Quilters' Journal, No. 23, Volume 6, Issue 1


Volume 6, Issue 1, No. 23


By: Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin, Joyce Gross Quilt History Collection, 2008-2013

Quilters' Journal, No. 23

Cuesta Ray Benberry as told to Joyce Gross, The Search for Slave Made Quilts by Bets Ramsey, Cuesta's Choice by Hazel Carter, Hall of Fame '83
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From Your Editor, Table of Contents
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A Dominion of Quilts, The Amish Quiltmaker's World by Bettina Havig
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Letter to a "Dear Friend" from F. McIntyre
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Quilter's Research, Notes from Seattle Meeting July 20 '83, Notes from Continental Quilting Congress Nov. 5 '83
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Study Center, Classified
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Mary Barton's Study Center
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The Prize-Winning Quilt Design by Aunt Martha
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Hall of Fame, Emma Andres to Be Honored
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Subscription form, errata
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