49c Wonder Package Has Child's Quilt Block

April 21, 1933
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A portion of a Beauty in the Home column including a description and form to order the new Detroit News Wonder Package, an advertisement for the Quilt Club corner radio show, and an advertisement for the 25th quilt block in the Horoscope quilt, a coupon for Quilt Club membership, and letters from Quilt Club Corner members.
Beauty in the Home
49c Wonder Package Has Child’s Quilt Block

by Edith B. Crumb
This department seeks to give assistance to all who are interested in beautifying their homes and will be glad to answer questions pertaining to interior decoration. In order to serve all who, seek advice promptly no more than three problems will be discussed in any one reply. Readers are invited to write to this department as often as they wish, but to limit each letter to three questions. State your question clearly write on only one side of the paper, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and address Beauty in the Home department, Detroit News. Letters with their answers will be published for the benefit of all homemakers but names and addresses will not be made public.

THERE are a good many needleworkers who delight in fine design, small stitches and elaborate patterns, and for those the patterns as shown in the larger illustration from The Detroit News Wonder Package would be ideal.

There are nine different patterns on this page, which is really just half of one of the large sheets. In the Package are 12 sheets, each measuring 24 by 36 inches, and each is as fully covered with designs as this half shown.

The basket in the lower right is certainly beautiful and to one who likes to spend her time in fine needlework, this design would supply a pastime for some time. It might be used for the decoration of a luncheon cloth, dresser scarf, bedspread or curtains.

The spray of natural roses would be lovely embroidered in colors and for a painted decoration it has many possibilities.

The spray of daisies is just the right type for lazy daisy embroidery; and, after all, isn’t it fun to have a pattern that works up quickly and effectively?

Any one who sews will see many possibilities in the various patterns.

In the small illustration is a quilt pattern called the “Pin Wheel” and it is just the kind for a little girl to begin her quilt-making on. It is easy to make and very attractive. The pieces are large so it will work up quickly and is of three kinds of material. In the Wonder Package are 12 different quilt patterns and all so attractive it would be difficult to select one to make.

There are over 800 different transfer patterns in the Wonder Package, and for this the price is so small (just 49c) that every household should be able to include it in its regular equipment, for it will come in handy many times.

If you would like to call for this Wonder Package you may obtain it at the main office of The Detroit News, Second and Lafayette or at the Detroit News Public Service Bureau in either the Majestic Building or the General Motors Building.

However, if you prefer to have it mailed to you, please fill out the coupon which is in this column for your convenience, enclose 56c in stamps or a money order (do not send coin in letters) and the Package will be sent out to you immediately upon receipt of your request.

Horoscope Quilt Pattern No. 25
HERE it is—pattern No. 25 for the Horoscope quilt and when you send for it be sure to enclose a little note and tell whether you would like to have the “Trip Around the World” within a couple of weeks instead of waiting until the end of the summer when the Horoscope will be finished.

If you call for your leaflets instead of having them mailed, then drop a one-cent post card to the Beauty in the Home Department or the Quilt Club Corner and “vote” for the “Trip Around the World” pattern if you want it. I don’t see how you can resist it. It will be the prettiest you have ever made and everyone who sees it will want to start to cut and sew pieces for one.

The leaflet for this week has the last of the zodiac signs but there are more designs to come for the border.

To receive this leaflet, just send your request for it to the Beauty in the Home Department, The Detroit News, enclosing with it a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

If you prefer, you may call for this reprint from The Detroit News at The Detroit News Public Service Bureau in either the Majestic Building or the General Motors Building, where it will be given you free of charge.

And don’t forget to vote for the “Trip Around the World.”

Quilt Club Corner.
I “sorta” feel like a member of your Corner, although I’ve not sent in my application for membership yet, for I (suddenly, to me) “burst” into print away back when the Dresden Plate was being published and again when the Flower Garden series was popular.

I cut and pieced the Dresden circles in a week but couldn’t decide what background to use. While thinking it over, I started the Jacob’s ladder and Winged Square. I had a good start on each when I lost the use of my right arm as far as sewing and heavy work were concerned. Later it was necessary to undergo an operation to remove the cause of my trouble. How I looked forward to and planned on catching up with my quilt blocks as I convalesced, but fate again played tricks and infection prevented the speedy convalescence I had counted on.

