Compliments of The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Michigan Quilt Project
Orange, Massachusetts, United States
A trade card advertising New Home Sewing Machines
Front: New Home
Compliments of The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Orange, Mass.
St. Louis, MO.
30 Union Square, N.Y.
Dallas, Tex.
Chicago, Ill
Atlanta, GA.
San Francisco, Cal.
Back: New Home
Without A Peer
The Popular New Home
1000 Miles Away
An Extraordinary Offer
If there is a New Home Sewing Machine within 1000 miles of San Francisco, Cal., North, South, East or West (purchased at or through this office, or any of our branches on this coast) which is not giving entire and absolute satisfaction in every respect, we will put it in
Perfect Repair Free of Charge
(excepting only breakage or damage caused by careless handling), if delivered at our store, No. 725 Market Street, San Francisco, California.
The New Home Sewing Machine Company,
Chas. E. Naylor, General Manager,
Manufacturers of the Popular "New Home" Light-Running Sewing Machine, the leader of the age in practical improvements and art work attachments, of which it possesses the Latest and the Best.
Represented by
Size: 3 1/8" wide x 5.5" long
Compliments of The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Orange, Mass.
St. Louis, MO.
30 Union Square, N.Y.
Dallas, Tex.
Chicago, Ill
Atlanta, GA.
San Francisco, Cal.
Back: New Home
Without A Peer
The Popular New Home
1000 Miles Away
An Extraordinary Offer
If there is a New Home Sewing Machine within 1000 miles of San Francisco, Cal., North, South, East or West (purchased at or through this office, or any of our branches on this coast) which is not giving entire and absolute satisfaction in every respect, we will put it in
Perfect Repair Free of Charge
(excepting only breakage or damage caused by careless handling), if delivered at our store, No. 725 Market Street, San Francisco, California.
The New Home Sewing Machine Company,
Chas. E. Naylor, General Manager,
Manufacturers of the Popular "New Home" Light-Running Sewing Machine, the leader of the age in practical improvements and art work attachments, of which it possesses the Latest and the Best.
Represented by
Size: 3 1/8" wide x 5.5" long
Documentation Project
Michigan Quilt Project Michigan State University
Author; Designer; Owner; Quiltmaker
Donaldson, Beth Michigan Quilt Project
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