Quilt Has Chevron Border
July 8, 1939
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner Column including a birthday list.
Quilt Has Chevron Border
Inset shows Mrs. Dora Rennis, 1954 Twenty-third street, who made this Friendship Knot quilt. The background of the top is white, the border and back are peach, and a binding of many colors finishes the edge.
By Edith B. Crumb
After being away for some time on vacation, Mrs. Dora Rennis, 1954 23rd street, returned to the Quilt Club meeting yesterday and brought a quilt which she has competed.
This quilt is known as the Friendship Knot and has been carried out in a variegated color scheme. It is similar to the Double Wedding Ring except that there are fewer wedges in the circle and diamonds are used at the intersections instead of squares.
The background of the top is white, and the border and back are peach. The border is made of many colored diamonds arranged in chevron fashion and the edge is bound with binding made up of a variety of materials.
The white squares in the centers of the rings are quilted in a conventional pattern with the design which has been worked out with the prints.
Mrs. Rennis has another quilt started in the same design and thinks it is a fine pattern to utilize small scraps of material
Yesterday Mrs. Alice Yearling brought the name of a new member Mrs. Myrtle Lanz, Bldg. A Ward 202, Eloise, Mich. Mrs. Lang has been an invalid at Eloise for 12 years and would appreciate hearing from you and having you call on her. She is able to sew and I think that a few pieces of quilt materials would do much to cheer her.
Another new member who joined yesterday was Beverly Kansier, 5303 Iroquois avenue. Beverly is 11 years old and is working on a cross-stitch lamp. She has an envelope of patches, so perhaps the next time she comes to the Corner meeting she will have a quilt started.
Mrs. Marian Elder says that next Thursday at the Quilt Club picnic on Belle Isle there will be exchanging of books. If you have books which you are through with, bring them along and trade for some you would like to own.
Cornerites' Birthdays
July 10 - Beverly Kansier, 5303 Iroquois avenue, Detroit ( 12 years old).
July 14 - Miss May Mancuse, 1822 Division street, Detroit; Mrs. Mary A. Priebe, 6470 Van Dyke avenue, Detroit; Mrs. Birdie O'Neal, General Delivery, Atlanta, Texas; Mrs. Mervin Wellmer, 1228 Cedar street, Hancock, Mich.; Mrs. Maude Dickey, 6538 Vinewood avenue, Detroit, and Mrs. W. P. Tyler, 3948 Fourteenth street, Detroit.
July 15 - Mrs. Henry C. Reinhold, 640 Meadowbrook avenue, Detroit; Hattie E. Sattera, Box 22, Ridgeway, Mich.; Mrs. Hazel O'Rear, 307 E. Hendrie avenue, Detroit; Mrs. Florence Curtis, 11845 LaSalle avenue; Mrs. C. Pourde, 37 Pine street, River Rouge Mich., and Mrs. P. J. Fuller, 15368 Stansbury avenue, and Mrs. David ??avelz, 1335 Buckingham avenue, Lincoln Park, Mich.
July 16 - Mrs. L. R. Potter, 741 Seward avenue, Detroit, and Mrs. David Ferguson, 1971 Morrell avenue, Detroit.
July 17 - Jeanne Metzger, 844 West Spring street, Lima, Ohio; Mrs. Henry Wick, Northville, Mich.; Mrs. Edna Stewart 1916 Coe street, Tarentum, Pa, and Mrs. Etta Bated, Route No. 1, ?? Stueeve, Rochester, Mich.
July 18 - Mrs. Gladys Klein, 5326 Bewick avenue, Detroit.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Inset shows Mrs. Dora Rennis, 1954 Twenty-third street, who made this Friendship Knot quilt. The background of the top is white, the border and back are peach, and a binding of many colors finishes the edge.
By Edith B. Crumb
After being away for some time on vacation, Mrs. Dora Rennis, 1954 23rd street, returned to the Quilt Club meeting yesterday and brought a quilt which she has competed.
This quilt is known as the Friendship Knot and has been carried out in a variegated color scheme. It is similar to the Double Wedding Ring except that there are fewer wedges in the circle and diamonds are used at the intersections instead of squares.
The background of the top is white, and the border and back are peach. The border is made of many colored diamonds arranged in chevron fashion and the edge is bound with binding made up of a variety of materials.
The white squares in the centers of the rings are quilted in a conventional pattern with the design which has been worked out with the prints.
Mrs. Rennis has another quilt started in the same design and thinks it is a fine pattern to utilize small scraps of material
Yesterday Mrs. Alice Yearling brought the name of a new member Mrs. Myrtle Lanz, Bldg. A Ward 202, Eloise, Mich. Mrs. Lang has been an invalid at Eloise for 12 years and would appreciate hearing from you and having you call on her. She is able to sew and I think that a few pieces of quilt materials would do much to cheer her.
Another new member who joined yesterday was Beverly Kansier, 5303 Iroquois avenue. Beverly is 11 years old and is working on a cross-stitch lamp. She has an envelope of patches, so perhaps the next time she comes to the Corner meeting she will have a quilt started.
Mrs. Marian Elder says that next Thursday at the Quilt Club picnic on Belle Isle there will be exchanging of books. If you have books which you are through with, bring them along and trade for some you would like to own.
Cornerites' Birthdays
July 10 - Beverly Kansier, 5303 Iroquois avenue, Detroit ( 12 years old).
July 14 - Miss May Mancuse, 1822 Division street, Detroit; Mrs. Mary A. Priebe, 6470 Van Dyke avenue, Detroit; Mrs. Birdie O'Neal, General Delivery, Atlanta, Texas; Mrs. Mervin Wellmer, 1228 Cedar street, Hancock, Mich.; Mrs. Maude Dickey, 6538 Vinewood avenue, Detroit, and Mrs. W. P. Tyler, 3948 Fourteenth street, Detroit.
July 15 - Mrs. Henry C. Reinhold, 640 Meadowbrook avenue, Detroit; Hattie E. Sattera, Box 22, Ridgeway, Mich.; Mrs. Hazel O'Rear, 307 E. Hendrie avenue, Detroit; Mrs. Florence Curtis, 11845 LaSalle avenue; Mrs. C. Pourde, 37 Pine street, River Rouge Mich., and Mrs. P. J. Fuller, 15368 Stansbury avenue, and Mrs. David ??avelz, 1335 Buckingham avenue, Lincoln Park, Mich.
July 16 - Mrs. L. R. Potter, 741 Seward avenue, Detroit, and Mrs. David Ferguson, 1971 Morrell avenue, Detroit.
July 17 - Jeanne Metzger, 844 West Spring street, Lima, Ohio; Mrs. Henry Wick, Northville, Mich.; Mrs. Edna Stewart 1916 Coe street, Tarentum, Pa, and Mrs. Etta Bated, Route No. 1, ?? Stueeve, Rochester, Mich.
July 18 - Mrs. Gladys Klein, 5326 Bewick avenue, Detroit.
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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