Quilt With Small, All-Over Pattern
March 29, 1938
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A portion of a Quilt Club Corner Column including an image and description of an Ocean Wave pattern quilt.
Quilt With Small, All-Over Pattern
Another Letter Received from Our Scottish Member
Scraps Go Into Ocean Wave
By selecting the Ocean Wave pattern, Mrs. Rose Akin of 7019 Mead avenue, Dearborn, was able to empty her scrap basket to advantage. Very few pieces are alike in this quilt and the effects are quite striking.
By Edith B. Crumb
Quilt Club Corner Editor, The Detroit News
For some quilts we require just two kinds of material, which means buying everything new; but once in a while when the scrap bag gets to the point of bulging, it's a real treat to have a pattern which uses up al of the small pieces.
Mrs. Rose Akin, 7019 Mead Avenue, Dearborn, took the old Ocean Wave pattern, which is usually made in two colors, and worked it out in miscellaneous material, including checks, plain colors and large and small pattern percales. All she needed was the size of a triangle and the square and the rest was easy. Mrs. Akin says that there are very few prints alike in the whole quilt.
Now she is going to quilt it on hoops and hopes to have it ready for the fall quilt show. Her daughter has finished a Friendship quilt which she is saving to enter, so we hope to have the Akin family well represented at the big exhibit.
Letter from Scotland
Mrs. Isabelle Fraser, Ivy Cottage, Melvick, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland, has sent us another letter. Mrs. Fraser says she was very happy to receive such a lot of birthday and Christmas greeting cards from members of the Detroit News Quilt Club and sends her sincere thanks to everyone, especially to those members whose lot it is to be shut in. She mentions Mrs. Margaret Brown, of Flint, Mrs. Edward Nymshack, Mrs. Lydia Barthauer and Mrs. Arthur E. May. She hopes that all of those members will soon be restored to their usual good health and strength.
She has enjoyed seeing clippings from The News of some of the Cornerites with their quilts, also that of the rug which her sister, Mrs. Margaret Mowatt, made. Mrs. Fraser says she makes hooked rugs of wool yarn and also from all kinds of old stockings and other scraps. She dyes all of the material different colors and when the rugs are finished they look very nice.
Makes Flowered Bags
Right now she is busy making articles for a sale to be held at her church; and she is also making work bags out of flowered material; with decorative handles.
Recently she was giving a demonstration with sealing wax and everybody was delighted to see how the different colors of wax blended so nicely.
She said that the day she wrote us was just glorious after all the cold and stormy weather and she was out looking at her wall flowers and they were really in bud waiting for the sun to bring them out. She has a beautiful bowl of blue grape hyacinths, also some in crimson and yellow. The snow drops are nodding their heads with the wind, but the daffodils are not yet in bloom.
Isn't it interesting to receive the letters from Scotland and know that Mrs. Fraser considers herself one of our members and a neighbor?
Patches to Exchange
Mrs. Anna May Sweet, 12201 Twelfth Street, has just joined the Quilt Club and would like to hear from members who are from Kingsley, Mich., or that vicinity. She would like to exchange percale pieces measuring four by six inches and will try to answer all letters which she receives.
Mrs. D Scharen Midland, Mich. has also joined the Corner lately and would like to exchange patches. Mrs. Emma Ball, 544 Sixth Street, Ann Arbor who has belonged to the Quilt Club for a long time but has not written lately has just sent in a card to tell us how surprised she was to receive...clipping cut-off
her. Many of the pieces were given to her by a shut-in. Mrs. Harry Heibein, 543 Sixth Street, Ann Arbor. Mrs. Heibein quilted four tops this winter, and is very jolly and enjoys letters and cards, so I know that many of you will write to her.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Another Letter Received from Our Scottish Member
Scraps Go Into Ocean Wave
By selecting the Ocean Wave pattern, Mrs. Rose Akin of 7019 Mead avenue, Dearborn, was able to empty her scrap basket to advantage. Very few pieces are alike in this quilt and the effects are quite striking.
By Edith B. Crumb
Quilt Club Corner Editor, The Detroit News
For some quilts we require just two kinds of material, which means buying everything new; but once in a while when the scrap bag gets to the point of bulging, it's a real treat to have a pattern which uses up al of the small pieces.
Mrs. Rose Akin, 7019 Mead Avenue, Dearborn, took the old Ocean Wave pattern, which is usually made in two colors, and worked it out in miscellaneous material, including checks, plain colors and large and small pattern percales. All she needed was the size of a triangle and the square and the rest was easy. Mrs. Akin says that there are very few prints alike in the whole quilt.
Now she is going to quilt it on hoops and hopes to have it ready for the fall quilt show. Her daughter has finished a Friendship quilt which she is saving to enter, so we hope to have the Akin family well represented at the big exhibit.
Letter from Scotland
Mrs. Isabelle Fraser, Ivy Cottage, Melvick, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland, has sent us another letter. Mrs. Fraser says she was very happy to receive such a lot of birthday and Christmas greeting cards from members of the Detroit News Quilt Club and sends her sincere thanks to everyone, especially to those members whose lot it is to be shut in. She mentions Mrs. Margaret Brown, of Flint, Mrs. Edward Nymshack, Mrs. Lydia Barthauer and Mrs. Arthur E. May. She hopes that all of those members will soon be restored to their usual good health and strength.
She has enjoyed seeing clippings from The News of some of the Cornerites with their quilts, also that of the rug which her sister, Mrs. Margaret Mowatt, made. Mrs. Fraser says she makes hooked rugs of wool yarn and also from all kinds of old stockings and other scraps. She dyes all of the material different colors and when the rugs are finished they look very nice.
Makes Flowered Bags
Right now she is busy making articles for a sale to be held at her church; and she is also making work bags out of flowered material; with decorative handles.
Recently she was giving a demonstration with sealing wax and everybody was delighted to see how the different colors of wax blended so nicely.
She said that the day she wrote us was just glorious after all the cold and stormy weather and she was out looking at her wall flowers and they were really in bud waiting for the sun to bring them out. She has a beautiful bowl of blue grape hyacinths, also some in crimson and yellow. The snow drops are nodding their heads with the wind, but the daffodils are not yet in bloom.
Isn't it interesting to receive the letters from Scotland and know that Mrs. Fraser considers herself one of our members and a neighbor?
Patches to Exchange
Mrs. Anna May Sweet, 12201 Twelfth Street, has just joined the Quilt Club and would like to hear from members who are from Kingsley, Mich., or that vicinity. She would like to exchange percale pieces measuring four by six inches and will try to answer all letters which she receives.
Mrs. D Scharen Midland, Mich. has also joined the Corner lately and would like to exchange patches. Mrs. Emma Ball, 544 Sixth Street, Ann Arbor who has belonged to the Quilt Club for a long time but has not written lately has just sent in a card to tell us how surprised she was to receive...clipping cut-off
her. Many of the pieces were given to her by a shut-in. Mrs. Harry Heibein, 543 Sixth Street, Ann Arbor. Mrs. Heibein quilted four tops this winter, and is very jolly and enjoys letters and cards, so I know that many of you will write to her.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Gasperik Legacy Project, Mary -
Documentation Project
Quilts and Health Michigan State University
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
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