Such a Lot of Chatting in This Quilt Corner!
February 19, 1935
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser; Quilts and Health
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including an adverstisement for the Oak Leaves quilt pattern leaflet and letters from Quilt Club members.
Such a Lot of Chatting in This Quilt Corner!
By Edith B. Crumb
It has been just like Christmas or some merry holiday around here for the last week with all these letters and cards just whizzing in "hot off the griddle". Some were even dated 10:15, the minute last week's broadcast closed and most of them seemed to have been writing soon after that.
I had a box full of letters (15 of them) from the guests of a party given by Mrs. Marian Ridler, 7753 Senator avenue. The names of those writing these letters were Mrs. Edna Frick, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. Matilda Apger, Mrs. S. Pierce, Helen Outland, Madge Kramer, Mrs. Lila Sauls, Mrs. M. H. Rhoads, Mrs. Elma Pepper, Mrs. Bertha Simpson, Mrs. Eva Stuckman, Mrs. Ethel R Lawson, E.D. Baker and Mrs. Bessie A Miller
Bad Luck is Good.
It just takes a little bad luck to bring out the real friends and so I guess I don't mind bad luck once in a while, that is- if it could always turn out this joyfully.
It does seem as if we ought to print the letter from the Quilt Club Sisters (Mrs. Galton and Mrs. Fisher) and I am going to tell on Mrs. Galton. It just goes to show that some people are never satisfied. It isn't enough to let Mrs. Fisher be sick and have a lot of attention- so Mrs. Galton had to go right home and have the measles- and that wasn't all either- she had the mumps with them. And is her face red! Too much working on that turkey red calico, I'll bet.
From Mrs. Fisher.
Well, anyway- here is Mrs. Fisher's letter which came first:
My Dear Miss Crumb: Last week's criticism of our Corner has prompted me to write this letter. First of all, I think the women who wrote the latter is dreadfully n the dark about our wonderful Quilt Club Corner and I would like to tell her what the Corner did for two lonely sisters.
Two years ago last fall I was confined to my bed with severe heart attacks and during this time I began reading the "Corner." When I was able to sit up in a chair I started a quilt. My next step was to write the Corner for some little assistance in quilting and I also joined the Corner.
I immediately received quilting patterns and all kinds of suggestions and from whom? No one else but the ladies whom you hear Miss Crumb and Beatrice talking about over the air.
Went to the Hospital.
A few months later I was obliged to go to the hospital and while there I received a great many lovely cards and letters from these same friendly people. Don't you think that brings cheer into the life of one who is ill.
At this time, I was making the Horoscope quilt and then news of the quilt show came out. I entered my quilt and won the grand prize. Now to stress a point which seems to be wrong in some minds, I did not know Miss Crumb or Beatrice. I did not know any of the judges and have never heard of the them. I did not received my prize through an acquaintance anywhere.
Separated 33 Years.
Through my picture as prize winner being in the Detroit News my sister and I were reunited after being separated 33 years ago when we were small children. Could anyone criticize our Corner for bringing such happiness for two people- for the cheery letters and cards sent to shut-ins, for the friendly little quilting circles formed through the Corner, the exchanging of different patches which means so much to all of us quilt-makers. We don't want anyone to have such ideas of our Corner. It is too big and far reaching and brings too much happiness to thousands of people to allow anyone to condemn us.
We Quilt Club Sisters are for the Detroit News and its wonderful Quilt Club Corner 100 per centMarie Fisher
That us all we have space for today and Thursday I will put Mrs. Galton's letter in for I know you who scrapbook will want to put these together in it.
Almost Blind.
I did want to tell you that just after the broadcast, Mrs. H.H. Kemper, 1791 W. Canfield, called me about it and how she likes the old ways of giving message from lots of people. And when I tell you that she is nearly blind and only gets the Quilt Club Corner news through the air unless someone reads the paper to her, I know you will want to send her a little card. She will save them for her husband to read to her. Like many others, she is not a quilter but follows the Corner because of the spirit of friendliness and good will.
