Mother Goose Quilt Series - Pattern No. 15

September 1936
Detroit News Quilt History Project; Michigan State University Museum; Harriet Clarke
Detroit, Michigan, United States
The fifteenth pattern leaflet for the Mother Goose Quilt Series, Little Miss Muffet.
The Detroit News
Public Service Bureau
Radio Station WWJ The Home Newspaper Interior Decoration
Mother Goose Quilt Series
Mother Goose Quilt Series-Pattern No. 15
Little Miss Muffet

Miss Muffet certainly looks pretty scared but so would anyone if we saw a great big spider like that was coming toward us as fast as he could travel.

This may be worked out in an etching stitch in red, blue, green, or any plain color; or the whole block may be made in applique.

Miss Muffet might have a sprigged yellow dress and plain cap with a lace edge, her hair brown and her bowl blue. Of course, the horrid old spider should be black, and so should her shoes, and the stool may be brown.

This is also attractive in a combination of applique and solid embroidery. The spider, shoes, spoon and curds and whey may be solid embroidery and the face and arms etched, the rest being appliqued.

See general directions leaflet giving yardages and measurements of blocks, joining strips and borders of quilt.

Little Miss Muffet

1706 - ID95

Courtesy of The Detroit News Archives.

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