

Minnesota Quilt Stories - Wyn Martin

St. Paul; Minnesota; United States


Wyn Martin

In 2007 Wyn made her first quilt.  It was a quilt-as-you-go quilt of her own design and a creative breakthrough for her. She has always loved sewing and has found some of the quilting design methods, such as her first one referred to above, and Round Robbins have been a means to express herself.

Wyn started volunteering in Minnesota Quilters and found all kinds of people with similar interests. Working with color has opened many new avenues for her to learn more aspects of the craft. For her quilting is not about being the best, or listening to the quilt police, but a chance to think about the art of creating a textile work which satisfies oneself.

Written by Minnesota Quilt Stories;Minnesota Quilt Project (2020)

Minnesota Quilt Project

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