Don't we have lots to chat about today?
A Welcome Message.
Dear Miss Crumb: Just a little note to say I am so glad we are to be on the air again. I know all of the members have missed you and Beatrice telling us all the quilt news.
I am so sorry to hear that so many of our members are ill and hope they all soon recover.
I shall be seated beside my radio Wednesday, waiting.
Best Wishes to all
Mrs. J. Dickerson
7311 Elmhurst, Detroit, Michigan
Beatrice and I are always happy when someone tells us that we have been missed, Mrs. Dickerson, so you can see that your letter was a very welcome one. Thank you for writing and don't wait too long before dropping us another note.
Neighborhood Club.
Dear Miss Crumb: I am glad to hear the Corner is to be back on the air. I hope we have a bigger Corner in the paper too. I am busy at my quilts. The State quilt is coming along slow but sure. Just received lovely blocks from New Mexico and Florida. I wonder if some of the ladies in our neighborhood would like to start a Quilt Club? I would be glad to hear from them.
Best regards to the News members. I have twelve tops to quilt.
Goodness knows if I ever will get them quilted.
Sincerely, Mrs. Lee Richard
15757 Dolphin avenue,
Detroit, Michigan
So many quilt makers have asked about neighborhood clubs that I feel sure some of them will see your letter and if they live near you will drop a line. I will be interested to know if you do start a club, so don't fail to keep us posted.
You will be a very busy lady if you quilt all of those yourself.
Graceful Oak Leaves Adorn Quilt Blocks
Both designs and materials used in Oak Leaves Quilt Pattern are quaint and pretty. The one is exceptionally graceful and the old-fashioned calicos or prints from which the leaves should be made are interesting and quite in keeping with the idea.
There are many ways of making this quilt both in putting the blocks together and in color combinations. Edith Crumb, beauty in the home editor, of the Detroit News explained this simply in her leaflet.
When sending for the leaflet "Oak Leaves Quilt Pattern" enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope or call in person at the Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building or the General Motors Building.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
By Edith B. Crumb
It has been just like Christmas or some merry holiday around here for the last week with all these letters and cards just whizzing in "hot off the griddle". Some were even dated 10:15, the minute last week's broadcast closed and most of them seemed to have been writing soon after that.
I had a box full of letters (15 of them) from the guests of a party given by Mrs. Marian Ridler, 7753 Senator avenue. The names of those writing these letters were Mrs. Edna Frick, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. Matilda Apger, Mrs. S. Pierce, Helen Outland, Madge Kramer, Mrs. Lila Sauls, Mrs. M. H. Rhoads, Mrs. Elma Pepper, Mrs. Bertha Simpson, Mrs. Eva Stuckman, Mrs. Ethel R Lawson, E.D. Baker and Mrs. Bessie A Miller
Bad Luck is Good.
It just takes a little bad luck to bring out the real friends and so I guess I don't mind bad luck once in a while, that is- if it could always turn out this joyfully.
It does seem as if we ought to print the letter from the Quilt Club Sisters (Mrs. Galton and Mrs. Fisher) and I am going to tell on Mrs. Galton. It just goes to show that some people are never satisfied. It isn't enough to let Mrs. Fisher be sick and have a lot of attention- so Mrs. Galton had to go right home and have the measles- and that wasn't all either- she had the mumps with them. And is her face red! Too much working on that turkey red calico, I'll bet.
From Mrs. Fisher.
Well, anyway- here is Mrs. Fisher's letter which came first:
My Dear Miss Crumb: Last week's criticism of our Corner has prompted me to write this letter. First of all, I think the women who wrote the latter is dreadfully n the dark about our wonderful Quilt Club Corner and I would like to tell her what the Corner did for two lonely sisters.
Two years ago last fall I was confined to my bed with severe heart attacks and during this time I began reading the "Corner." When I was able to sit up in a chair I started a quilt. My next step was to write the Corner for some little assistance in quilting and I also joined the Corner.
