Horoscope Quilt - Pattern No. 21

March 14, 1933
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A pattern leaflet for the Capricorn quilt block. This is the twenty-first in a series of pattern leaflets for The Horoscope Quilt.
Reprint From
The Detroit News
Horoscope Quilt - Pattern No 21
Dec. 23 to Jan. 20

By Edith B. Crumb

Three more blocks and the major part of the almanac quilt will be finished. After all, won't you be a little bit sorry when the patterns have all been distributed?

It is fun work on a series of anything; but you have something in store for you after the Horoscope is finished. Haven't you? The Trip Around the World pattern for which you have been asking will be ready.

Border Figures.
Aside from the zodiac there will still be 12 figures for the border with the signs of the planets, the sun, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars and Uranus. And just because stars are such fun to quilt you may be sure there will be stars in the quilting patterns as well. Oh, there is great fun ahead of you, even yet, in the almanac quilt.

From the first proverb, "Haste makes waste," though the various adages, quotations and bits of folk lore we have had an opportunity to learn much.

There is a fine proverb for this creature, this goat that rules the constellation known as Capricorn, but it is going to be kept to give to you a bit later.

Hard To Understand.
You may not see just how this symbol stands for Capricorn. But suppose you think of a goat's habits - always butting into things. And then suppose you imagine that here he is with outstretched head ready to get into some affair that is really none of his business.

Capricorn people are said to like to meddle with their friends' love affairs. But they have virtures to counteract that failing. More of those after while.

The favorite color of the Capricorn people is green or silver-gray. Therefore you might use a piece of small figured color-fast gray or green print for the appliqued zodiac sign or you may use white ground material.

The Daily Horoscope is a fascinating feature which appears every day on the Women's Pages of The Detroit News - The Home Newspaper.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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