Quilters' Journal, No. 30, Volume 7, Issue 4
November 1986
Editor(s): Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
American Quilts:An Exhibition by Richard J. Koke
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Notes From Your Editor, Table of Contents, Mary Schafer is Honored
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Mary, Remember Me by Gloria Seaman Allen
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Comic Patchwork, The Gossips by Eva M. Niles, Research Study Group
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Flower Album by Velma Mackay Paul, Bride's Quilt by Charlotte Jane Whitehill
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Eagle Quilt by Dorothy Cozart
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New Quilt Digest is the Best Yet by Bets Ramsey
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Letters to the Editor, Update, Snowflake Quilt Kit Discovered by Joyce Gross
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Classified, Update
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Soldier's Quilt/Civil War Counterpane/"La Belle Chocolatiere" by Florence Peto
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Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, cover, inside front cover, pages 1-3, 14, 18-19.
New York Historical Society exhibit, 1948

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, page 4.

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, pages 5-6, 16-17.
Reprint from Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, April 1986.

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, pages 7, 13.

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, pages 8-11.
Reprinted from the Country Gentleman, October 1941

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, pages 12, 17.
From the DAR exhibit Old Line Traditions: Maryland Women and Their Quilts

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, page 14.

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, page 15.

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, page 20.

Quilters' Journal, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013
Quilters' Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, pages 21, back cover.
From American Quilts and Coverlets by Florence Peto.

University of Texas at Austin
Joyce Gross’ collection is housed in the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin. Her collection includes more than 200 quilts and quilt tops. Her related research materials, include books, journals, exhibit catalogs, subject and biographical files, patterns and kits, visual materials, and ephemera documenting twentieth-century quilting history.

Michigan State University Museum
During the period between the quilting revivals of the 1940s and the 1970s, Mary Schafer of Flushing, Michigan emerged as an important quiltmaker, historian, and collector in American quilt studies. This collection is housed in the Michigan State University Museum.