How About a Friendship Quilt?
May 17, 1934
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including an advertisement for the Old-Time Album block leaflet, a coupon for Quilt Club membership, and letters from Quilt Club Corner members.
How About a Friendship Quilt?
Here is a design for which you have been waiting a long time—a pattern which may be used for a Friendship quilt. It is a very good quilt to make for an heirloom and be sure to put the date on it, so that it may be identified for years to come.
The Loss of a Letter Abashes Corner Editor
THERE have been so many requests for a pattern which could be used for a Friendship quilt that I thought nothing would be more appropriate than the old-time Album design.
Right after the quilt contest last year, Mrs. M. Tayler, 2595 Honorah avenue, Detroit, made a block of this pattern, with my name in the center of it and was kind enough to send it to me, so you see she is really responsible for this pattern being published and I am sure we should all be very grateful to her.
Unfortunately I was unable to show a picture of the block which Mrs. Taylor made as the prints she used had a white ground and did not show enough contrast when photographed. The design is a small pink and green rose and so quaint and pretty—just the right type for this kind of quilt.
AND now I just know that you will be busy making Album quilts and getting autographs from your friends. Perhaps you will remember seeing some antique quilts from this pattern in the contest last fall.
And I have a confession to make. Did you ever have a letter that you wanted to keep for future use and put it away very carefully so that it could not possibly get lost and then not be able to find it again? Well, that is what has happened to me. One of the Quilt Club Corner members wrote such a charming letter and sent in a sample block for a quilt pattern, so I have had a leaflet made of it and wanted to tell who was kind enough to suggest the design and nowhere can I find this dear lady’s letter. Naturally I am embarrassed and I only hope that she will see this story and forgive me and write again and give me her name and address.
THE pattern was the Double “T,” one “T” being made of turkey-red calico and the other of a white ground well covered with red and green triangles. It is very striking and a pattern you will want to make; but I would so like to tell you who sent in the idea of this lovely old pattern. I hope this my lucky day and that she will read this.
Let’s have a lot of Album friendship quilts at the contest in October. We ought to have enough to make a section of them alone. Don’t you think so?
Just To Say “Hello.”
After a long absence I am coming back to say “hello” to all the Corner members, and how it does grow!
I have been busy doing my spring sewing, so haven’t been doing much on my quilts, but I must get busy soon now and see what I can do before the next show.
I was very glad to hear that we are going to have another one. I was hoping we would, as I enjoyed the first one so much. It will be wonderful to see all the new quilts this year, so there will be more patterns to make and more of a variety.
I am saving all the pictures of the different quilts and groups of ladies that appear in the Corner for my scrap book. Wasn’t it nice of Mrs. Weismuller to give us the directions of the Rainbow quilt? I am going to make one later on for my daughter’s hope chest. Won’t that be a nice gift to give her?
17457 Lumkin ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
Oh, isn’t your daughter a lucky girl to have that lovely Trip in her chest. Of course, it isn’t there yet, but I know that it will be soon. Once you get started, you won’t let it alone until it is finished.
Yes, indeed, you must have some quilts in the next show. And do hang on to your gloves, Mrs. Strobilius, if you attend, and I know that you will. Last year you lost such a nice pair—but found them. You don’t want that to happen again.
Thanking you for writing in to the Corner. It is a long time since you sent a letter and you must not neglect us so.
Wants Quilting Pattern.
I have now finished my top of the Dresden Plate quilt. However, I do not know what quilting pattern I should use. Will you please send me the pattern to be used with this Dresden Plate design? I am anxious to get started at the quilting.
Will you please let me know if you could get the Wild Rose quilt design for me. I would like to make that quilt.
I would like to join the Quilt Club Corner.
3452 21st St.,
Wyandotte, Mich.
I am sorry to tell you that we have no quilting pattern for the Dresden Plate. Every one has worked out some original little motif or borrowed one, so there has been no general demand for this.
The Wild Rose is not a News design, so I am unable to tell you about it.
I am happy to know that you wish to join the Quilt Club Corner and I have put your name in the membership list.
Wants Some Advice.
I started a Double Wedding Ring quilt, but it puckers terribly, I’ve ripped and tried over and over again, but it looks like a boat. I’ve tried small seams and large seams, but it never turns out flat. Should the squares be shorter than the small edges?
I’ve only made one quilt and that was the Dresden Plate, it turned out O. K. but this one has me worried so. I tried to applique the edges onto the oval piece and also the large piece but still it doesn’t turn out smooth.
Will someone advise me where my mistake is?
MRS. R. E. W.
You just watch the Corner, Mrs. W., and someone will give you an answer. It is too bad that you did not put in your name and address, for then perhaps someone would have written to you and you could have had it straightened out sooner.
You’ll Want a Block for Every Friend
HERE is the old-fashioned album or Friendship quilt just like those made years ago with the autographs of the maker’s friends in the center of each block.
It is the latest pattern of the Detroit News Quilt club and directions for making it are now ready for you on a leaflet which may be had for the asking.
Address Quilt Club Editor and inclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If more convenient, call in person at The Detroit News Public Services Bureau in the Majestic Building at the General Motors Building.
Don’t Let the Years Steal Up on You
LOIS LEEDS, Detroit News Beauty Expert, knows a good many ways to cheat the march of time. “A youthful appearance,” she says, “depends to a very great extent upon the condition of the skin,” and so she offers in her latest leaflet “A Daily Program to Keep the Skin Youthful.”
To secure this leaflet, address Lois Leeds, Detroit News and inclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If more convenient, call in person at the Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building at The General Motors Building.
Please enter my name as a member of The Detroit News Quilt Club.
