Quilt Club Corner
May 1, 1934
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including advertisements for the Indian Trail and Nosegay No. 18 leaflets and letters from Quilt Club Corner members.
Salem Church Exhibits 125 Attractive Quilts
UNDER the stewardship division of the Salem Church of Farmington, with Mrs. William Breitenbach and Mrs. Dolph Nacker supervising, a large quilt display was held last week.
Needless to say the judges had a difficult task in selecting the prize winners for there were 125 quilts in the exhibit and a generous number of classes represented. There was a section for Double Irish Chains, one for rose applique patterns, another for piecework, etc., and four ribbons given for each class. Acting as judges were Mrs. May Lytle of Pontiac, Mrs. Ed. Bench of Redford, and Mrs. Georgie Lovell of Northville.
Antique quilts as well as modern ones were represented, some of the new ones being copied from the old ones in the bright colorings as well as the designs.
Hand needlework, hooked rugs, crocheted and tatted bedspreads and wool afghans were also entered, one of the most unique pieces being a knitted afghan. This was made by a lawyer, Ernest Ellis, of Kansas City, Missouri, in 1920. During the war, Mr. Ellis worked ceaselessly for the Red Cross.
This afghan was knitted in blocks, alternate ones being plain gray with the others in dark background and designs in contrasting colors. The members quilting circle of the Stewardship section meets once a month to piece and quilt for themselves and others. Since the first of January they have completed six quilts, which is a very fine record.
The treasurer of Salem Church has no worries as to where the money for beautifying the church is to come from, for it is certin that the Stewardship section will earn it and willingly hand over to him all proceeds from this work.
Is On Fourth Quilt.
I have not written to the Corner for some time, as I have been busy quilting. I’m on my fourth quilt this winter (not very many), but we are a family of eight, and I have housework to do. I don’t get very much time for my quilts and my Nosegay quilt is coming along very slowly.
I have seen so many requests to exchange quilt pieces. Now I haven’t any quilt pieces to exchange but I have a beautiful Dresden Plate quilting design I’ll exchange for some quilt pieces for a Dresden Plate. I will also enclose another quilting design to anyone who cares to exchange with me.
Box 200, Clinton, Mich.
I don’t see why you feel that you have not made very many quilts, for four this winter is remarkable. I don’t think that many who had to care for a family of eight would get one quilt finished in four winters, so you may feel justly proud of your achievement.
Your suggestion of exchanging quilt patterns for patches will be sure to bring you some letters. Let us know what response you have, please.
Mother and Daughter Join.
Will you please enter my name in the Quilt Club Corner as a member? I have been reading your Corner for you some time and enjoy the letters from the different members.
My mother and I are almost shut-ins, as we never get out during the winter and this one has been long and cold.
We are busy at something all the time—I guess we have pieced enough pillow tops to make a half dozen quilts, but I have never made a quilt. So I am going to start on The Trip Around the World.
I enjoyed reading Mrs. Weismuller’s letter and think the pattern of the one that was in the paper must have been beautiful.
I have two antique quilts. One is called Washington’s Plume, and it is over 60 years old. It is made of green, red and orange. Have you ever seen that pattern? I also have a beautiful silk quilt “patch work design.” It has lovely silk and velvet pieces and must have over a hundred different embroidery designs. They were both willed to me by my aunt in Kentucky.
I would be glad to hear from any of the members. Last September I had a major operation and since that time have crocheted, braided, hooked and pieced over forty different things. How is that for a convalescent?
R. 2, Davisburg, Mich.
Your name has been entered in the membership list, Mrs. Miller, and I am happy to know that you enjoy the Corner so much.
You and your mother will be glad to see spring, I know, but you must have had many enjoyable days this winter, in spite of the weather, making those quilts.
I have heard of Washington’s Plume, but do not recall the exact pattern. There is also one which is called Washington’s Own and also known by the name of the Coronation. So many of the old quilts had several different names.
It seems to me that for a convalescent you have accomplished more than someone in the best of health could have done in the same length of time.
I hope that you will enter your antique quilts and also the Trip you are making in the next news exhibit.
Follow Indian Trail for Your Next Quilt
If you are a quilt maker and in doubt where to go next, just follow the old “Indian Trail,” and make one of the most interesting of the traditional old patterns.
Here is a new quilt block which has a wealth of names. It was called by any one of a dozen or more titles, but the one which the Quilt Club Editor believes to be the most authentic is Indian Trail. The block is a handsome geometric design and is not hard to make.
And don’t forget that No. 18 of the Nosegay leaflet is waiting for you.
To get this leaflet address Quilt Club Editor and inclose self-addressed, stamped envelope,; or call in person at The Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building or the General Motors Building.
Beauty in the Home Editor:
Please enter my name as a member of the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club.
