Mary Worrall

Author, Creator, Interviewer, Quiltmaker

  East Lansing, Michigan, United States    

Michigan Quilt Project

Mary Worrall is the Curator of Textiles and Social Justice at the Michigan State University Museum.
Mary Worrall is a Curator at the Michigan State University Museum. Among her activities at the museum, Worrall has served as Project Manager for the Quilt Index, curated numerous interpretive quilt exhibitions, including Mary Schafer: A Legacy in Quilt HistoryQuilts Old and New: Reproductions from Michigan State University Museum; and Redwork: A Textile Tradition in America, and has written on quilts and quiltmaking. Worrall holds a BA in Public History from Western Michigan University and an MA in Art History from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and she is currently working on a second master's degree in Apparel and Textiles.

Was the maker a woman, man or a group?


When was the quiltmaker born?


Ethnic background/tribal affiliation:

Finnish, English, German, French

Educational background:

B.A. Public History, Western Michigan University; M.A. Art History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; currently enrolled in apparel and textiles graduate program, Michigan State University

Occupation (if retired, former occupation):

Curator of Cultural Heritage, MSU Museum

Where was the quiltmaker born?

Michigan (MI), United States

Father's Name:

Gary Worrall

Father's ethnic/tribal background:

Electrical Engineer

Mother's Name:

Barbara Luttinen Worrall

Mother's ethnic/tribal background:

Teacher, bookseller

Number of female children:


Number of male children:


Does/did the quiltmaker teach quilting?


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