

Spread the Light - Share the Love

Sun City West; Arizona; United States

As a member of the Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild, I received this note and responded by making my "Spread the Light - Share the Love" quilt block. It hangs in my home and reminds me of the tough times brought by the pandemic. Little did we know on March 22, 2020 how long we would be in isolation and the deaths that it brought to every family. But more importantly, it reminds me that we were extremely lucky to be able to learn new ways to stay connected: via Zoom, email, text messages, Facebook and other methods that we now have available.

Posted on March 22, 2020 by Kimie

Spread the Light – Share the Love Quilt Block

We have found ourselves in a situation we haven’t encountered before. We are all wondering how the current state of things and the spread of Covid-19 is going to affect us. When our Phoenix Modern Guild President, Kelli, reached out to us to see if we would be willing to design a block that our guild could sew this month while we are self isolating, we were happy to oblige.

As we were coming up with something that would best represent this trying time, I couldn’t get one thing out of my mind, we are all in this together. This virus is unique in that it isn’t isolated to one location. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. It doesn’t care where you are from or what you do for work or the color of your skin or your family life or religion and I could go on and on. Most calamities seem to occur in far away places or to groups of people that don’t immediately affect us. It’s easy to say “that sucks” and then move on with life as if nothing happens. But today, whether you are in France, or Australia, or Brazil, or South Korea, or any other of hundreds of countries, we are all trying to figure out how to best combat a global crisis. If nothing else, this pandemic is bringing all of us together and making us realize that we have something in common, we are all human, and that is the most important thing of all. So as we come together, I hope that on the other end of this, we’ll all be a little more kind, a little more patient, and a little more sympathetic and willing to help those around us.
Please share these instructions with those around you. Make blocks to brighten your day or work in groups and make charity quilts. As we are all apart, we can still create something together.

Spread the Light - Share the Love

Written by Simmons, Margaret Lau (2022)


  • Simmons, Margaret Lau


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  • 4/2020

    Spread the Light ...

    Simmons, Margaret L...

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