Street and number……………
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
UNDER the stewardship division of the Salem Church of Farmington, with Mrs. William Breitenbach and Mrs. Dolph Nacker supervising, a large quilt display was held last week.
Needless to say the judges had a difficult task in selecting the prize winners for there were 125 quilts in the exhibit and a generous number of classes represented. There was a section for Double Irish Chains, one for rose applique patterns, another for piecework, etc., and four ribbons given for each class. Acting as judges were Mrs. May Lytle of Pontiac, Mrs. Ed. Bench of Redford, and Mrs. Georgie Lovell of Northville.
Antique quilts as well as modern ones were represented, some of the new ones being copied from the old ones in the bright colorings as well as the designs.
Hand needlework, hooked rugs, crocheted and tatted bedspreads and wool afghans were also entered, one of the most unique pieces being a knitted afghan. This was made by a lawyer, Ernest Ellis, of Kansas City, Missouri, in 1920. During the war, Mr. Ellis worked ceaselessly for the Red Cross.
This afghan was knitted in blocks, alternate ones being plain gray with the others in dark background and designs in contrasting colors. The members quilting circle of the Stewardship section meets once a month to piece and quilt for themselves and others. Since the first of January they have completed six quilts, which is a very fine record.
The treasurer of Salem Church has no worries as to where the money for beautifying the church is to come from, for it is certin that the Stewardship section will earn it and willingly hand over to him all proceeds from this work.
Is On Fourth Quilt.
I have not written to the Corner for some time, as I have been busy quilting. I’m on my fourth quilt this winter (not very many), but we are a family of eight, and I have housework to do. I don’t get very much time for my quilts and my Nosegay quilt is coming along very slowly.
I have seen so many requests to exchange quilt pieces. Now I haven’t any quilt pieces to exchange but I have a beautiful Dresden Plate quilting design I’ll exchange for some quilt pieces for a Dresden Plate. I will also enclose another quilting design to anyone who cares to exchange with me.
Box 200, Clinton, Mich.
I don’t see why you feel that you have not made very many quilts, for four this winter is remarkable. I don’t think that many who had to care for a family of eight would get one quilt finished in four winters, so you may feel justly proud of your achievement.
Your suggestion of exchanging quilt patterns for patches will be sure to bring you some letters. Let us know what response you have, please.
Mother and Daughter Join.
Will you please enter my name in the Quilt Club Corner as a member? I have been reading your Corner for you some time and enjoy the letters from the different members.
My mother and I are almost shut-ins, as we never get out during the winter and this one has been long and cold.
We are busy at something all the time—I guess we have pieced enough pillow tops to make a half dozen quilts, but I have never made a quilt. So I am going to start on The Trip Around the World.
I enjoyed reading Mrs. Weismuller’s letter and think the pattern of the one that was in the paper must have been beautiful.
I have two antique quilts. One is called Washington’s Plume, and it is over 60 years old. It is made of green, red and orange. Have you ever seen that pattern? I also have a beautiful silk quilt “patch work design.” It has lovely silk and velvet pieces and must have over a hundred different embroidery designs. They were both willed to me by my aunt in Kentucky.
I would be glad to hear from any of the members. Last September I had a major operation and since that time have crocheted, braided, hooked and pieced over forty different things. How is that for a convalescent?
R. 2, Davisburg, Mich.
Your name has been entered in the membership list, Mrs. Miller, and I am happy to know that you enjoy the Corner so much.
You and your mother will be glad to see spring, I know, but you must have had many enjoyable days this winter, in spite of the weather, making those quilts.
I have heard of Washington’s Plume, but do not recall the exact pattern. There is also one which is called Washington’s Own and also known by the name of the Coronation. So many of the old quilts had several different names.
It seems to me that for a convalescent you have accomplished more than someone in the best of health could have done in the same length of time.
I hope that you will enter your antique quilts and also the Trip you are making in the next news exhibit.
Follow Indian Trail for Your Next Quilt
If you are a quilt maker and in doubt where to go next, just follow the old “Indian Trail,” and make one of the most interesting of the traditional old patterns.
Here is a new quilt block which has a wealth of names. It was called by any one of a dozen or more titles, but the one which the Quilt Club Editor believes to be the most authentic is Indian Trail. The block is a handsome geometric design and is not hard to make.
And don’t forget that No. 18 of the Nosegay leaflet is waiting for you.
To get this leaflet address Quilt Club Editor and inclose self-addressed, stamped envelope,; or call in person at The Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building or the General Motors Building.
Beauty in the Home Editor:
Please enter my name as a member of the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club.
Street and number……………
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Gasperik Legacy Project, Mary -
Gasperik, Mary Mary Gasperik Legacy Project
Michigan State University Museum Michigan Quilt Project
Documentation Project
Quilts and Health Michigan State University
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
Mary Gasperik and the Detroit...
Salser, Susan
Clarke Family Quilt Collection
Michigan State University Museum
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