Doctors having advised the use of hand and arm in light work, I found I could use pen or pencil easier than a needle, so started making copies of every quilt pattern I had or could collect. I used a note-book in which I drew pictured patterns and in the back of the book have an index of names corresponding to numbered patterns. I now have 95 patterns, having stopped at the Majestic Building and secured your Peek-a-Boo as my latest addition. I made a block from it and find it easy and faster than the Jacob’s Ladder.

From this large collection of patterns, I started a quilt top with “one of a kind” of the easiest pieced blocks since I can now sew again. I am using pink, green, yellow and lavender prints with white and I now have over half the number of blocks pieced. For a change I add to my Jacob’s Ladder.

Here is how I am able to piece most of my blocks. Between the time the children are beginning to dress and leave for school I have a little over an hour when I can’t seem to get at my housework as I am not very strong yet and I can work best when I am alone and the house is quiet. So I sit down as soon as I have prepared the children’s breakfast and sew all I can. It is something I can lay down at a moment’s notice and pick up as quickly. At the same time I am relaxed to start my heavier work and as the children are anxious to see how the quilt tops will look when done, they respect my desire for quiet to be able to accomplish all I can by being better behaved than they used to be when I would be rushing about my housework the first thing.

Each child asked for a quilt when finished as “Grandma made you quilts for your own” and I’m giving them their choice.

Young daughter has picked out certain flowers of the Flower Garden series and she can make pillow tops. She has asked for her first try-out, block for top, orange and red for tulips with green for foliage. For the other flowers she didn’t know what colors to use except the natural colors of flowers. So I think I’ll get plain and checked ginghams and these tops will be nice for summer use. She will be able to finish them by warm weather.

She has been embroidering the white stamped squares she bought for ten cents and I promised to set them together for a quilt top when she has enough squares. As I have a nine-patch that I pieced by the time I reached my seventh birthday, she is anxious to have one she did herself, she says.

I watch your column closely, enjoying the letters with their ideas and suggestions. Somehow I’ve been unable to listen in because of the children’s lunch hour. I can’t listen to their chatter in the kitchen and the radio in the living room at the same time, and the children have only 20 minutes at home noons.

Personally, I think your Quilt Club needs more newspaper space and I’m sure there’s a large number of other readers who think the same.

Patiently waiting for that “Trip Around the World,” I am one of your most interested readers.
MRS. W. A. R.

You certainly should send in your membership slip, Mrs. R., for there is no reason why you should not be a member.

How every interesting your scrapbook must be and what a good time you must have had in making it.

Your little girl is very ambitious to make those pillows and she is very sensible in selecting just the flower colors for the designs.

Thank you for writing such a nice long and interesting letter and hope that you may not neglect us in the future.

I LISTEN in to your programs on Wednesdays about quilting and enjoy them very much. I understand you to say last Wednesday that you would send the patterns of the Double Wedding Ring to anyone sending a stamped, addressed envelope. I did not know if that meant anyone in Canada or not.

I hope you will be able to send it to me. I will be listening in next Wednesday and if there is an extra charge for Canadian mail I would be very glad to have you mention it.
Blenheim, Ont.

No extra charge, at all, Mrs. Robertson. There are many quilt makers in Canada who write in regularly for leaflets, and happy to add you to this circle.

Beauty in the Home Editor:

Please enter my name as a member of the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club.

Street and number………………………………………………………………………………
City……………………………………………… State…………………………………………………

This enrollment in the Beauty in the Home Quilt Club entitles the member to enter her quilt in the exhibit which will be held after the completion of the series of Horoscope patterns. Date of announcement will be made later.

Anyone who has completed a quilt from any Detroit News pattern will be eligible to become a member and enter this contest.

The Detroit News,
Beauty in the Home Department.

Enclosed please find 56c for which I wish you would send me THE DETROIT NEWS WONDER PACKAGE of over 800 transfer patterns.

Street and Number………………………………………………………………………………
City………………………………………… State………………………………………………………

If you prefer to call for this at The Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building, the General Motors Building, or the Main Office, Second and Lafayette, the price will be but 49 cents. Please do not send coin in letters.

On account of customs regulations, Canadian orders cannot be accepted.

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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