Michigan Quilt Project
New York, New York, United States
A trade card advertising Domestic Sewing Machines
Front: Domestic
Domestic Patterns
Back: The figures in the picture illustrate Domestic Pattern designs,
Ladies' Costume, No. 4917,
Ladies' Tea Gown, No. 4903,
Ladies' Basque, No. 4901.
Catalog mailed to any address for 2 cent stamp.
"Domestic" Sewing Machine Co.
Broadway and 14th Street,
New York City.
Darts & Terry,
Dealers in
Piano, Organs
Sewing Machines,
Fremont, Ohio.
Size: 3" wide x 5" long
Domestic Patterns
Back: The figures in the picture illustrate Domestic Pattern designs,
Ladies' Costume, No. 4917,
Ladies' Tea Gown, No. 4903,
Ladies' Basque, No. 4901.
Catalog mailed to any address for 2 cent stamp.
"Domestic" Sewing Machine Co.
Broadway and 14th Street,
New York City.
Darts & Terry,
Dealers in
Piano, Organs
Sewing Machines,
Fremont, Ohio.
Size: 3" wide x 5" long
Documentation Project
Michigan Quilt Project Michigan State University
Author; Designer; Owner; Quiltmaker
Donaldson, Beth Michigan Quilt Project
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