New Boston Quilters Preparing for News Show
September 13, 1934
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including a coupon for entering quilts in the Quilt Contest.
New Boston Quilters Preparing for News Show
Standing left to right: Mrs. Almyra Sherman, Mrs. Nora Smith, Mrs. Agnes Rhodes, and Mrs. Maggie Wilson (president of the Ladies Aid Society). Sitting left to right: Mrs. Nellie Sherman, Mrs. Florence Eldred, Mrs. Anna Hermann (chairman of the committee) Mrs. Etta Eldred, and Mrs. Ada B Schaller.
Finishing Stitches Put on Double Wedding Ring
By Edith B. Crumb
Down in New Boston, Mich. there is a Ladies Aid Society which is divided into two committees called contest committee and each one tries to earn the larger amount of money for the church indebtedness.
Now these committees do not meet together but have one regular meeting each month and have a quilt on in one of the homes most of the time- sometimes two at once.
These sessions usually last all day and there are pot luck dinners, not to mention lots of chattering, which just belongs with quilting. Mrs. Ada B Schaller of New Boston sent this picture and told this little story.
The quilt on the frame in the picture was made for Mrs. Gordon Pilant by his mother, who lives in Texas, and whom he has no seen in four years. She sent it to him for his Christmas Gift. He wanted to send her a picture of it and so when it was in the frame he took one while it was being quilted.
Another very important person in quilt making in New Boston (although he may have never taken a stitch in his life) is Claude Anderson, aged 14 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson. He has been a Detroit News carrier for over four years. And because Claude can be depended upon, there is no worry about the Quilt Club Corner being a part of the reading of every quilt maker in New Boston.
I wonder which committee will have the larger sum of money when totals are compared, Don't you?
From Toledo, Ohio.
You have no idea how interesting the Club is to me. I have two quilts in the making, the first being a Dresden Plate and the second a Flower Garden. I am very anxious to see the new Aeroplane quilt pattern.
I hope to be able to get to the exhibit this year.
Estella E. Frederick.
455 Utah St.,
Toledo, Ohio.
There is no reason why you cannot enter the Dresden Plate quilt in the exhibit and if the Flower Garden is from the news pattern be sure to see that gets in too. And, who knows perhaps you will have time to make an Areoplane top anyway.
But, by all means come. you'll never be sorry and better plan on starting early and staying late for you can't see all you want to in just a little while.
Lacks a Few Patches.
I never thought I would be interested in quilting but after attending last year's show I could hardly wait until I got home to start on the Dresden Plate. I have it about three-fourths done but lack patches to finish it as I am trying to get as many pieces as possible. So if any member wishes to exchange patches with me I would be very glad to do so as I am anxious to have it completed in time for the next show.
Mrs. Mary Greenfield.
5433 Fisher Ave.
Detroit Mich.
Well, now I think that some of these old timers ought to sit right down and send a few patches, Mrs. Greenfield, for if that is all that is keeping you from finishing your quilt for the contest, I should not like to think that you would be able to do it.
Blocks to Exchange.
Dear Miss Crumb: I have started an Album quilt and already have several blocks from friends and relatives. I would like to exchange blocks with some of the members: either the Album patter or some other, or I will send pieces for a block.
I lent my pattern so I have not been able to make an Album block for Gran, but I will make it as soon as I receive the pattern.
I surely enjoy reading the letters and listening to the broadcasts. I am sending in the name of a friend who would like to join the Quilt Club Corner.
Mrs. Carl Hjerpe.
19009 Wormer, Detroit, Mich.
Thank you for sending in the name and also for writing that nice letter to the corner. Letters are as welcome to us as patches are to a quilt-maker.
Those album blocks and patches are flying back and forth at a great rate and I imagine that there will be a large friendship at the Contest, don't you?
Quilt Club Corner Editor,
c.o. The Detroit News,
Detroit, Michigan.
I am planning to make entries as follows in the Quilt Show to be held October 12, 13 and 14. (Please state how many of each):
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from News patterns.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from original designs.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops made by a man.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops made by a child.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from a distance.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops to compete for prize
for largest number of pieces.
..........Antique Quilts and ..........Tops..........
