HomeNeedlecraft Creations-Decorator's Quilt Spread No. 7182

Mary Gasperik Legacy Project
United States
A kit quilt for an appliqued quilt.
Home Needlecraft Creations
"Decorator's Quilted Spread" No. 7182
Size 90" x 101"
Instructions for Working and Making

Cut all appliques on dotted line, turn on solid line except where another piece overlaps, and hem to corresponding number with thread to match. Embroider centers of flowers as follows: Short straight lines are made in dark blue, using three strands. The French knots are white, using four strands wrapped once around needle. Sew white bands to center as shown in above sketch and then applique colored border to white center. Press well and prepare for quilting as follows: Stretch lining same size as top on large quilting frames, cover with a smooth layer of cotton, place quilt on top and fasten well around edges. Quilt around all appliques on dotted lines with a small running stitche, using No. 50 thread. Quilt border in matching color. Finish edge with slip stitch.

Material required
White Lining 90" x 101"
Cotton for Padding
No. 50 Cotton for Quilting
1 Skein Each of Dark Blue and White 6 Strand Embroidery Cotton

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