Womenfolk 13. Early America's Medallion Quilts with Multiple Borders

Breneman, Judy Anne
United States
This article from the website, is part of the Explore the Variety of Quilt Styles essays. Including the styles that you expect like Baltimore Album and Crazy Quilts and others that will surprise you.
The links in the pdf do not work. The book titles originally linked to pages in Amazon.

Here is the link for The Quilt Complex (which is now Julie Silber Quilts).

Baby quilts and even doll, broderie perse, Colonial Revival Medallion Quilt Pattern, Patterns from History for Doll & Baby Medallion Quilts, Colonial Women: Their Quilts and Quilting, and Pattern fro Medallion baby or doll quilt, can be found at the bottom of the page.

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