Covering the Carmelites
Gaston; Oregon; United States
When Oregon had its first case of Covid19 and there was a scramble for PPE, I knew that family and friends were at risk since they would not be able to get masks. I found a pattern for the surgical style mask on line. After studying the properties of the virus, I determined that the cotton fabric was not sufficient to filter the virus. I added a layer of fusible interfacing. Fortunately I had yards of a light weight interfacing left from a project. But no elastic. I settled on using strips of T-shirt fabric since it "curls" nicely to make a stretchable tie. I had also used strips of fleece for ties. Talking to people who used the "over the ear" elastic, I found that the elastic irritated the ears after a while. People using a mask all day found that the ties were more tolerable. I made masks for family, friends, postal workers and other essential people. A request came from a Carmelite Sister friend who works at a retirement care center for masks for the sisters and residents. I asked for suggestions and she said to make them colorful! If you have to wear them, then have fun with it! In all I made over 100 masks.
Carmelite Sisters modelling their masks.
Written by Yee, Kathy;Covid-19: Quilters Respond (2020)
Quilts and Health
Quilts and Health Documentation Project
Michigan State University
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