I immediately received quilting patterns and all kinds of suggestions and from whom? No one else but the ladies whom you hear Miss Crumb and Beatrice talking about over the air.
Went to the Hospital.
A few months later I was obliged to go to the hospital and while there I received a great many lovely cards and letters from these same friendly people. Don't you think that brings cheer into the life of one who is ill.
At this time, I was making the Horoscope quilt and then news of the quilt show came out. I entered my quilt and won the grand prize. Now to stress a point which seems to be wrong in some minds, I did not know Miss Crumb or Beatrice. I did not know any of the judges and have never heard of the them. I did not received my prize through an acquaintance anywhere.
Separated 33 Years.
Through my picture as prize winner being in the Detroit News my sister and I were reunited after being separated 33 years ago when we were small children. Could anyone criticize our Corner for bringing such happiness for two people- for the cheery letters and cards sent to shut-ins, for the friendly little quilting circles formed through the Corner, the exchanging of different patches which means so much to all of us quilt-makers. We don't want anyone to have such ideas of our Corner. It is too big and far reaching and brings too much happiness to thousands of people to allow anyone to condemn us.
We Quilt Club Sisters are for the Detroit News and its wonderful Quilt Club Corner 100 per centMarie Fisher
That us all we have space for today and Thursday I will put Mrs. Galton's letter in for I know you who scrapbook will want to put these together in it.
Almost Blind.
I did want to tell you that just after the broadcast, Mrs. H.H. Kemper, 1791 W. Canfield, called me about it and how she likes the old ways of giving message from lots of people. And when I tell you that she is nearly blind and only gets the Quilt Club Corner news through the air unless someone reads the paper to her, I know you will want to send her a little card. She will save them for her husband to read to her. Like many others, she is not a quilter but follows the Corner because of the spirit of friendliness and good will.
Don't we have lots to chat about today?
A Welcome Message.
Dear Miss Crumb: Just a little note to say I am so glad we are to be on the air again. I know all of the members have missed you and Beatrice telling us all the quilt news.
I am so sorry to hear that so many of our members are ill and hope they all soon recover.
I shall be seated beside my radio Wednesday, waiting.
Best Wishes to all
Mrs. J. Dickerson
7311 Elmhurst, Detroit, Michigan
Beatrice and I are always happy when someone tells us that we have been missed, Mrs. Dickerson, so you can see that your letter was a very welcome one. Thank you for writing and don't wait too long before dropping us another note.
Neighborhood Club.
Dear Miss Crumb: I am glad to hear the Corner is to be back on the air. I hope we have a bigger Corner in the paper too. I am busy at my quilts. The State quilt is coming along slow but sure. Just received lovely blocks from New Mexico and Florida. I wonder if some of the ladies in our neighborhood would like to start a Quilt Club? I would be glad to hear from them.
Best regards to the News members. I have twelve tops to quilt.
Goodness knows if I ever will get them quilted.
Sincerely, Mrs. Lee Richard
15757 Dolphin avenue,
Detroit, Michigan
So many quilt makers have asked about neighborhood clubs that I feel sure some of them will see your letter and if they live near you will drop a line. I will be interested to know if you do start a club, so don't fail to keep us posted.
You will be a very busy lady if you quilt all of those yourself.
Graceful Oak Leaves Adorn Quilt Blocks
Both designs and materials used in Oak Leaves Quilt Pattern are quaint and pretty. The one is exceptionally graceful and the old-fashioned calicos or prints from which the leaves should be made are interesting and quite in keeping with the idea.
There are many ways of making this quilt both in putting the blocks together and in color combinations. Edith Crumb, beauty in the home editor, of the Detroit News explained this simply in her leaflet.
When sending for the leaflet "Oak Leaves Quilt Pattern" enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope or call in person at the Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building or the General Motors Building.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Alice Lane Scrapbook
Gasperik Legacy Project, Mary -
Gasperik, Mary Mary Gasperik Legacy Project
Michigan State University Museum Michigan Quilt Project
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
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