City…………… State…………
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Here is a design for which you have been waiting a long time—a pattern which may be used for a Friendship quilt. It is a very good quilt to make for an heirloom and be sure to put the date on it, so that it may be identified for years to come.
The Loss of a Letter Abashes Corner Editor
THERE have been so many requests for a pattern which could be used for a Friendship quilt that I thought nothing would be more appropriate than the old-time Album design.
Right after the quilt contest last year, Mrs. M. Tayler, 2595 Honorah avenue, Detroit, made a block of this pattern, with my name in the center of it and was kind enough to send it to me, so you see she is really responsible for this pattern being published and I am sure we should all be very grateful to her.
Unfortunately I was unable to show a picture of the block which Mrs. Taylor made as the prints she used had a white ground and did not show enough contrast when photographed. The design is a small pink and green rose and so quaint and pretty—just the right type for this kind of quilt.
AND now I just know that you will be busy making Album quilts and getting autographs from your friends. Perhaps you will remember seeing some antique quilts from this pattern in the contest last fall.
And I have a confession to make. Did you ever have a letter that you wanted to keep for future use and put it away very carefully so that it could not possibly get lost and then not be able to find it again? Well, that is what has happened to me. One of the Quilt Club Corner members wrote such a charming letter and sent in a sample block for a quilt pattern, so I have had a leaflet made of it and wanted to tell who was kind enough to suggest the design and nowhere can I find this dear lady’s letter. Naturally I am embarrassed and I only hope that she will see this story and forgive me and write again and give me her name and address.
THE pattern was the Double “T,” one “T” being made of turkey-red calico and the other of a white ground well covered with red and green triangles. It is very striking and a pattern you will want to make; but I would so like to tell you who sent in the idea of this lovely old pattern. I hope this my lucky day and that she will read this.
Let’s have a lot of Album friendship quilts at the contest in October. We ought to have enough to make a section of them alone. Don’t you think so?
Just To Say “Hello.”
After a long absence I am coming back to say “hello” to all the Corner members, and how it does grow!
I have been busy doing my spring sewing, so haven’t been doing much on my quilts, but I must get busy soon now and see what I can do before the next show.
I was very glad to hear that we are going to have another one. I was hoping we would, as I enjoyed the first one so much. It will be wonderful to see all the new quilts this year, so there will be more patterns to make and more of a variety.
I am saving all the pictures of the different quilts and groups of ladies that appear in the Corner for my scrap book. Wasn’t it nice of Mrs. Weismuller to give us the directions of the Rainbow quilt? I am going to make one later on for my daughter’s hope chest. Won’t that be a nice gift to give her?
17457 Lumkin ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
Oh, isn’t your daughter a lucky girl to have that lovely Trip in her chest. Of course, it isn’t there yet, but I know that it will be soon. Once you get started, you won’t let it alone until it is finished.
Yes, indeed, you must have some quilts in the next show. And do hang on to your gloves, Mrs. Strobilius, if you attend, and I know that you will. Last year you lost such a nice pair—but found them. You don’t want that to happen again.
Thanking you for writing in to the Corner. It is a long time since you sent a letter and you must not neglect us so.
Wants Quilting Pattern.
I have now finished my top of the Dresden Plate quilt. However, I do not know what quilting pattern I should use. Will you please send me the pattern to be used with this Dresden Plate design? I am anxious to get started at the quilting.
Will you please let me know if you could get the Wild Rose quilt design for me. I would like to make that quilt.
I would like to join the Quilt Club Corner.
3452 21st St.,
Wyandotte, Mich.
I am sorry to tell you that we have no quilting pattern for the Dresden Plate. Every one has worked out some original little motif or borrowed one, so there has been no general demand for this.
The Wild Rose is not a News design, so I am unable to tell you about it.
I am happy to know that you wish to join the Quilt Club Corner and I have put your name in the membership list.
Wants Some Advice.
I started a Double Wedding Ring quilt, but it puckers terribly, I’ve ripped and tried over and over again, but it looks like a boat. I’ve tried small seams and large seams, but it never turns out flat. Should the squares be shorter than the small edges?
I’ve only made one quilt and that was the Dresden Plate, it turned out O. K. but this one has me worried so. I tried to applique the edges onto the oval piece and also the large piece but still it doesn’t turn out smooth.
Will someone advise me where my mistake is?
MRS. R. E. W.
You just watch the Corner, Mrs. W., and someone will give you an answer. It is too bad that you did not put in your name and address, for then perhaps someone would have written to you and you could have had it straightened out sooner.
You’ll Want a Block for Every Friend
HERE is the old-fashioned album or Friendship quilt just like those made years ago with the autographs of the maker’s friends in the center of each block.
It is the latest pattern of the Detroit News Quilt club and directions for making it are now ready for you on a leaflet which may be had for the asking.
Address Quilt Club Editor and inclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If more convenient, call in person at The Detroit News Public Services Bureau in the Majestic Building at the General Motors Building.
Don’t Let the Years Steal Up on You
LOIS LEEDS, Detroit News Beauty Expert, knows a good many ways to cheat the march of time. “A youthful appearance,” she says, “depends to a very great extent upon the condition of the skin,” and so she offers in her latest leaflet “A Daily Program to Keep the Skin Youthful.”
To secure this leaflet, address Lois Leeds, Detroit News and inclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If more convenient, call in person at the Detroit News Public Service Bureau in the Majestic Building at The General Motors Building.
Please enter my name as a member of The Detroit News Quilt Club.
City…………… State…………
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Gasperik Legacy Project, Mary -
Gasperik, Mary Mary Gasperik Legacy Project
Michigan State University Museum Michigan Quilt Project
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
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