We Had a Lonesome Call at Last Friday’s Meeting
February 23, 1937
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Susan Salser
Detroit, Michigan, United States
A Quilt Club Corner column including letters from members.
We Had a Lonesome Call at Last Friday's Meeting
By Edith B. Crumb
Have you ever had something happen the first thing in the morning that marred your whole day?
That is what happened to me Saturday and I want to tell you about it. On my desk was this letter and you can imagine how it made me feel. But read it for yourself,
"Dear Miss Crumb:
I just returned home from a trip down to the Quilt Club meeting. I surely was surprised and disappointed. It seems that a stranger does not "fit in" There were several ladies sitting alone. I was among them. The tables were filled with happy, jolly women who had their own friends or club. We strangers felt out of place.
Just one smiled at me and asked if I had brought my work. I had no work but a had a very pretty quilt I had made- my first one, too.
I just swallowed that big lump in my throat and came home resolved to quilt making quilts with the Quilt Club Clorner. I am so disappointed that I can't even sign my right name so will just sign,
A Lost Sheep"
Now this "Lost Sheep" may feel very badly but she cannot feel half as badly as I do, for I know exactly what she experiences. When I was a little girl and first went to parties I had a miserable time. To begin with I had straight hair and three front teeth missing and every other little girl had curls and everybody else was having a good time. No one talked to me and I was so unhappy. Finally, I saw some more strange little girls come in and I noticed that even though they did not know any one when they came in they soon started to talk and have a good time. I tried the same idea and found that it worked.
I'm afraid it was my fault that the "Lost Sheep" did not enjoy herself. I want very much to meet all new comers and try to make them happy and feel at home. When I realized that I failed in this on Friday, it makes me very unhappy.
All of these women whom she saw having such a jolly time were strangers to each other before the Quilt Club Corner started, but they are so well acquainted now that you would think they had been lifelong friends.
Had I know that "Lost Sheep" had a quilt with her I would have asked he if she would let us hang it up for every one else to see for I know it would have been enjoyed.
The way they got acquainted was to walk right up and say "Hello" to some one. They were all strangers at first, Lost Sheep, and didn't wait to be introduced. I couldn't possibly have gone the rounds with everyone there. Instead, each one started to talk with her neighbor.
So Lost Sheep, won't you come again and walk right up to me and say I'm new here and I'll guarantee that in five minutes you'll begin to feel like an old time and will have met dozens of people. Also PLEASE bring the quilt.
Mrs. Harry Wells and Mrs. Fred Dye both came for the first time last Friday and Mrs. Wells had a crocheted spread she let us hang up, and Mrs. De a Yo-yo quilt that she was generous enough to exhibit.
Now a word to each and every one of you- my dear and loyal Quilt Club Corner friends. You can readily realize what a task it is for me to keep everyone busy and at the same time make notes of bits of news, take down names of new members and keep everybody happy. We don't want anyone feeling that she has not been welcome and does not want to come again.
Last Friday was our first time we did not have our big dish filled with candy. It was ordered but did not arrive until about five minutes after the Quilt Club meeting closed. But it is being take care of and you may count on seeing it on the red and white checked tablecloth next Friday.
If the Lost Sheep feels that I am the one at fault because she did not have a good time I hope that she will accept my apologies with the same sincerity in which I offer them. A feeling of lonesomeness is the last one I wish to create at our Club meetings and in order that this may be avoided in the future, may I count on each one of you playing hostess and helping make those who feel strange more at home?
You don't want me to receive another letter like this one- do you?
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
By Edith B. Crumb
Have you ever had something happen the first thing in the morning that marred your whole day?
That is what happened to me Saturday and I want to tell you about it. On my desk was this letter and you can imagine how it made me feel. But read it for yourself,
"Dear Miss Crumb:
I just returned home from a trip down to the Quilt Club meeting. I surely was surprised and disappointed. It seems that a stranger does not "fit in" There were several ladies sitting alone. I was among them. The tables were filled with happy, jolly women who had their own friends or club. We strangers felt out of place.
Just one smiled at me and asked if I had brought my work. I had no work but a had a very pretty quilt I had made- my first one, too.
I just swallowed that big lump in my throat and came home resolved to quilt making quilts with the Quilt Club Clorner. I am so disappointed that I can't even sign my right name so will just sign,
A Lost Sheep"
Now this "Lost Sheep" may feel very badly but she cannot feel half as badly as I do, for I know exactly what she experiences. When I was a little girl and first went to parties I had a miserable time. To begin with I had straight hair and three front teeth missing and every other little girl had curls and everybody else was having a good time. No one talked to me and I was so unhappy. Finally, I saw some more strange little girls come in and I noticed that even though they did not know any one when they came in they soon started to talk and have a good time. I tried the same idea and found that it worked.
I'm afraid it was my fault that the "Lost Sheep" did not enjoy herself. I want very much to meet all new comers and try to make them happy and feel at home. When I realized that I failed in this on Friday, it makes me very unhappy.
All of these women whom she saw having such a jolly time were strangers to each other before the Quilt Club Corner started, but they are so well acquainted now that you would think they had been lifelong friends.
Had I know that "Lost Sheep" had a quilt with her I would have asked he if she would let us hang it up for every one else to see for I know it would have been enjoyed.
The way they got acquainted was to walk right up and say "Hello" to some one. They were all strangers at first, Lost Sheep, and didn't wait to be introduced. I couldn't possibly have gone the rounds with everyone there. Instead, each one started to talk with her neighbor.
So Lost Sheep, won't you come again and walk right up to me and say I'm new here and I'll guarantee that in five minutes you'll begin to feel like an old time and will have met dozens of people. Also PLEASE bring the quilt.
Mrs. Harry Wells and Mrs. Fred Dye both came for the first time last Friday and Mrs. Wells had a crocheted spread she let us hang up, and Mrs. De a Yo-yo quilt that she was generous enough to exhibit.
Now a word to each and every one of you- my dear and loyal Quilt Club Corner friends. You can readily realize what a task it is for me to keep everyone busy and at the same time make notes of bits of news, take down names of new members and keep everybody happy. We don't want anyone feeling that she has not been welcome and does not want to come again.
Last Friday was our first time we did not have our big dish filled with candy. It was ordered but did not arrive until about five minutes after the Quilt Club meeting closed. But it is being take care of and you may count on seeing it on the red and white checked tablecloth next Friday.
If the Lost Sheep feels that I am the one at fault because she did not have a good time I hope that she will accept my apologies with the same sincerity in which I offer them. A feeling of lonesomeness is the last one I wish to create at our Club meetings and in order that this may be avoided in the future, may I count on each one of you playing hostess and helping make those who feel strange more at home?
You don't want me to receive another letter like this one- do you?
Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.
Detroit News Quilt History Project
Salser, Susan
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