Household Sewing Machine Co.
Michigan Quilt Project
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
A trade card advertising Household Sewing Machines
Front: Household Sewing Machine Co.
Providence, R.I.
The Major& Knqpp Lith Co NY
Back: Household
Sewing Machine Company
12 East 14th St., New York.
We will take great pleasure in exhibiting the "Household" to any one who will favor us with a call at Our New Location.
Size: 4.5" wide x 3" long
Providence, R.I.
The Major& Knqpp Lith Co NY
Back: Household
Sewing Machine Company
12 East 14th St., New York.
We will take great pleasure in exhibiting the "Household" to any one who will favor us with a call at Our New Location.
Size: 4.5" wide x 3" long
Documentation Project
Michigan Quilt Project Michigan State University
Author; Designer; Owner; Quiltmaker
Donaldson, Beth Michigan Quilt Project
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