Womenfolk 57. Hexagon, Honeycomb and Grandmother's Flower Garden

Breneman, Judy Anne
United States
This article from the website, is part of The History of Quilting Patterns essays. Before magazines and mail order patterns were widely available women shared them with each other. A pattern might have been mailed to a sister out west as well as given to the neighbor just down the road. The study of these patterns is an intriguing blend of fact and myth. Where did the names come from and when were they designed?
Click to view Hexagon quilts.
Click to view Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts.

The links in the pdf do not work. The book titles originally linked to pages in Amazon.

Here's the link for The Quilt Complex (which is now Julie Silber Quilts).

The link to the Free Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt can be found at the bottom of the page.

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