05-001; Woman in a Rocker, stitching

Janet E. Finley Collection of Quilt History Photographs
Black and White Photograph c. 1920s
Photographer: Unknown
Size: 4.5" x 7.5"

Quilting was so important in her life that she arranged to have this very elegant and formal portrait taken showing her seated in a rocking chair and sewing on her quilt. We don't know the elderly lady's name or where the picture was taken. Unfortunately, this photograph is not in color, but a safe assumption can be made that she is working on a red and white quilt. The quilt in the photo is a simple but visually effective One Patch, red and white squares in an alternating pattern.

-- With permission of the publisher, excerpted from Janet E. Finley, Quilts in EveryDay Life 1855-1955 (Schiffer Publishing, 2012).

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