..........Anique Samplers.......... x ____
Street and number.........
City and State..........
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Standing left to right: Mrs. Almyra Sherman, Mrs. Nora Smith, Mrs. Agnes Rhodes, and Mrs. Maggie Wilson (president of the Ladies Aid Society). Sitting left to right: Mrs. Nellie Sherman, Mrs. Florence Eldred, Mrs. Anna Hermann (chairman of the committee) Mrs. Etta Eldred, and Mrs. Ada B Schaller.
Finishing Stitches Put on Double Wedding Ring
By Edith B. Crumb
Down in New Boston, Mich. there is a Ladies Aid Society which is divided into two committees called contest committee and each one tries to earn the larger amount of money for the church indebtedness.
Now these committees do not meet together but have one regular meeting each month and have a quilt on in one of the homes most of the time- sometimes two at once.
These sessions usually last all day and there are pot luck dinners, not to mention lots of chattering, which just belongs with quilting. Mrs. Ada B Schaller of New Boston sent this picture and told this little story.
The quilt on the frame in the picture was made for Mrs. Gordon Pilant by his mother, who lives in Texas, and whom he has no seen in four years. She sent it to him for his Christmas Gift. He wanted to send her a picture of it and so when it was in the frame he took one while it was being quilted.
Another very important person in quilt making in New Boston (although he may have never taken a stitch in his life) is Claude Anderson, aged 14 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson. He has been a Detroit News carrier for over four years. And because Claude can be depended upon, there is no worry about the Quilt Club Corner being a part of the reading of every quilt maker in New Boston.
I wonder which committee will have the larger sum of money when totals are compared, Don't you?
From Toledo, Ohio.
You have no idea how interesting the Club is to me. I have two quilts in the making, the first being a Dresden Plate and the second a Flower Garden. I am very anxious to see the new Aeroplane quilt pattern.
I hope to be able to get to the exhibit this year.
Estella E. Frederick.
455 Utah St.,
Toledo, Ohio.
There is no reason why you cannot enter the Dresden Plate quilt in the exhibit and if the Flower Garden is from the news pattern be sure to see that gets in too. And, who knows perhaps you will have time to make an Areoplane top anyway.
But, by all means come. you'll never be sorry and better plan on starting early and staying late for you can't see all you want to in just a little while.
Lacks a Few Patches.
I never thought I would be interested in quilting but after attending last year's show I could hardly wait until I got home to start on the Dresden Plate. I have it about three-fourths done but lack patches to finish it as I am trying to get as many pieces as possible. So if any member wishes to exchange patches with me I would be very glad to do so as I am anxious to have it completed in time for the next show.
Mrs. Mary Greenfield.
5433 Fisher Ave.
Detroit Mich.
Well, now I think that some of these old timers ought to sit right down and send a few patches, Mrs. Greenfield, for if that is all that is keeping you from finishing your quilt for the contest, I should not like to think that you would be able to do it.
Blocks to Exchange.
Dear Miss Crumb: I have started an Album quilt and already have several blocks from friends and relatives. I would like to exchange blocks with some of the members: either the Album patter or some other, or I will send pieces for a block.
I lent my pattern so I have not been able to make an Album block for Gran, but I will make it as soon as I receive the pattern.
I surely enjoy reading the letters and listening to the broadcasts. I am sending in the name of a friend who would like to join the Quilt Club Corner.
Mrs. Carl Hjerpe.
19009 Wormer, Detroit, Mich.
Thank you for sending in the name and also for writing that nice letter to the corner. Letters are as welcome to us as patches are to a quilt-maker.
Those album blocks and patches are flying back and forth at a great rate and I imagine that there will be a large friendship at the Contest, don't you?
Quilt Club Corner Editor,
c.o. The Detroit News,
Detroit, Michigan.
I am planning to make entries as follows in the Quilt Show to be held October 12, 13 and 14. (Please state how many of each):
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from News patterns.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from original designs.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops made by a man.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops made by a child.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops from a distance.
..........Quilts and ..........Tops to compete for prize
for largest number of pieces.
..........Antique Quilts and ..........Tops..........
..........Anique Samplers.......... x ____
Street and number.........
City and State..........
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
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