To Be Entered in Show
March 29, 1940
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner Column including a fundraising quilt.
To Be Entered in Show
Seven hundred and twenty names are embroidered in gold on this friendship quilt to be entered in The Detroit News Quilt Show May 24, 25 and 26. It was presented to the Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Mittermaier, of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Field and Kercheval avenues, by the members of the Senior Choir. Mrs. Ynez Grenkowitz (inset) directed the making of the quilt.
Quilt Raises Money for Church Treasury
By Edith B. Crumb
It's always fun to have special quilts to look for at the big quilt show.
One which you will find interesting has 720 names on it... many of you may find your own embroidered on one of the rays of the small sunbursts.
The quilt was presented by the members of the Senior Choir of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Field and Kercheval avenues, to the pastor and his wife - The Reverend and Mrs. Theodor Mittermaier.
One of our Detroit News Quilt Club Corner members, Mrs. Ynez Grenkowitz had charge of the designing and making of this quilt. A charge of 10 cents was made for everyone who wished to have his or her name embroidered on it.
When the cost of the material was deducted from the total receipts, there was almost $70 to put in the treasury toward the building fund. Most of the embroidery was done by Mrs. Grenkoitz and the quilting was done by a professional.
The color scheme of the quilt is gold and white. The blocks are white, the joining strips gold. The embroidery is done with gold and the quilting in white.
Mrs. Grenkowitz would like to know if someone will lend her a pattern for a hot pad. The church is to have a bazaar on April 12 and she would like to have a quantity of these made to sell at one of the booths.
Mrs. Harry M. Williams, 23120 Bohn road, Belleville, has written this note.
"Dear Miss Crumb: Will you please thank each and every one of those kind friends who sent me the pattern for the Double Irish Chain? I was taken to the University Hospital in Ann Arbor because of a serious throat infection, but I am home again and now that I am able to sew, am so grateful to those who came to my aid with the patterns."
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Seven hundred and twenty names are embroidered in gold on this friendship quilt to be entered in The Detroit News Quilt Show May 24, 25 and 26. It was presented to the Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Mittermaier, of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Field and Kercheval avenues, by the members of the Senior Choir. Mrs. Ynez Grenkowitz (inset) directed the making of the quilt.
Quilt Raises Money for Church Treasury
By Edith B. Crumb
It's always fun to have special quilts to look for at the big quilt show.
One which you will find interesting has 720 names on it... many of you may find your own embroidered on one of the rays of the small sunbursts.
The quilt was presented by the members of the Senior Choir of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Field and Kercheval avenues, to the pastor and his wife - The Reverend and Mrs. Theodor Mittermaier.
One of our Detroit News Quilt Club Corner members, Mrs. Ynez Grenkowitz had charge of the designing and making of this quilt. A charge of 10 cents was made for everyone who wished to have his or her name embroidered on it.
When the cost of the material was deducted from the total receipts, there was almost $70 to put in the treasury toward the building fund. Most of the embroidery was done by Mrs. Grenkoitz and the quilting was done by a professional.
The color scheme of the quilt is gold and white. The blocks are white, the joining strips gold. The embroidery is done with gold and the quilting in white.
Mrs. Grenkowitz would like to know if someone will lend her a pattern for a hot pad. The church is to have a bazaar on April 12 and she would like to have a quantity of these made to sell at one of the booths.
Mrs. Harry M. Williams, 23120 Bohn road, Belleville, has written this note.
"Dear Miss Crumb: Will you please thank each and every one of those kind friends who sent me the pattern for the Double Irish Chain? I was taken to the University Hospital in Ann Arbor because of a serious throat infection, but I am home again and now that I am able to sew, am so grateful to those who came to my aid with the patterns."
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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Michigan State University Museum Michigan Quilt Project
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
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