [Gasperik], one of our Chicago members, and Mrs. Gasperick is planning in sending four quilts to the next show. When she finds out that it won't be held until April, perhaps she will be able to send six or seven. We hope so, don't we?
These Members Belong to Quilt Club Corner
Mrs. John Balberier,
12129 Findlay ave.,
Charlotte Fleming,
310 E. Lafayette Ave.,
Romeo, Mich.
Mrs. V. Kauffmann,
P. O. Box 12,
Roseville, Mich.
Mrs. Therese MacKenzie,
19189 Hanna Ave.,
Mrs. F. C. Battrill,
3249 Harvard Rd.,
Royal Oak, Mich.
Mrs. Lena Lynch,
17804 St. Louis Ave.,
Mrs. Wm. Lynch,
6189 Townsend Ave.
Mrs. C. E. Lyons,
18064 Biltmore Ave.
Ethel Lyons,
White Cloud, Mich.
Mrs. Fern Lyons,
18034 Biltmore Ave.
Ethel Lyons,
White Cloud, Mich.
Mrs. G. Lyzinger,
97 S. Jessie St.,
Pontiac, Mich.
Please enter my name as a member of The Detroit News Quilt Club.
City............. State........
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Gasperik Legacy Project, Mary -
Gasperik, Mary Mary Gasperik Legacy Project
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
Colonial Sewing B... Miller, Marjorie
Colonial Quilting... Gasperik, Mary
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